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翻译 Linux Bible

Chapter 3 Using the Shell01 About Shells and Terminal Windows: Understanding the Linux Shell02 Choosing Your Shell: Using the shell from consoles or terminals03 Running Commands: Using commands

2017-01-08 05:29:21 349

翻译 05 网络和存储

虚拟网络虚拟网络使用libvirtMacVTapPCI passthrough这都是关于存储!

2016-12-20 08:31:50 279

翻译 04 随着libvirt开始和创建你的第一台虚拟机

介绍virt-manager    虚拟网络标签        NATed虚拟网络        Routed虚拟网络        Isolated虚拟网络        默认网络    存储标签创建虚拟机使用虚拟机管理器介绍virt-install自动化的虚拟机部署    介绍virt-builder    介绍oz

2016-12-20 08:22:19 265

翻译 03 建立单独的KVM虚拟化

结识libvirt    主机系统要求    决定正确的系统要求为你的环境    建立环境        安装虚拟化包        开启libvirt服务        验证和理解你的系统的虚拟化能力硬件配置例子

2016-12-20 03:07:35 223

翻译 02 KVM内部


2016-12-19 23:19:59 760

翻译 01 理解Linux虚拟化

什么是虚拟化?为什么我应该使用Linux虚拟化?虚拟化的类型操作系统虚拟化/分割硬件辅助的虚拟化介绍 VMM/hypervisor开源虚拟化项目什么Linux虚拟化提供你在云计算里

2016-12-19 22:42:38 445

原创 Docker Sinatra Redis

FROM aliyun_ubuntuMAINTAINER James Turnbull "james@example.com"ENV REFRESHED_AT 2014-06-01RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq install redis-server redis-toolsEXPOSE 6379ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/b

2016-12-09 10:06:23 265

原创 Docker Sinatra web

FROM aliyun_ubuntuMAINTAINER James Turnbull "james@example.com"ENV REFRESHED_AT 2014-06-01RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq install ruby ruby-dev build-essential redis-toolsRUN gem install

2016-12-09 10:01:26 493

原创 sinatra

FROM ubuntu:16.04MAINTAINER James Turnbull "james@example.com"ENV REFRESHED_AT 2014-06-01RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq install ruby ruby-dev build-essential redis-toolsRUN gem install -

2016-12-09 09:03:09 355

转载 Ubuntu DNS 修改 /etc/resolv.conf 被清空 或重启不生效解决

相关说明:修改Ubuntu DNS时, 查看/etc/resolv.conf 会看到他使用的dns是 nameserver,是因为Ubuntu 会启动dnsmasq服务, 解析域名时不需要到网络运营商获取..在解析速度上会慢于网络运营商(有cache).自己是使用电信的网络, ping 电信的dns速度在 (1 ms , 2 ms)左右, 速度是非常快的..

2016-12-09 06:33:12 14447

原创 删除所有容器

sudo docker rm ` sudo docker ps -a -q`

2016-12-09 04:39:13 937

原创 Docker nginx 静态网站

FROM aliyun_nginxMAINTAINER James Turnbull "james@example.com"ENV REFRESHED_AT 2014-06-01RUN apt-get -yqq update && apt-get -yqq install nginxRUN mkdir -p /var/www/html/websiteADD nginx/global.

2016-12-08 23:22:09 1332

原创 ubuntu安装apache

sudo apt-get install apache2根目录:/var/www启动服务# /etc/init.d/apache2 startor$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

2016-12-07 03:31:09 373

原创 Ubuntu修改源

cd /etc/apt/ls -l看到sources.listvi sources.list阿里云源deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted universe multiversedeb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security mai

2016-12-07 01:08:45 270

原创 CoreOS安装

coreos-install -d /dev/sda -c cloud-config.yaml

2016-12-07 00:13:12 260

原创 Lab01 Manipulating text files from the command line

Basic OperationsLogging In and OutRebooting and Shutting DownLocating ApplicationsAccessing DirectoriesUnderstanding Absolute and Relative PathsExploring the FileSy

2016-12-06 10:34:52 169

原创 Lab01 Editing text files on the command line

Overview of Text Editors in LinuxCreating Files Without Using an EditorIntroduction to the nano and gedit Editorsnanogeditvi and emacsIntroduction to viIntrod

2016-12-06 06:07:13 192

翻译 Charpter 5. Linux Filesystem Tree Layout

Charpter 5. Linux Filesystem Tree Layout

2016-12-06 03:46:33 196

翻译 Chapter 3. GRUB

几乎所有的基于x86的Linux系统(除了嵌入式领域)今天使用GRUB(GRand Unified BootLoader)来处理系统启动的早期的阶段。其他平台可能有其他的同等的,例如ELILO被使用在EFI系统例如IA64(Itanimu),Das U-BOOT被使用在许多嵌入式配置。一些重要的GRUB特征:可供选择的操作系统能够被选择在启动的时候。可供选择的内核和初始化的内存能够被选

2016-12-06 03:05:56 168

翻译 Chapter 1. Course Introduction

PrefaceIntroductionRelationship to LFS101xUsing as LFCS Exam PreparationCourse FormattingRead the DocumentationTarget PlatformCommand Line vs Graphical InterfaceTarget Linux DistributionsInstallat

2016-12-06 02:47:49 380

翻译 Chapter 2. System Startup and Shutdown

启动序列中的基本步骤:1. BIOS/UEFI 定位和执行启动程序或者说boot loader启动加载器。2. 启动加载器加载内核。3. 内核开启init进程(pid=1)。4. init 管理系统初始化,使用常规的SysVinit开机脚本,或者使用Upstart或者system。启动顺序当电源被应用到电脑,电脑能够仅仅执行操作BIOS(Basic Input Ou

2016-12-06 00:47:23 241

原创 Session 3 managing guiest virtual machines with openstack compute

Session 3 managing guiest virtual machines with openstack compute

2016-12-04 20:39:37 185

原创 Session 2: Cloud Fundamentals

Session 2: Cloud Fundamentals

2016-12-04 20:01:54 155

原创 Chapter 14. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure I (Configuration Management)

Chapter 14. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure I (Configuration Management)

2016-11-30 23:45:06 190

原创 Chapter 15. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure II (Build & Release)

Chapter 15. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure II (Build & Release)

2016-11-30 23:44:27 174

原创 Chapter 16. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure III (Key-Value Pair Store)

Chapter 16. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure III (Key-Value Pair Store)

2016-11-30 23:42:59 133

原创 Chapter 17. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure IV (Image Building)


2016-11-30 23:41:44 176

原创 Chapter 18. Tools for Cloud Infrastructure V (Debugging, Logging, and Monitoring for Containerized A

straceSAR (System Activity Reporter)tcpdumpGDB (GNU Project Debugger)syslogNagiosZabbix.

2016-11-30 23:40:06 155

原创 Chapter 19. How to Be Successful in the Cloud

Developing SkillsChallenges

2016-11-30 23:39:33 220

原创 Session 6: Scaling Out Your OpenStack

Scaling Out Your OpenStack

2016-11-30 23:37:01 168

原创 Session 5: Managing OpenStack from the Command Line

Managing OpenStack from the Command Line

2016-11-30 23:36:05 174

原创 Session 4: Deploying a Virtual Machine from Horizon

Deploying a Virtual Machine from Horizon

2016-11-30 23:35:08 159

原创 Session 3: Deploying OpenStack (PackStack and DevStack)

Deploying OpenStack (PackStack and DevStack)

2016-11-30 23:34:31 446

原创 Session 2: Understanding OpenStack

Understanding OpenStack

2016-11-30 23:33:20 142

原创 Session 1: From Virtualization to Cloud Computing

From Virtualization to Cloud Computing

2016-11-30 23:32:37 243

原创 Chapter 5: The Second Way - Amplify Feedback Loops

Section 1: Creating a Service Reliability CultureSection 2: Fast FeedbackSection 3: Understanding MonitoringSection 4: Understanding Complexity

2016-11-30 23:29:43 194

原创 Chapter 4: The First Way - Accelerate Flow

Section 1: Continuous Delivery Patterns and PracticesSection 2: The Deployment PipelineSection 3: Creating Consistency in the PipelineSection 4: Automated TestingSection 5: Deplo

2016-11-30 23:28:32 159

原创 Chapter 3: Getting Started With Devops

Section 1: Picking a Value StreamSection 2: Understanding Organizational ChangeSection 3: Enabling Transformation

2016-11-30 23:26:28 204

原创 Chapter 2: Understanding the Value Stream

Section 1: Analyzing the Technology Value StreamSection 2: The Three Ways of DevOpsSection 3: The First Way - FlowSection 4: The Second Way - Feedback LoopsSection 5: The Third W

2016-11-30 23:25:08 158

原创 Chapter 1: Why Do DevOps?

Section 1: Understanding ImprovementSection 2: The Convergence, History, and Value of DevOps

2016-11-30 23:21:21 210

Cloud VoIP for Dummies

Cloud VoIP for Dummies, Fonality



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