






sociable a 爱社交的(soc+iable)

social a 社会的

socialism n 社会主义(social+ism主义)

sociality n 爱交际(social+ity)

society n 社会,社团

sociology n 社会学(soc+io+logy学科)

associate v 联合;联想(as加强+soc+iate→成为社团→联合)

association n 社团;联合(associate+ion)

consociate a 联合的(con共同+soc+iate→成为同一社会→联合的)

dissociate v 分离;断绝关系(dis分开+soci+ate→伙伴分开→分离)

scend, scens, scent=climb,表示“爬,攀”

ascend v 登上,爬上(a 向上+scend)

descend v 下降;传下(de向下+scend→向下爬)

condescend v 屈尊俯就(con全部+descend→全身向下→屈尊俯就)

condescension n “屈尊;贬低(condescend, d 变s+ion)”

transcend v 超越,胜过(trans超过+scend→爬过去→超越)

descendant n 子孙,后代(descend传下+ant人→传下的人→后代)

ascendancy n 权势;优势(ascend上升+ancy→上升状态→优势)

descent n 下降;下坡(de+scent)



coincide in 在……方面一致

coincide with与……相符,与……一致

conceive of 想象;考虑

conceive of…as… 认为……是……

in essence 本质上,基本上

of the essence 极其重要的,必不可少的

be flushed with 因……脸红

be flush with 与……齐平

take it for granted 想当然地认为

take…for granted 视……为理所当然

by analogy 用类推的方法

on the analogy of 根据……类推

endow…with 赋予;向……捐钱(或物)

be endowed with 有……的特质,被赋予……

linger over one’s work 磨洋工

linger on (人)苟延残喘

on tow (车辆等)被拖着走

in tow 紧跟在后

transition from…to… 由……过渡到……

in transition 转变中的

be affiliated with/to 隶属于……

affiliate oneself to 成为……的会员

with assurance 充满信心地

give sb. an assurance that… 向某人保证……

of/to no avail 毫无用处的

avail oneself of 利用

be in circulation 在流通的,在传播的

put…into circulation 使……流通,使……传播

lay claim to 声称对……有权利

make a claim for (damages) 要求赔偿(损失)

complaints and claims 抗议与索赔

abate/stir up discontent 缓和/煽动不满情绪

voice one’s discontent 说出心中的不满

be discontented with sb. 对某人不满

grope for 摸着找

grope one’s way 摸着走

admit/confess one’s guilt 认罪

deny one’s guilt 否认罪行

prove/establish sb.’s guilt 证明某人的罪行

send/give/hand in one’s resignation 提出辞呈

accept sb.’s resignation 准予辞职

withdraw one’s resignation 撤回辞呈

golden opportunity 绝好的机会

let an opportunity slip 坐失良机

take the opportunity to do sth. 乘机做某事

as/so far as…be concerned 就……而言

be concerned with 与……有关

have no concern with 同……无关

concern oneself about

=be concerned about 关心,挂念

show concern for sb. 关心某人

maintain one’s family 养家

maintain oneself 自立

maintain…onto… 把……固定在……上

at risk 处境危险

at the risk of 冒……的危险

risk doing sth. 冒险做某事

conduct a concert 指挥一场音乐会

conduct oneself well/badly (行为)表现好/坏

current English 当代英语

go with the current of the times 顺应时代的潮流

in fashion 风行,时髦

come into fashion 开始风行

follow the fashion 赶时髦

set the fashion 树立新榜样;开创新时尚

budget plan 分期付款

introduce the budget 提出预算案

on a budget 节省费用

conflict with 与……相冲突

in conflict with 与……相冲突

the function of ……的功能

function as 起……作用,作……用

regard…as 把……看作,看待

give one’s regards to 代某人向……问好

as regards 关于,至于

with/in regard to 关于,就……而论

one’s attitude towards/to 某人对……的态度

strike an attitude 摆出一种姿态

stand guarantee for 替……担任保证人

offer sth. as a guarantee 以某物作担保

be satisfied with 对……满意

be satisfied of 确信……

impose sth. on/upon sb. 把……强加于人

impose a fine on/upon sb. 对某人处以罚金

impose oneself on/upon sb. 硬缠着某人,打扰某人

be inferior to 劣于……,低于……

be sb.’s inferior in 在……方面不及某人

inferior by comparison 相形见绌

have a notion that… 认为

have no notion of 不明白;没有……的意思

keep one’s promise 遵守诺言

make/give a promise 答应,许诺

worth one’s salt 称职,胜任

worth of goods 货物的价值

abandon oneself to 沉溺于

abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事

attach sth. to sth. 将某事物与另一事物相联系

be attached to 附属于……;依恋于……

attach importance to 重视……

blame sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人

blame sth. on/upon sb. 把某事归咎于某人

be above comprehension 难理解的

be beyond sb.’s comprehension 超出某人理解范围的

be low of comprehension 理解力迟钝的

confirm a theory 证实一种理论

confirm one’s belief 坚定信念

confirm a contract 签合同

be considerate of 为……着想,考虑周到

be considerate of one’s feelings 体谅某人的感情

at a rough estimate 据粗略估计

by estimate 照估计

make an estimate of 给……估计;评价

an exception to ……的一个例外

take exception to 反对,表示异议

with the exception of 除……之外

on a…scale ……规模地;在……规模上

scale down 缩减

account for 说明(原因等);(数量、比例)占

on account of 因为,由于

on no account 决不

on any/all account 无论如何

take…into account 考虑

acknowledge…as 认为……是

admit/acknowledge/confess doing 承认做……

come into collision with 和……相撞(冲突)

in collision with 和……相撞(冲突)

compensation for… 作为……的赔偿

compensation trade 补偿贸易

make compensation for sb.’s losses补偿某人的损失

complain that… 抱怨……

complain of doing sth. 抱怨做某事

complain to sb. of/about sth. 向某人抱怨某事

by/in contrast 对比之下

in contrast to/with 与……对比起来

contrast…with 把……与……相对比

contrast with 对比之下显出区别

deliver (oneself) of 讲,表达

deliver sb. from danger 救某人脱险

deliver sth. to sb. 把某物交付给某人

descend from 起源(于),是……的后裔

descend to (doing) sth. 下降到;堕落成

descend on 袭击

exclusive of=excluding 不计……在内

exclusive to 为……所独享,独有

have an insight into 对……具有洞察力

gain an insight into了解,熟悉;看透,识破

inspire sb. with sth.

inspire sth. into sb. 激励某人做某事

interpret for 为……当译员

interpret…as 把……理解为

by all means 当然可以

by any means 无论如何

by means of 借助于,用

by no means 决不,一点都不

in reserve 备用的

without reserve 无保留地;无条件地

sacrifice oneself/one’s life for 为……而牺牲

at the sacrifice of 牺牲……

come to one’s senses (昏迷后)苏醒过来;


in a sense 从某种意义上说

make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理

talk sense 说话有理

in stock 有现货的,有库存的

out of stock 无现货的,脱销的

take stock of 对……估价,判断

place/put sth. on the agenda 把某事提上议程

provisional agenda 临时议程

on the alert 警戒着,密切注意着

red alert 紧急警报

white alert 解除警报

yellow alert 预备警报

beyond debate 无疑义,无可争辩

debate upon/on 讨论(问题)

suffice it to say (that) 只要说……就够了

suffice for 足够

to all appearances 就外表看来,根据观察推断

at first appearance 乍看起来

by appearances 根据外表

make an appearance 到场,出场;出头露面

make a good appearance 显得一表人才

compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事

be compelled to (do) 不得不(做)

compete with/against 与……竞争

come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion


make a conclusion 下结论

bring…to a conclusion 使……结束

in conclusion 最后

confront difficulties 面对困难

confront sb. with 使……面临;使……与……对质

in the habit of 有……的习惯

fall into the habit of 染上……的习惯

form the habit of 养成……的习惯

cope with 有效地或成功地应付

deal with 应付,对付

there’s no denying… 无可否认……

deny sb. sth. 拒绝给予某人某物

deny doing 否认做

deny oneself 自制,克己;舍弃

a musical entertainment 音乐演奏会

hold a farewell entertainment 举行欢送会

entitle sb. to do 给某人做……的权利

entitle sb. to sth. 使某人有权享受……

in error=by mistake 错误地

amend one’s error 改过自新

make a proposal (of marriage) 求婚

基础不牢 地动山摇








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