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原创 Do a good support

As I have done project for half year, I am working in an internationalization company, and supporting for global customers. I learned a lot during this process. It has many difference with the develop

2007-04-13 01:56:00 496

转载 Java基础知识

  1、 关于java类中的缺省的构造器如果一个java类没有显式定义没有参数的构造器,将有一个默认缺省的构造器。如果定义了一个有参数的构造器,那么原来的缺省的构造器将不在有效。public class A{ }此时如果用 new A(); java编译器将使用缺省的构造器。public class A{ public A(int i){ }}如果此时用 new A(); 将产生一个编译错误,因为

2006-07-20 15:09:00 637

原创 Superclass variable reference with subclass object

A reference variable of a superclass can be assigned  a reference to any subclass derived from that superclass. You will find this aspect of inheritance quite useful in a variety of situations.And i

2006-06-07 14:35:00 742

原创 Static and Final of Java-from complete reference of Java

There will be times when you will want to define a class member that will be used independently of any object of that class. Normally a class member must be accessed only in conjunction with an object

2006-06-07 13:26:00 634

原创 Access control of java - from complete reference Java

As you know, encapsulation links data with the code that manipulates it. However, encapsulation provides another important attribute: access control. Through encapsulation, you can control what parts

2006-06-07 11:51:00 647

原创 argument passing in java

In generally, there are two ways that a computer language can pass an argument to a subroutine. The first way is call-by-value. This method copies the value of an argument into the formal parameter of

2006-06-06 17:21:00 796

原创 new operation in java - from the complete reference Java

In java, we can use new operator to dynamically allocates memory for an object, like this: class-var = new classname(); Here, class-var is a variable of the class type created. The classname is the na

2006-06-06 14:21:00 649

转载 测试资源:63个国外优秀测试站点链接

63个国外优秀测试站点链接http://bdonline.sqe.com/ 一个关于网站测试方面的网页,对这方面感兴趣的人可以参考 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/ 一个丰富的电子书库,内容很多,而且提供著作的相关文档参考和下载,是作者非常推荐的一个资料参考网站 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LoadRunner 性能测试工具LoadRu

2006-06-06 12:24:00 1014

转载 相对最完整的软件测试工具手册

1、 从测试功能上分(1) 单元测试针对不同语言,如JUNIT(2) 功级测试E—Test:功能强大,由于不是采用POST URL的方式回放脚本,所以可以支持多内码的测试数据(当然要程序支持),基本上可以应付大部分的WEB SITE。MI公司的WINRUNNERCOMPUWARE的QARUNRATIONAL的SQA ROBOT(3) 压力测试MI公司的WINLOADCOMPUWARE的QALOAD

2006-06-06 11:52:00 787

原创 Control Statements of Java -from The Complete Reference Java

Javaa program control statements can be put into three categories:1.selection statements : if and switch    if(condition) statement1;    else statement2;IF:    if-else    nested ifs    the if-e

2006-06-06 11:43:00 643

原创 why java does not support or allow pointers - from the complete reference java

    Java cannot allow pointers, because doing so would allow Java applets to breach the firewall between the java execution environment and the host computer.     A pointer can be given any addres i

2006-06-06 09:29:00 586



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