Flex tree 节点遍历的方法

JScript code

/* *
* This method will traverse a Tree's model independent of it's
* type.
* <p>Note :: This method may look long and arduous but, rest assured
* it has all the checks to perform like a champ. Also, you 'could'
* refactor part of this method but, for the sake of explanation, I
* kept it all in one place.</p>
* <p>Remember, I had coupled the model to this method by tracing
* @label, obviously you do not need to do this. The intention of
* this example is to show you that the dataDescriptor seperates
* the models type and is awesome. It enables you to create a tight
* method like this without type checks on the model.</p>
* @param tree The Tree instance that will be examined by the method.
* @param item An item found in the dataProvider of the Tree passed in.
* @param startAtParent A boolean that determines if the method upon
* initialization will back up one leve3l to the item passed in and
* start it's recursion at the item's parent node.
function walkTree(tree:Tree, item:Object, startAtParent:Boolean = false ): void
// get the Tree's data descriptor
var descriptor:ITreeDataDescriptor = tree.dataDescriptor;
var cursor:IViewCursor;

var parentItem:Object;
var childItem:Object;
var childItems:Object;

// if the item is null, stop
if (item == null )
return ;

// do we back up one level to the item's parent
if (startAtParent)
// get the parent
parentItem = tree.getParentItem(item);
// is the parent real
if (parentItem)
" |-- Parent Node " , parentItem[tree.labelField]);
// if the parent is a branch
if (descriptor.isBranch(parentItem))
// if the branch has children to run through
if (descriptor.hasChildren(parentItem))
// get the children of the branch
// this part of the algorithm contains the item
// passed
childItems = descriptor.getChildren(parentItem);
// if the branch has valid child items
if (childItems)
// create our back step cursor
cursor = childItems.createCursor();
// loop through the items parent's children (item)
while ( ! cursor.afterLast)
// get the current child item
childItem = cursor.current;
var label:String = childItem[tree.labelField];
var branch:Boolean = descriptor.isBranch(childItem);

// good place for a custom method()
trace( " Sibling Nodes :: " , label, " Is Branch :: " , branch);

// if the child item is a branch
if (descriptor.isBranch(childItem))
// traverse the childs branch all the way down
// before returning
walkTree(tree, childItem);
// do it again!
else // we don't want the parent OR this is the second iteration
// if we are a branch
if (descriptor.isBranch(item))
// if the branch has children to run through
if (descriptor.hasChildren(item))
// get the children of the branch
childItems = descriptor.getChildren(item);

// if the child items exist
if (childItems)
// create our cursor pointer
cursor = childItems.createCursor();
// loop through all of the children
// if one of these children are a branch we will recurse
while ( ! cursor.afterLast)
// get the current child item
childItem = cursor.current;

var label:String = childItem[tree.labelField];
var branch:Boolean = descriptor.isBranch(childItem);

// good place for a custom method()
trace( " -- Sub Node :: " , label, " Is Branch :: " , branch);

// if the child item is a branch
if (descriptor.isBranch(childItem))
// traverse the childs branch all the way down
// before returning
walkTree(tree, childItem);
// check the next child





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