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转载 What happens when you type a URL in browser
原文地址见http://edusagar.com/articles/view/70/What-happens-when-you-type-a-URL-in-browser Apart from being a very common interview question, this is one of the very first query which lingers around in o...
2014-11-29 14:35:00 950
原创 CentOS yum install出现问题,Could not open/read file:///mnt/cdrom/repodata/repomd.xml
[root@host-10-0-0-9 ~]# yum install httpd Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile file:///mnt/cdrom/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] Could not open/read
2014-11-20 15:15:02 18717
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