Open Source .NET projects

Open Source .NET projects

Jeff Atwood 发布于: 2007-07-10 13:21

Project NameProject URLBrief Description
Ajax.NET Pro Professional (AjaxPro) is one of the first AJAX frameworks available for Microsoft ASP.NET and is working with .NET 1.1 and 2.0.
Anthem.NET library for ASP.NET 1.1 and 2.0.
Argotic .NET class library framework that enables developers to easily consume and generate web content syndication services from within their own applications. The framework makes reading and writing syndication data sources in common formats such as RSS, Atom, OPML, RSD, etc. very easy while still remaining powerful enough to handle the myriad of syndication extensions commonly in use today.
BlogEngine.NET engine
Castle Project framework for .NET/Enterprise Data Mapping framework/IOC Framework/AOP Framework
CMSNeed a URL for this - name too generic - Possibly Typo? 
Commerce Starter Kit 
CruiseControl.NEThttp://confluence..../CCNETContinuous integration server
CS-script scripting System (i.e uses C# as a script)
Cuyahoga is an open source .NET web site framework. It provides content management capabilities and has a modular approach.
dasBlog engine
Diva editing software for the Gnome desktop.
DockPanelSuite docking library for .Net Windows Forms development which mimics Visual Studio .Net.
DotNetNuke CMS
FileHelpers can strong type your flat file (fixed or delimited) simply describing a class that
maps to each record of the file and work with your file like a strong typed .NET array
Ibatis.NET iBATIS Data Mapper framework makes it easier to use a database with Java and .NET applications.
JayRock JSON and JSON-RPC for .NET
LinqToGeo is an extension project to SharpMap to provide Linq enabled GIS data access.
Log4Net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
Lucene.NET Port of Lucene (Java) - High Performance Full-Text Searching
MbUnit test framework
MsSQLSpatial Extensions for SQL Server 2005.
NAnt scripting language
NBusiness features an Entity Definition Language known as E# (E Sharp).
NCover coverage tool
NDoc generator
Net Tiers generation tool - simplify the tasks of creating customized Application Tiers
NetTopologySuite is intended as a direct-port of all the functionalities offered by JTS Topology Suite API
NGenerics Data structures and algorithms not provided for by the .NET framework. It covers a lot - graphs, trees, search trees, mathematical data structures (vectors, matrices, etc.), queues, sorting algorithms, algorithms that work on the different data structures (like Djikstra's algorithm on a graph), and other general data structures (bags, sets, skiplists, etc).
GShield Game rating monitor to allow parents to control which games are played on the computer.
NHibernate persistence framework - .NET Port from Java
NHibernate.Spatial extensions for NHibernate, allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially enabled database and manipulate geometries in HQL or in .NET code using NetTopologySuite
NProf statistical profiler for .NET applications.
NProfiler Profiling Tool for .NET
NUnit test framework
Paint.NET editor
PDFSharp is the Open Source library that easily creates PDF documents from any .NET language.
Prof-It is an easy-to-use standalone profiler for C# that measures execution frequencies for each statement while keeping the instrumentation of the source code to a minimum
Proj.NET".NET Projection Engine" - A .NET 2.0 library that performs point-to-point coordinate conversions between coordinate systems.
Report Manager 
Rhino.Mocks dynamic mock object framework for the .Net platform. It's purpose is to ease testing by allowing the developer to create mock implementations of custom objects and verify the interactions using unit testing.
RSS Bandit aggregator
Sandcastle Help File Builder 
ScrewTurnhttp://www.screwturn.euWiki engine
Selenium Remote Control Remote Control is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream javascript-enabled browser.
SharpMap is an easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications. It provides access to many types of GIS data, enables spatial querying of that data, and renders beautiful maps.
SharpZipLib Compression Library for .NET
SourceGrid Datagrid for WinForms apps
StructureMap Injection framework ... improve the architectural qualities of an object oriented system by reducing the mechanical costs of good design techniques. StructureMap can enable looser coupling between classes and their dependencies, improve the testability of a class structure, and provide generic flexibility mechanisms.
SubSonic* A Data Access Layer (DAL) builder that requires no code on your part, it builds itself at compile-time with a full object layer and strongly-typed collections
* A complete utility toolset, complete with Rails-like scaffolding, migrations (DB Versioning), and code generators
* A dynamic query tool, that lets you use SQL Server and the Enterprise Library without having to know SQL
* An OR Mapper that extends to views and stored procedures so you're not locked into the OR/M thing
Subtexthttp://subtextproject.comBlog Engine
Team Media Portal 
The + Game engine
TypeMock unit testing by allowing "faking" of other classes
World Wind Source Google Earth like app aimed at science and research rather than commercial applications
XP Common Controls 
ZedGraph for creating 2D line and bar graphs of arbitrary datasets.


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