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Test Plan - Platforms Allows you some kind sub testplan inside a main test plan. Have you ever wanted to execute a similar test plan on a different platform (hardware, operating system, browser etc)? This featureallows you to assign and execute test cases on different platforms. You can have different set of test cases for each platform - XML export/import of test cases and platforms links - XML export of testplan contents - Private Test plans Test Specification - Test cases version comparison - Private Test projects - Inventory - URL Links from external sites - Individual test case steps and expected results - Test case import more options for manage duplicate situations Execution - XML export of test cases sets - Test Case execution tester assignment at build level - Improvement on XML import - Search by Custom Fields Requirements - Fully support of N-level nested tree of requirements specifications. - Requirements relations - Requirements versioning - Requirements version comparison - Requirement freeze - URL Links from external sites - Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirements - Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirement Specs User Interface - Interactive tables Many features allows you to customize the data by sorting, reordering, grouping and filtering. This mean that you easily can adapt the views to better suit you. - Filter improvements Custom fields - for test cases and requirements values are managed at version level. Technology - PHP 5.3 support - Ext-JS intensive use User management - Administrator can set user passwords without sending it by email. Utilities (extra system) - XLS to XML generator for Test Cases and Requirements API - new methods



你是否正在用一些常见的测试框架例如JUnit来开发单元测试程序呢?JUnit是一个很好的单元测试框架, 但是有些事情实现起来还是不太容易。比如说把测试数据和测试代码分离,把测试结果记录到一个文件中,记录 一些日志信息到一个文件中…… Jetif被设计成满足以上的需求,提供大部分开发人员需要的功能,强大并且可伸缩的测试框架。 Jetif是一个用纯Java实现的回归测试框架。它为Java程序单元测试以及功能测试提供了一个简单而且可 伸缩的架构,可以用于个人开发或企业级开发的测试。它容易使用,功能强大,而且拥有一些企业级测试的 重要功能。Jetif来源于JUnit, JTestCase以及TestNG的启发,有几个基本的概念直接来自于JUnit, 比如说断言机制,Test Listener的概念,因此从JUnit转到Jetif是非常容易的。



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