也谈在Windows 95下加装Dos 6.22及Windows 3.X (5年前写的,怀一下旧)

也谈在Windows 95下加装Dos 6.22及Windows 3.X

    虽然Windows 95已普遍使用,但由于种种原因,有时还是需要使用DOS 6.22及Windows 3.X。然而很多机器买来时预装的操作系统一般是Windows 95,而没有DOS 6.22及Windows 3.X。有一些文章谈到过这一问题,但一般来说加装DOS 6.22的目的是为了使用Windows 3.X,并用不到DOS 6.22附带的应用程序(而且在Windows 95下使用这些程序还有可能破坏Windows 95的系统文件),因此只需加装DOS 6.22的三个启动文件即可。笔者经实践得到一种简便方法。
    第一步:在Windows 95下将DOS 6.22启动盘(或安装盘)上的三个文件io.sys ,msdos.sys,command.com 的扩展名均改为dos,然后直接Copy到C盘根目录下。第二步:编辑Windows 95的msdos.sys,加上如下两项:BootMulti=1,BootMenu=1。只需经过这两步就可实现双重启动了。
    重新启动,出现启动菜单后,即可选择进入Windows 95还是进入以前的DOS版本(即DOS 6.22)。进入DOS 6.22后,即可像以前一样安装Windows 3.X。若要使用光驱,还要配置config.sys和autoexec.bat两个文件。为了与原来Windows 95的这两个配置文件分开,先将根目录下的这两个文件(实际上目前的这两个文件是Windows 95的,而不是刚装上去的DOS 6.22的)改名为config.w40和autoexec.w40。再重新建立两个新文件config.sys和autoexec.bat,配置光驱的驱动程序,重启动后,即可在DOS 6.22下使用光驱。此种方法笔者在中西文Windows 95、97、98下均试用通过。


wing 你懂的不懂也不会下了。 Microsoft WinG version 1.0 -------------------------- This file describes known bugs, gotchas, and helpful hints for the WinG Version 1.0 final release. ISVs may want to distribute portions of this readme file that describe configuration bugs along with shipping products that use WinG. WinG version 1.0 provides fast DIB-to-screen blts under Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows NT version 3.5. WinG will not run on Windows NT version 3.1 or on earlier versions of Windows. WinG requires a 386 or better processor to run. WinG will not run on a 286. If you have problems with WinG, please run the wingbug.exe file in the bin directory of the SDK and send the generated report to wingbug@microsoft.com. Updated information on WinG is available on CompuServe in the WINMM forum and on ftp.microsoft.com. Known Bugs And Limitations -------------------------- The following are known problems with or useful tidbits of information about WinG version 1.0. - On Windows 3.1, WinGBitmaps must be 8 bits per pixel and must be created with full 256 entry color tables. - WinGDCs are NOT palette devices. You must change their color tables using WinGSetDIBColorTable, not SelectPalette. - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt only support bltting from WinGDCs to the screen. - Using BitBlt and StretchBlt to blt from one WinGDC to another can be very slow when a clipping region has been selected into the destination. - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt may return different values than StretchDIBits for identical blts. - A few GDI APIs do not work correctly with WinGDCs: StretchDIBits will not blt 24bpp and 16bpp DIBs into an 8bpp WinGDC. FloodFill with a NULL brush draws incorrectly FloodFill outside of the bounds of a WinGBitmap can flood the entire image Brushes created with CreatePatternBrush with a WinGBitmap fault when selected into a WinGDC on Win3x - use CreateBitmap(8,8,1,8,0) DrawIcon will crash




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