通常的分析方法是:list/table represent the state space
symbolic model: represent the state space symbolically
Temoral Logic
μ calculus
对于Petri Net的分析与很多图的分析,在活性上是相通的
BDDs do not prevent explosion in all cases.
solves 10
20 states, usually 10
1989 BDD based algorith for CTL model checking -- applicable to synchronous circuits, but not to asynchronous circuits, or infinite computations, such as liveness, fairness.
symbolic model based on interative computation of
fixed point 固定点的迭代计算 --- 有点像暑假里unfolding算法中确定cut point
some methods:
stubborn sets method
trace automaton method
behavior machines method
time Petri Nets methos Yoneda. et. al. 1989
characteristic: do not involve
interleaving of actions
symbolic model solves:
derive efficient decision procedure for CTL model checking
satisfiability of linear-time temporal logic formulas
strong and weak observational equivalence of finite transition systems
language containment for finite ω-automata