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If you have Intel® AMT 11.6 or above, you can load MeshCommander directly Intel AMT replacing the default web page. This allows you to manage a computer remotely without any special tools, just a web browser.



This open source WebRTC data channel stack is built in pure portable C code and has C# bindings along with a full C# sample application. Using this, you can add WebRTC data connection capability to most native applications. The stack makes use of OpenSSL for security and dTLS. It's a great way to learn about how WebRTC works or for advanced developers, use it to make native and web applications work together over the Internet.



The Developer Tools for UPnP™ Technologies is a set of development and reference tools for creating software that is compatible with the UPnP specifications. These tools includes generic devices and control points, stack generation tools and UPnP AV debug and reference tools. Most of the tools are written in C# but small C/C++ stack can also be generated. This project is open source under the Apache 2.0 license. These tools are not by themselves compliant with the UPnP specification since they have never been on their own tested to pass the tests of the UPnP Forum. While there is no guaranty, these tools should be helpful to developers and testers building solutions that are compatible or can be certified to be UPnP compliant. In all, there are over 10 tools in this package that range from low-level debugging to full reference tools.



Active Management This is the full book Active Platform Management Demystified: Unleaching the power of Intel™ vPro Technology written by Arvind Kumar, Purushottam Goel, and Ylian Saint-Hilaire in 2009. Active Platform Management Demystified describes the manageability and security features in PCs equipped with Intel® vPro™ Technology which includes Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT). It "goes into detail about how Intel® AMT eases the burden of maintaining, managing and protecting PCs in both the Enterprise and Small Business environments" according to Christoph Graham, Hewlett-Packard Technical Strategist, and "will be very useful to anyone delivering Intel® AMT solutions."


Micro Local Management Service

This is an alternative "Local Management Service" (LMS) for Intel AMT. If provides the very basic function of relaying localhost port 16992 & 16993 to Intel(R) AMT, but also offers a web server on port 16994 with a local version of Web Commander hosted there. To use:



This open source tools makes it easier to internationalize .NET application into many languages. This tool will parse all of the resources files (.resx) in a complete directory tree and generate a full dictionary of all of the strings in many languages. This tools can then be used to translate the strings or export and import them in other formats. We also support Google Translate to make it easy to get started with translations. Once done, simply point the tool back at a parent folder and strings will be re-injected back into resource files. If translations in a new language exist, new resource files will be created automaticaly. In the past, this tool has been used to internationalize projects into English, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean... with a little Hebrew to check right to left support. This tool can also help non-developers translate other projects without having to deal with any code. Of course, all language strings in a project have to be correctly placed into resources files. If code is poorly written from an internalization perspective, this tool will not help. For example, no source code files are ever changed. This tool makes use of .NET version 3.5 because it uses a new text control that allows for spell checking.


Open ManageabilityDeveloperToolKit

Open MDTK A set of open source tools for management for computer that support Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) . This package includes many tools and source code for developers interested in building their own application or users who want to learn about Intel AMT. It's internationalized into English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and French thanks to community support. The source is compiled using Visual Studio 2010 and all of the tools will run in true 64bit on platforms that support it. When possible, these tools have also been enhanced to make use of the peer-to-peer networking system also available on this site. Note that the MDTK is being replaced with MeshCommander as part of work to make Intel® AMT more web friendly.



Below, we have a new version of Manageability Commander that is fully written in JavaScript and uses a new WSMAN stack, redirection stack along with remote desktop and remote terminal libraries. You can use this new version as-is or can download the source code and samples to build your own web based Intel AMT tools. Also look at the overview presentation and screen shots. If you have Intel AMT 11.6+, take a look at the firmware version


MeshCommander UserGuide

MeshCommander In an effort to make Intel® AMT easier to use, to support cross platform and over the Internet usages, we are building a new version of the MDTK that is fully written in JavaScript. There are many advantages in doing this, but above all, it just makes a lot of sense. With HTML5 being very capable, it's a lot easier for administrators to use web applications that interact with Intel AMT within a browser, making the local installation of tools a thing of the past in some cases.



MeshCentral Connect to your home or office devices from anywhere in the world using MeshCentral, the remote monitoring and management web site. You will need to download and install a special management agent on your computers. Once installed, each mesh enabled computer will show up in the "My Devices" section of the web site and will be able to monitor them, power them on and off and take control of them. You can download and install the MeshCentral server on your own machine and start managing computers. This is beta code. If you are not familiar with MeshCentral, try the older version one at MeshCentral.com. On this page, we offer version 2 written in NodeJS. The server can be installed on Linux and Windows computers. It will run on a Raspberry Pi very well.


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