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转载 Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect

Server.Transfer Vs. Response.RedirectBy Karl MooreIf you read a lot of industry magazines and ASP.NET code samples, you may find that, although the majority use Response.Redirect to send the user

2004-08-24 20:20:00 1323

原创 lacl网站建设意见草稿v0823


2004-08-23 17:55:00 1436

原创 lacl网站建设意见草稿

1,fwlink模块为避免局部局部变动造成其他连接失效,仿效msn和yahoo做法,做一个fwlink模块。连接其他模块的地址,不应该使用直接填写地址,应该通过fwlink转到。比如学生机主页应该设置为形如http:// ,,避免直接些真实地址http://。这点,也应该应用在对ns、tmt的

2004-08-22 20:17:00 1570 3

原创 幸福的存在


2004-08-19 15:13:00 1461 1

原创 google logos

google logo真实有趣。嘿嘿,收藏起来。我收藏的,http://photo.163.com/openalbum.php?username=ncowboy&_dir=%2F2501827?。今天新增加了一个,举重的。http://photo.163.com/openpic.php?username=ncowboy&pid=42323795&_dir=%2F2501827

2004-08-19 11:57:00 1499

原创 What's New in C# 2.0

With the release of Visual Studio 2005, the C# language has been updated to version 2.0.Generics (C#) Generic types are added to the language to enable programmers to achieve a high level of cod

2004-08-18 16:53:00 1727 1

原创 Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Beta 1 Manual Download Instructions

Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Beta 1 Manual Download InstructionsPlease read the following before you continue: It is highly recommended that you first try using the automated Web installer.

2004-08-18 16:25:00 3401

原创 What's New in the .NET Framework 2.0 Beta

The .NET Framework version 2.0 Beta extends the .NET Framework version 1.1 with new features, improvements to existing features, and enhancements to the documentation. This section provides informat

2004-08-18 14:41:00 3338

原创 Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta 1 Manual Setup Instructions

Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta 1 Manual Setup InstructionsPlease read the following before you continue: It is highly recommended that you first try using the automated Web ins

2004-08-18 13:33:00 2531 1

原创 Implementing Reverse Proxy in Squid

Implementing Reverse Proxy in SquidIntroduction This document describes reverse proxies, and how they are used to improve Web server performance. Section 1 gives an introduction to reverse proxies, de

2004-08-14 20:17:00 3476 3

原创 更改squid的错误信息语言种类

更改squid的错误信息语言种类在redhat as三中,看下错误页面的语言种类是怎么设置的:[root@lacl-001 squid]# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf|grep error_directory# TAG: error_directory#error_directory /etc/squid/errors# error_directory /etc/squid

2004-08-14 20:16:00 2348

原创 如何在linux下进行ADSL拨号


2004-08-14 20:15:00 3985 3

原创 .Net里的哈希表和串行化


2004-08-14 20:15:00 1333 1

原创 防火墙默认规则

防火墙默认规则[root@ec-server root]# less /etc/sysconfig/iptables.Default # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.6a on Wed Nov 12 22:48:42 2003 *mangle :PREROUTING ACCEPT [737:337369] :INPUT ACCEPT [713:327263] :

2004-08-14 20:09:00 1855

原创 透明代理(没有任何过滤)

透明代理(没有任何过滤)[root@ec-server root]# less /etc/sysconfig/iptables.TransparentProxy # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.6a on Thu Nov 13 12:48:58 2003 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [164:16691] :POSTROUTING ACCEP

2004-08-14 20:09:00 1159 1

原创 收藏Code: Printing a DataGrid (Visual C#)

Code: Printing a DataGrid (Visual C#) This example demonstrates printing a DataGrid control. Example private void printGrid_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) printDocument1.Print(); priv

2004-08-14 20:02:00 1032

原创 DB2个人版(Linux)安装

DB2个人版(Linux)安装 cowboy(zizhao_chen@yahoo.com) the fe of swust 2003-10-23 关键字: db2 linux 安装 摘要: 本文简略的介绍了db2 pe在linux系统上的安装过程。 目录: DB2 PE简介 或者安装文件 准备安装环境 完成安装 测试 结论 资源 DB2 PE简介 DB2 Personal Edition(DB2

2004-08-14 20:00:00 1570 1

原创 通过odbc,c#连接pg数据库

通过odbc,c#连接pg数据库using System;namespace Test{    class mainClass    {        static void Main()            {                System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn=new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection();

2004-08-14 19:59:00 2258 3



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