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Perl 6 Essentials.chm

学习perl 的经典书籍之一! Perl 6 Essentials is the first book that offers a peek into the next major version of the Perl language. Written by members of the Perl 6 core development team, the book covers the development not only of Perl 6 syntax but also Parrot, the language-independent interpreter developed as part of the Perl 6 design strategy. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of Perl. It will satisfy their curiosity and show how changes in the language will make it more powerful and easier to use.






This HOWTO flips between a gentle introduction (which will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy now, but unprotected in the Real World) and raw full-disclosure (which would leave all but the hardiest souls confused, paranoid and seeking heavy weaponry). Your network is not secure. The problem of allowing rapid, convenient communication while restricting its use to good, and not evil intents is congruent to other intractable problems such as allowing free speech while disallowing a call of ‘‘Fire!’’ in a crowded theater. It will not be solved in the space of this HOWTO. So only you can decide where the compromise will be. I will try to instruct you in the use of some of the tools available and some vulnerabilities to be aware of, in the hope that you will use them for good, and not evil purposes. Another equivalent problem.



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