4.7.5. Lambda Forms
By popular demand, a few features commonly found in functional programming languages like Lisp have been added to Python. With the lambda keyword, small anonymous functions can be created. Here’s a function that returns the sum of its two arguments: lambda a, b: a+b. Lambda forms can be used wherever function objects are required. They are syntactically restricted to a single expression. Semantically, they are just syntactic sugar for a normal function definition. Like nested function definitions, lambda forms can reference variables from the containing scope:
>>> def make_incrementor(n):
... return lambda x: x + n
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(1)
4.7.6. Documentation Strings
Here is an example of a multi-line docstring:
>>> def my_function():
... """Do nothing, but document it.
... No, really, it doesn't do anything.
... """
... pass
>>> print my_function.__doc__
Do nothing, but document it.
No, really, it doesn't do anything.