WinSetupFromUSB – Install Windows XP from USB Flash Drive

WinSetupFromUSB – Install Windows XP from USB Flash Drive

Here is one of the ways to create a key USB bootable and install Windows XP since this key.
This is very useful especially for the users of Netbook but also for quite other user of computer without CD reader.

I am just going to reveal you the party creation of the key with Windows XP without addons but know that numerous options are possible as the addition of Linux, UBCD4WIN or Pack ice service.


To begin it will be needed you:

    * A key 2 or 4 GIG USB Pen Drive (1 Gig will do for XP)
    * A CD official Windows XP in desired version.
    * A computer containing a CD reader and a catch USB (to create the key USB of installation).
    * A computer on which they are going to install Windows.
    * And WinSetupFromUSB software.

It will be needed as as:

    * Your key USB can booter.
    * Your machine accepts kickoff since your key USB (prove in BIOS).
    * Your key is rather quick to avoid slowness during the installation of Windows XP.

Creation of the key USB with WinSetup 0.2.2

Download WinSetupFromUSB 0.2.2 (in English).

Download WinSetupFromUSB 0.2.2 (if the link below does not work)

Once downloaded, throw the installation of software and follow indications (by accepting the creation of a file). At the end of the installation, software is going to launch.

Here is what you acquire:

Therefore 6 stages, every stage is numbered on picture:

    * Stage 1: Insert your CD of Windows XP in the CD reader ROM of your computer and click on Browse
    * Stage 2: Give the way of destination on the PC in this window
    * Stage 3: Choose therefore your CD reader ROM in which is your CD of Windows XP and click on OK
    * Stage 4: Click on Refresh then go on the small arrow just to the left and choose the key USB which will serve you to booter XP
    * Stage 5: Choose Fixed
    * Stage 6: Here is everything is ready you have only to click on GO

Note: Wait for the end of the procedure of copy. Then close software (a message informs you when the copy is ended)

Installation of Windows XP

Let us pass to the installation of XP. Anything extraordinary if it is only it takes place in 3 stages:

    * At first connect up your key in your Netbook and go to BIOS
    * Then define your BIOS so that your PC boot on the key USB;
    * Once made, safeguard and reboot your PC;
    * There, you are going to have two lines of the menu GRUB;
    * The first one will be to choose the kickoff of the installation;
    * The second line will be of the installation and the first kickoff of Windows XP afterwards;
    * It will be necessary therefore to booter on the key USB until Windows XP are entirely installed.
    * Follow the instructions of installation for a normal installation

Now your Windows XP are installed with your key USB!

Creation of the key USB with WinSetupFromUSB 0.2.3

    * Download WinSetupFromUSB 0.2.3 (in English).
    * Once downloaded, throw the installation of software and follow indications (by accepting the creation of a file). At the end of the installation, click on the icon of WinSetupFromUSB , on the office.
    * WinSetupFromUSB starts.
          o In the first field, choose the file containing the files of installation of XP (the CD reader, in general) .
          o In the second field, choose your key USB or click on Refresh if it is still not present.
          o Prove that option Removable is chosen well, you must have parameters even what is more in picture below

* Click on RMPrepUSB .
          o Choose option NTFS .
          o Choose option Boot whizz HDD (2PTNS) .
          o Choose option XP Bootable (NTDLR) .
          o In finale, you must have the same regulatings as picture below:

* Click on Prepare Drive to format the key USB .
    * Click on OK for the following messages. The formatting of the key launches.

* The key USB is formated. Click on Exit to come back to the screen of WinSetupFromUSB .
    * Click on Browse and choose the way of the disc of installation of Windows XP .
    * In USB Disk Selection, choose your Key USB (press on Refresh if it is still not present).
    * In Force Target disk portray, choose Removable .
    * Click on GO to throw the copy on the key USB. Be patient;)

At the end, a message in English informs you who you will have to start on your key USB TWICE, in mode text (First Part of Windows XP setup) and in graphic mode (Second Leaves of Windows XP setup).
When the graphic mode of installation will be finished, you will be able to withdraw your key and start since the hard disk.

Installation of Windows XP

    * At first connect up your key in your computer and go to BIOS .
    * Define your BIOS so that your computer starts on the key USB.
    * Once made, safeguard and reboot your PC.
    * In the bootloader (GRUB4DOS) , choose Entrance .
    * Choose the first one left the installation (First Part of Windows XP setup) with the directional keys then validate with the Entered key.
    * After the copy of files, start a second time on the key USB and choose the second party (Second Part of Windows XP setup) .
    * Follow the instructions of installation for a normal installation.

Your Windows XP are installed!

Point out:

After an installation successfully, of Windows ask what to throw in kickoff (if no choice is performed Windows XP launch after the countdown of 30 seconds.)

Starting Please select the operating system to:

    * Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft
    * Starting USB Repair NOT to Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft

If you did not plan to use the second option, here is the procedure to be followed to start without countdown:

Open the boot.ini file in the root of the local hard disk (C: /) with the Notepad

[Boot Loader]timeout=30
[Operating Systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)WINDOWS=”USB Repair NOT to Start Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

Abolish this line below, be careful if not, Windows XP will not start any more!!

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)WINDOWS=”USB Repair NOT to Start Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect




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