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原创 6/21 BitTorrent
BitTorrent protocol is a file protocol bypeer-to-peer.The tracker computer is the users who provide the files.The tracker need to make a seed to be amedium that others can connect the tracker by the seed.The hashing function is contained in the torrent f..
2020-06-21 19:22:53 112
原创 6/4 work
1.Explain the concept of serial file organization. The records would enter the file in chronological order,so the file don't need to ordering the records. 2.Explain the concept of sequential file organization. 3. Explain the concept of direct-access .
2020-06-04 18:42:45 189
原创 6/1 work
1.whyareuser-defineddatatypesnecessary? For make the program more understandable and less error-prone. 2.whatiscompositedatatype?whatisnon-compositedatatype?
2020-06-01 10:24:38 196 2
原创 What is DDOS
The full name of DDOS isDistributed Denial Of Service attack,a kind ofnetwork attack ways.Attackers can from many positions and attack one or many services at the same time.It takes advantage of some drawbacks of network protocol and operating system, us..
2020-06-01 10:09:27 233
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