Power gain in units of dB (decibel) 1⁄4 10 log10 (Pr/Pt), the log-ratio of the power levels of the two signals.This is named after Alexander Graham Bell and can also be expressed in terms of voltages, 20 log10(Vr/Vt), as P 1⁄4 (V2/R), where watts 1⁄4 10^(dB mW/10)* 10^(-3).
dBm(dB milliwatt) - relative to 1 mW, i.e. 0 dBm is 1 mW(milliwatt)
dBm = 10 log10 (P in watt / 1 mW)
dB mW = 10 log10 (P in watt / 1 uW)