
下面的例子是采用.NET 的winform窗口编程,同样适用于web开发.例子功能是查找测点,并读取选中测点的当前值.


  1. 第一步

打开 VisualStudio.NET 选择新建winform 窗体.

  1. 第二步


  1. 选择4个 Label 显示文字分别是"Server:" "Tagname:" "Timestamp:" "value:"
  2. 选择四个 TextBox ,名字分别是textBox1 textBox2 textBox3 textBox4.
  3. 默认文本框内容如上图.
  4. 新建2个 Button ,名字是 button1, button2.显示文本参考上图.
  1. 第三步











  1. 第四步



public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form



// Global Data



      PISDKDlg.ApplicationObject g_SDKDlgAppObject;   // PISDK dialog app. object

Return to the Form1_Load function and enter the following code:

      private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)



// Create the SDK object here. That will give the program the

//    benefits of caching of servers and points.

// Also create the PISDK Dialogs Application object so we can use

//    Tag Search.


         try {

            g_SDK = new PISDK.PISDKClass();

            g_SDKDlgAppObject = new PISDKDlg.ApplicationObjectClass();

         }catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comExc){

            MessageBox.Show(comExc.Message,comExc.ErrorCode + " Error",





  1. 第五步

为"Tag Search"按钮编写代码.

      private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {


// Display the Tag Search dialog and fill out the form with the result


      PISDKDlg.TagSearch myTagSearch;        // PISDK Tag search display object

      PISDK._PointList myPointList;         // point list returned from tag search

      PISDKCommon.NamedValues nvsSelServers; // Namedvalues collection of servers

      PISDKDlg.TagSearchOptions tsOptions;   // tag search dialog options

      object valInx;                         // Variant for index

      object strObject;                      // Variant for string


      myTagSearch = g_SDKDlgAppObject.TagSearch;


// Pass the server that is in textBox1 as a default.

// Only allow a single tag to be selected.


      nvsSelServers = new PISDKCommon.NamedValuesClass();

      strObject = textBox1.Text;

      nvsSelServers.Add(textBox1.Text,ref strObject);

      tsOptions = PISDKDlg.TagSearchOptions.tsoptSingleSelect;

      myPointList = myTagSearch.Show(nvsSelServers,tsOptions);

      if (0 != myPointList.Count) {

         valInx = 1;


// Get Server name


         textBox1.Text = myPointList.get_Item(ref valInx).Parent.Name;


// Get Tag name


         textBox2.Text = myPointList.get_Item(ref valInx).Name;



The declarations define each PISDK COM object you need in this function as well as a couple of temporary variables (valInx and strObject) you need to pass VARIANTS to COM methods.

      PISDKDlg.TagSearch myTagSearch;        // PISDK Tag search display object

      PISDK._PointList myPointList;         // point list returned from tag search

      PISDKCommon.NamedValues nvsSelServers; // Namedvalues collection of servers

      PISDKDlg.TagSearchOptions tsOptions;   // tag search dialog options

      object valInx;                         // Variant for index

      object strObject;                      // Variant for string

First the Tag Search Dialog object (myTagSearch) is created from the PISDK Dialogs Application object created in the Form1_Load method.

myTagSearch = g_SDKDlgAppObject.TagSearch;

Next a NamedValues collection is created to pass in the Server name in textBox1. This will be used as the default Server in the Tag Search dialog.

nvsSelServers = new PISDKCommon.NamedValuesClass();

The Add method of a NamedValues collection requires a pointer to a VARIANT for the value of the NamedValue being added. In .NET this must be passed as a reference to an object. The name of the Server is assigned to the strObject variable and then the Server is added to the NamedValues collection (nvsSelServers).

strObject = textBox1.Text;

nvsSelServers.Add(textBox1.Text,ref strObject);

The Tag Search options are set to restrict the number of tags returned to one.

tsOptions = PISDKDlg.TagSearchOptions.tsoptSingleSelect;

Finally, the Tag Search dialog is displayed.

myPointList = myTagSearch.Show(nvsSelServers,tsOptions);

The Tag Search dialog returns a PointList. Next the list is checked to see if it has a tag in it. If so, the Server name is written to textBox1 and the tag name is written to textBox2.

if (0 != myPointList.Count) {

valInx = 1;


// Get Server name


textBox1.Text = myPointList.get_Item(ref valInx).Parent.Name;


// Get Tag name


textBox2.Text = myPointList.get_Item(ref valInx).Name;


  1. 第六步

为"Get Value"编写代码:

      private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {


//  Get the snapshot value of the tag in textBox2 from the server

//    in textBox1


      PISDK.Server myServer;     // server object from the name in textBox1

      PISDK.PIPoints myPoints;   // PIPoints collection of server

      PISDK.PIPoint snapPoint;   // point from the name in textBox2

      PISDK.PIValue myValue;     // snapshot value


      if (textBox1.Text.Equals("")) {

         MessageBox.Show("No server entered.","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,



         if (textBox2.Text.Equals("")) {

            MessageBox.Show("No tag entered.","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,



            try {

               myServer = g_SDK.Servers[textBox1.Text];

               myPoints = myServer.PIPoints;

               snapPoint = myPoints[textBox2.Text];

               myValue = snapPoint.Data.Snapshot;

               textBox3.Text = myValue.TimeStamp.LocalDate.ToString();


// Check to see if we got a digital state back


               if (myValue.Value.GetType().IsCOMObject) {

                  PISDK.DigitalState myDigState;

                  myDigState = (PISDK.DigitalState) myValue.Value;

                  textBox4.Text = myDigState.Name;


                  textBox4.Text = myValue.Value.ToString();


            }catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comExc) {

               MessageBox.Show(comExc.Message,comExc.ErrorCode + " Error",






The declarations define each PISDK COM object we need in this function.

PISDK.Server myServer; // server object from the name in textBox1

PISDK.PIPoints myPoints; // PIPoints collection of server

PISDK.PIPoint snapPoint; // point from the name in textBox2

PISDK.PIValue myValue; // snapshot value

The first thing the function does is check for a blank Server or Tagname, displaying an error dialog and then exiting the function.

if (textBox1.Text.Equals("")) {

MessageBox.Show("No server entered.","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,



if (textBox2.Text.Equals("")) {

MessageBox.Show("No tag entered.","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,


Next, a try/catch block is entered so any errors thrown by the SDK calls can be caught, and a dialog box with the error displayed.

try {


}catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comExc) {

MessageBox.Show(comExc.Message,comExc.ErrorCode + " Error",



Within the try portion of the block, the Server specified in textBox1 is retrieved from the Servers collection of the PISDK object.

myServer = g_SDK.Servers[textBox1.Text];

Then the PIPoints collection of that Server is obtained.

myPoints = myServer.PIPoints;

Next, the PIPoint specified in textBox2 is retrieved from the PIPoints collection.

snapPoint = myPoints[textBox2.Text];

Next, the snapshot value of the PIPoint is retrieved from the Server.

myValue = snapPoint.Data.Snapshot;

The time stamp of the PIValue is written to textBox3.

textBox3.Text = myValue.TimeStamp.LocalDate.ToString();

The Value may be a number or a DigitalState SDK object, so that is checked for next.

if (myValue.Value.GetType().IsCOMObject) {

If it is a digital state, the Value is _cast to a DigitalState and the value written to textBox4.

PISDK.DigitalState myDigState;

myDigState = (PISDK.DigitalState) myValue.Value;

textBox4.Text = myDigState.Name;

If it is not a DigitalState, the Value is written to textBox4 as a number.

textBox4.Text = myValue.Value.ToString();

PI数据库开发SDK例程 The introduction provides an architectural overview of how the PI-SDK fits into various programming environments. A description and simplified view of the PI-SDK object model is also presented. What Is the PI-SDK? The PI Software Development Kit (PI-SDK) is a programming tool providing access to PI Servers. The software consists of an ActiveX in-process server, an ActiveX control, and supporting code libraries. The kit comes with online documentation, example code, various support files, and tools. The PI-SDK runs on 32-bit Windows platforms and provides access to servers on all PI platforms. Based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM), the PI-SDK can be used with most WIN32 programming environments. The kit is particularly well integrated with Microsoft Visual Basic providing rapid development and deployment of PI applications. The PI-SDK provides an object-oriented approach to program interaction with PI Systems. It delivers a hierarchical model of objects and collections representing the components of PI Servers. This approach provides for intuitive and efficient access. What Documentation Is Provided? The PI-SDK User Guide and the PI-SDK Programming Reference are the primary sources for information related to the PI-SDK. Both are incorporated in the online help system. A version of the user guide in MS Word format is also installed during the setup for printing or for use in training programs. Programming Reference Detailed programming references for properties and methods of each object in the PI-SDK and the PI-SDK Control and Dialogs are available in online help. Most methods provide an example of their usage in Visual Basic. Other code examples, including examples of calling the PI-SDK




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