Ajax 或者Flash做的个人门户和WEBOS

Ajax 或者Flash做的个人门户和WEBOS
  • : Pastel blue on light gray. available in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Croatian and Hindi. Modules: Box.net storage with MP3's player, gmail, Yahoo mail, Ical, Weather, Social applications(Flickr, Digg, Blogmarks, webnote, writly...) RSS/ATOM feedreader with OMPL import. Demo available. Works in Safari. [blog]
  • (Flash): Looks a bit like the Mac OS X desktop theme with it's dock, see the screenshots. Has a lot of applications like mail management, calendar(drag and drop events!), games...with KDE Linux theme icons. All Flash-based work in Safari. Demo available. [blog]
  • : Pastel blue on white. Is now being used as "an incubation project", mostly to test ideas for live.com. Expand/collapse modules: Feeds, weather, stock, horoscope, click, shopping and some photo modules. Does not work in Safari. Demo available. [blog][via]
  • with user made module you can submit and rate here: Gadgets gallery. You can feel it's Microsoft, and it's blue. See Windows Live 8 Years Ago by Pinoy Tech Blog. Demo available. Does not work in Safari.[Blog]
  • : Very 'bright' page, has 5 pastel color settings. Expand/collaps modules: Feeds, Notes, Flick slidshow and bookmkarks. Previous icon: icon. No demo available. Works in Safari [review]
  • : Has 8 pastel themes. Does not work in Safari.
  • : What can I say? Google style with user made module you can submit and rate here: Google Modules Gallery or HotModules. Works in Safari.
  • : Tabbed interface, a bit darker than pastel. Has support for many social applications, see the module Gallery. Does not work in Safari.
  • (flash): All blue, has nothing to do with the icon. Demo available.[review][blog]
  • : Original design with bright colors where the blocks can overlap each other. The old icon used to be like this: Does not work in Safari, but you can get the feeling. Demo available. [Blog]
  • BACKBASE: Sober and clean interface. Double click exapnd/collapse maodules. Weather, Horoscope, Email(AOL/Yahoo/Hotmail), Custom portofolio(sortable table)web search. Does not work in Safari.
  • Inbox.com: Multi service, 2GB Webmail(Access Multiple POP3 Accounts), Search, Storage, Calendar, Notes and more, has colorful blocks of 6 different colors. Seems to work in Safari.
  • ItsAStart: An other pastel style with expande/collaps modules. Weather, bookmarks, Google search, clock, Notes and Feeds. Demo available. Seems to work in Safari.
  • Fold: Has shut down.
  • LinkedFeed: Blue and orange theme with round corners. Weather, TV guid, Search, Notepad, Feeds, Pop mail support. Possibility to add pages. Does not work in Safari. [review][blog]
  • : Social startpage using personal URLs. (eg 3spots.magnoto.com.) Represented as stickies on a fridge( think 'magnet'), modules can overlap. File upload for background, photos, audio, videos and lots of fridge decoration. Notes, XMl Feed for each page. Possibility to add pages. Demo available. There's also a German version: Magnoto.de. Works in Safari.[blog]
  • My Yahoo!: Now has drag and drop! And a lots of themes Works in Safari. Feeds, Yahoo mail, Yahoo search, Yahoo directory... Yahoo modules. Possibility to add pages.
  • Smiley Today: Startpage for kids with weather, celebrity news, Bookmarks, Horascope, polls, smileys... and web search. Demo available.
  • mon.itor.us: Is a website statistical tool with tabbed interface, expand collaps modules: notes, todo, Address book, Feeds and Statistics(up time, graphs...). Uses natural colors with round corners and tags. Possibility to add pages. Demo video available. [blog]
  • : A wiki style community portal with drag and drop modules, like an advanced public startpage with RSS feeds with rating, photos, WYSIWYG Note editor, Group Blog, Bookmarks, mashup search/keyword trackers, a custom clipping bookmarklet for each url and Customizable OPML comming soon. Simple and clear interface with round corners. Sober square and dark gray style. Demos: thexy are all public [example]. Drag and drop does not work in Safari.
  • Yoosi: NEW Sober light grey with colorful icons and expande/collaps modules. Feeds, weather, mail, package tracker, todo, notes, Mail(gamil/Yahoo/Hotmail) support and lets you create your costum module. Pre made version has del.icio.us, digg...feeds. Demo available. [screenshot]
  • HomePortals: No drag and drop, Tabbed interface and has a weblog. Social and very customizable, each module can have it's own CSS style. Possibility to add pages. Works in Safari.
  • My Earthlink.net: NEW! Mainly black, grey and white. Modules are drag and droppable but editing is not in-page. Modules: Earthlink email, weather, horoscope... has an edit layout like My Yahoo.
  • Moogelet: NEW! Experimantal ajax startpage by freewebsfarms with digg, a calendar and web search modules, available also for download.

Non-English Startpages:

  • dodoor.cn: Chinese with drag and drop and a slideshow. [info]
  • : Swedish, Non-profit. No drag and drop. Ichigo means strawberry in Japanese but I don't think it's got anything to do with it: the interface is black and white. [blog]
  • MyHommy: Israeli. Pastel! Soft blue, light grey stripes with round corners. Does not work in Safari.
  • startowy Polish with colorfull blocks. Works in Safari.
  • : Serious black, blue and grey, no drag and drop. Reminds me of Microsoft.
  • StartForce: Japanese Ajax desktop. [info]
  • My Potu!: NEW: Chinese. Ressembles dodoor, RSS news, Gmail, weather, support for social photos services
  • okrss NEW light bleu and grey for RSS
  • Blogcool: Chinese RSS reader startpage


  • YouOs: NEW! WebOS like startpage with chat, rich text editor, mail, rss reader, mp3... and even a shell.
  • XIN: NEW! Closed beta. Ajax WebOS
  • WinLIKE: WebOS. Has a list of all the site useing it.
  • WebOS: for download.
  • Twinklefish: WebOS. To come
  • Desktop Two: NEW! WebOS [via]

Other startpage web apps:

  • 24eyes: A RSS dashboard with drag and drop. Does not work in Safari.
  • Online Dictionary: Has a RSS startpage with tabs and drag and drop.
  • Surfninja: Ajax drag and drop bookmark icon startpage
  • Philter's RSS News Portal: [RSS 0.91]. Free, no login, Flash RSS reader with drag and drop
  • Posticky: Notes Startpage with drag and drop. [screenshot]
  • MyLinkVault: Bookmark startpage with drag and drop [info]
  • Xilin.us: Online social bookmarks with drang and drop for sorting.
  • Yourlivewire: RSS startpage
  • Colib: Startpage that lets you list anything, Your books, music & videos tagged, shared and sorted.
  • Etamp.net: Ajax Feed startpage, aggregator and discovery service that can also let you view only images, quite nice for browsing sites like Gizmodo and Engadget, worth checking out. NB: The icon is not the favicon, it's the logo, lookes nice, no? (thanks to a comment.)
  • salesforce.com: Office for mobiles. IT|Redux uses it as an startpage.
  • Dashboardhq: NEW Private Bookmarks and notes startpage, has a special mode that enables drag and drop. [+30/06/06]

Drag and drop webapps:





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