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Object-Oriented JavaScript 2nd

Object-Oriented JavaScript, 2nd Edition Packt Publishing, 2013 javascript面向对象编程第二版,英文版


Pro JSF and HTML5 2nd

Pro JSF and HTML5: Building Rich Internet Components Pro JSF and HTML5 shows you how to leverage the full potential of JavaServer Faces JSF and HTML5 This book is for Java developers who aspire to build sophisticated enterprise grade web experiences with HTML5 enabled JSF Written by JSF experts and verified by established community figures this book will serve as your primary resource helping you build or integrate well designed HTML5 enabled JSF components into your rich internet applications Pro JSF and HTML5 starts by giving you a firm grounding in the design principles of component based frameworks and the basics of JSF It then details recent advancements in JSF 2 2 that make it friendlier faster and more productive than ever before And it covers HTML5 enabled components integration with Java EE7 standards 3rd party component libraries security and performance The book concludes with a real world application that puts everything you learned into practice ">Pro JSF and HTML5: Building Rich Internet Components Pro JSF and HTML5 shows you how to leverage the full potential of JavaServer Faces JSF and HTML5 This book is for Java developers who aspire to build sophisticated enterprise grade web experiences with HTML5 enabled JSF Written by JSF expert [更多]


移动应用ui设计模式原版 Mobile Design Pattern Gallery 全彩

Mobile Design Pattern Gallery : UI Patterns for Mobile Applications 原版 全彩 120M大容量 《移动应用ui设计模式》是一本移动应用ui 设计模式参考书,分10 大类介绍了70 个移动应用设计模式(包括反模式),用400 多个屏幕截图和图解帮助读者理解和利用ui 设计模式,以解决常见的设计难题,同时提供了“即学即用”式的技巧和经验。">Mobile Design Pattern Gallery : UI Patterns for Mobile Applications 原版 全彩 120M大容量 《移动应用ui设计模式》是一本移动应用ui 设计模式参考书,分10 大类介绍了70 个移动应用设计模式(包括反模式),用400 多个屏幕截图和图解帮助读者? [更多]


以用户为中心的设计 User CenteredDesign

published at 2013 How do you design engaging applications that people love to use? This book demonstrates several ways to include valuable input from potential clients and customers throughout the process. With practical guidelines and insights from his own experience, author Travis Lowdermilk shows you how usability and user-centered design will dramatically change the way people interact with your application. Learn valuable strategies for conducting each stage of the design process—from interviewing likely users and discovering your application’s purpose to creating a rich user experience with sound design principles. User-Centered Design is invaluable no matter what platform you use or audience you target. Explore usability and how it relates to user-centered design Learn how to deal with users and their unique personalities Clarify your application’s purpose, using a simple narrative to describe its use Plan your project’s development with a software development life cycle Be creative within the context of your user experience goals Use visibility, consistency, and other design principles to enhance user experience Collect valuable user feedback on your prototype with surveys, interviews, and usability studies">published at 2013 How do you design engaging applications that people love to use? This book demonstrates several ways to include valuable input from potential clients and customers throughout the process. With practical guidelines and insights from his own experience, author Travis Lowdermilk sho [更多]


MongoDB权威指南 2nd

published at 2013 ,second edition Manage the huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application with MongoDB. This authoritative introduction—written by a core contributor to the project—shows you the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and demonstrates how this reliable, high-performance system allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. This updated second edition provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Ideal for NoSQL newcomers and experienced MongoDB users alike, this guide provides numerous real-world schema design examples. Get started with MongoDB core concepts and vocabulary Perform basic write operations at different levels of safety and speed Create complex queries, with options for limiting, skipping, and sorting results Design an application that works well with MongoDB Aggregate data, including counting, finding distinct values, grouping documents, and using MapReduce Gather and interpret statistics about your collections and databases Set up replica sets and automatic failover in MongoDB Use sharding to scale horizontally, and learn how it impacts applications Delve into monitoring, security and authentication, backup/restore, and other administrative tasks



程序开发物理学第二版原版,2013年出版 Authors David Bourg and Bryan Bywalec show you how to develop your own solutions to a variety of problems by providing technical background, formulas, and a few code examples. This updated book is indispensable whether you work alone or as part of a team. Refresh your knowledge of classical mechanics, including kinematics, force, kinetics, and collision response Explore rigid body dynamics, using real-time 2D and 3D simulations to handle rotation and inertia Apply concepts to real-world problems: model the behavior of boats, airplanes, cars, and sports balls Enhance your games with digital physics, using accelerometers, touch screens, Gps, optical tracking devices, and 3D displays Capture 3D sound effects with the OpenAl audio Api


Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 Databases

apress 2013 Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 Databases introduces you to the world of building data-driven Web sites using ASP.NET, ADO.NET and the Entity Framework using C#. Since ASP.NET developers need to access databases quickly and efficiently, this book teaches the best practices and methods to help developers achieve professional ASP.NET and database solutions. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 Databases is a comprehensive introduction on how you can connect a Web site to many different data sources — not just databases — and use the data to create dynamic page content. It also shows you how to build a relational database, use SQL to communicate with it, and understand how they differ from each other.


Pro CSS3 Animation

Apress, 2012 Pro CSS3 Animation will teach you how to use fresh new CSS3 syntax to fully utilize this exciting tool for web design. Using cutting-edge industry standards and drawing on best practices for animation, you will learn how to apply CSS3 animation to transform and bring your page content to life. CSS3 is the way forward for web page interactivity and animation, offering new and exciting options for design. Integrated with HTML5, SVG and mobile design methodologies, you can bring sites into the third dimension to change the perception and appreciation generated in your audience. This book will teach you how to: Enhance your web pages, and your visitor’s experience of your site, with animation Animate images and other page content to create banners, interactive galleries and slideshows Provide fallback and support options for older browsers Chain CSS3 syntax with @media queries, filters and 3D transformations to create responsive animations with depth Provide animation to mobile devices without Flash or JavaScript





MapReduce Design Patterns

o'reilly 2012 Welcome to MapReduce Design Patterns! This book will be unique in some ways and familiar in others. First and foremost, this book is obviously about design patterns, which are templates or general guides to solving problems. We took a look at other design patterns books that have been written in the past as inspiration, particularly Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Gamma et al. (1995), which is commonly referred to as “The Gang of Four” book. For each pattern, you’ll see a template that we reuse over and over that we loosely based off of their book. Repeatedly seeing a similar template will help you get to the specific information you need. This will be especially useful in the future when using this book as a reference.


Expert C# 5.0: with the .NET 4.5 Framework

apress 2012 Expert C# 5.0 is a book about getting the best from C#. It’s based on the principle that to write good, high-performance, robust applications you need to understand whats going on deep under the hood. If you are already experienced with writing managed applications and want to learn more about how to get the best from the language at an advanced level, then this is the book for you. Expert C# 5.0 discusses the familiar C# language in forensic detail. Examining familiar elements closely to reveal how they really work. Key language features that you are already familiar with, such as Enums, Strings and Collections, are teased apart and examined under the twin microscopes of MSIL (Intermediate Language) and the Windbg debugger to see what's really going on behind the scenes as your code is compiled and passed to the CLR. This unparalleled depth of explanation will help you to become a true master of the C# language and architect better crafted applications that work in the most efficient and reliable way possible. It will also give you the insight you need to rapidly identify and fix the stubborn coding faults that others may be unable to diagnose.


Pro HTML5 Performance

Pro HTML5 Performance provides a practical guide to building extremely fast, light-weight and scalable websites using fully standards compliant techniques and best practices. It strikes a balance between imparting best-practice information for when you’re building ground up and instantly applicable techniques to help you solve issues with your existing projects. In addition to a wealth of tips, tricks and secrets you’ll find advice and code samples that elegantly layout the problems your facing and the best ways of solving them. By reading Pro HTML5 Performance you’ll squeeze every last ounch of performance from your code, giving your applications unrivalled speed and cost-efficiency.


Kinect Hacks: Tips & Tools for Motion and Pattern Detection

O'Reilly 2012 Create your own innovative applications in computer vision, game design, music, robotics, and other areas by taking full advantage of Kinect’s extensive interactive, multi-media platform. With this book, you get a step-by-step walkthrough of the best techniques and tools to come out of the OpenKinect project, the largest and most active Kinect hacking community. this book will give you a running start with Kinect. Set up a development environment in Windows 7, Mac OSX, or Ubuntu Build special effects apps with tools such as Synapse and Cinder Create gestural interfaces to integrate and control digital music components Capture the realistic motions of a 3D model with NI mate, Blender, and Animata Design gesture-based games with the ZigFu SDK Recreate the dimensions of any room in realtime, using RGBDemo Use gestures to navigate robots and control PC interfaces


CLR via C# 4th

Microsoft Press 2012, CLR via C# 第4版重磅出场,2012年12月4日出版,全面升级至 .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012,C#权威经典,就不过多介绍了。


Android Apps with Eclipse

Apress 2012 Android is one of the major players in the mobile phone market, and its market share is continuously growing. Android is the first complete, open, and free mobile platform, and it offers endless opportunities for mobile application developers. As with all other platforms, having a robust and flexible development environment is the key for the platform's success. Eclipse is the most adopted integrated development environment (IDE) for Java programmers. And now Eclipse is the preferred IDE for Android app developers. Android Apps with Eclipse provides a detailed overview of Eclipse, including the steps and illustrations to help Android developers quickly get up to speed on Eclipse and to streamline their day-to-day software development.


Start Here! Learn the Kinect API

Microsoft Press, 2012 Start Here! Learn the Kinect™ API gives you an overview of how the Kinect sensor works and how the Kinect for Windows SDK exposes each of the data sources. The book introduces each of the sensors in the context of solving a well-defined problem. The full source code is provided for each example program. You will also find plenty of ideas for further development of both the sample programs and your own applications. In addition to an overview of the Kinect for Windows SDK, this book explores the fundamentals of the signals being processed: how video, audio, depth, and 3D skeleton information can be represented in a program. Also included is coverage of specific programming issues that are highly relevant to the creation of programs that deal with large streams of data from sensors, including memory allocation, creating unmanaged code to improve performance, and threading. If you want to learn more about these aspects of program development, you will find good coverage and sample code that works. Although this book doesn’t cover every Kinect for Windows SDK, it provides a solid starting point for experimentation and further development.


Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with XAML and C#

Apress, 2012 Metro apps are an important addition to Microsoft Windows 8, providing the cornerstone for a single, consistent programming and interaction model across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The Metro app user experience is very different from previous generations of Windows applications: Metro-style apps are full-screen and favor a usability style that is simple, direct, and free from distractions. What you’ll learn Create and configure Metro applications Implement a touch-enabled user interface Store data and application state using the Metro persistence model Access remote data using Metro networking Package and deploy your Metro application to the app store


Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with HTML5 and JavaScript

Apress, 2012 Metro apps are an important addition to Microsoft Windows 8, providing the cornerstone for a single, consistent programming and interaction model across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The Metro app user experience is very different from previous generations of Windows applications: Metro apps are full-screen and favor a usability style that is simple, direct, and free from distractions. Metro apps represent a complete departure from previous versions of Windows. There are entirely new APIs, new interaction controls, and a very different approach to managing the life cycle of applications. Metro apps can be developed using a range of languages, including C#, Visual Basic, C++, and, the topic of this book, JavaScript. Windows 8 is the first version of Windows that embraces the skills and knowledge of web application developers and makes JavaScript and HTML firstclass citizens in application development. In this book, I show you how you can build on your knowledge of web app development to create Metro apps using HTML and JavaScript. The result is apps that look and feel like an integral part of the Windows experience and that take advantage of core platform facilities. This book gives you an essential jump start into the world of Metro; by the end, you will understand how to use the controls and features that define the core Metro experience.


Pro HTML5 Accessibility

Apress, 2012 This book aims to help web designers and developers come to grips with building exciting, accessible, and usable web sites/applications with HTML5. The book looks at using HTML5 to serve the needs of the widest possible audience, including people with disabilities using assistive technology (AT) and older people. It aims to be a useful go-to guide by giving you practical advice. The book explores the new semantics of HTML5 and how to combine them with authoring practices you may know from using earlier versions of HTML. It also aims to demonstrate how HTML5 content is currently supported (or not) by assistive technologies such as screen readers, and what this practically means for you as you endeavor to make your HTML5 projects accessible. The HTML5 specification is huge, with new APIs and patterns that can be difficult to understand from an accessibility perspective. Accessibility itself can also seem complex and nuanced, in particular if you have no experience dealing with the needs of people with disabilities. This book aims to hold your hand through the process of gaining an understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, as well as the new specification. Accessibility isn’t a mysterious or esoteric subject, but it is nuanced. And HTML5 is a gamechanger. Ultimately, creating accessible content is really a quality design issue. (Good design enables; bad design disables.) And getting design right is often a matter of choosing the correct approach. This book hopes to be your companion in understanding both, HTML5 and good accessibility design.


Meet the Kinect: An Introduction to Programming Natural User Interfaces

Apress, 2011 In this chapter you’ll unbox a new Kinect—or if you have one already, you’ll disconnect it from your Xbox. Then you’ll install some software, plug the Kinect into a computer, and take a look at what all of the fuss is about with this unique device. You’ll learn what the different components of the Kinect are and be able to play with some simple controls to get a feel for how all the parts work together to make the magic happen. The Kinect is marketed, packaged, and designed for use with Microsoft’s Xbox gaming console. The Xbox is a remarkable living room entertainment system, and if you haven’t tried Dance Central or Kinect Sports, I recommend that you do—playing those two games at the 24-hour Best Buy in Union Square here in NYC is what got me so excited about the Kinect in the first place. I dragged as many friends as I could down to the store so they could see this amazing technology in action. That said, this book is the unofficial manual for how to take a Kinect and use it outside the living room—no Xbox required. Now, let’s make sure you have everything you need to unplug your Kinect from the game system—or purchase one by itself, plug it into your computer, and get tinkering. Meet the Kinect introduces the exciting world of volumetric computing using the Microsoft Kinect. You'll learn to write scripts and software enabling the use of the Kinect as an input device. Interact directly with your computer through physical motion. The Kinect will read and track body movements, and is the bridge between the physical reality in which you exist and the virtual world created by your software. Microsoft’s Kinect was released in fall 2010 to become the fastest-selling electronic device ever. For the first time, we have an inexpensive, three-dimensional sensor enabling direct interaction between human and computer, between the physical world and the virtual. The Kinect has been enthusiastically adopted by a growing culture of enthusiasts, who put it to work in creating technology-based art projects, three-dimensional scanners, adaptive devices for sight-impaired individuals, new ways of interacting with PCs, and even profitable business opportunities. Meet the Kinect is the resource to get you started in mastering the Kinect and the exciting possibilities it brings. You’ll learn about the Kinect hardware and what it can do. You’ll install drivers and learn to download and run the growing amount of Kinect software freely available on the Internet. From there, you’ll move into writing code using some of the more popular frameworks and APIs, including the official Microsoft API and the language known as Processing that is popular in the art and creative world. Along the way, you’ll learn principles and terminology. Volumetric computing didn’t begin with the Kinect. The field is decades old—if you’ve ever had an MRI, for example, you have benefitted from volumetric computing technology. Meet the Kinect goes beyond just the one device to impart the principles and terminology underlying the exciting field of volumetric computing that is now wide-open and accessible to the average person. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430238887/buythisbooks-20


Professional Android 4 Application Development

Wrox Press, 2012 Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4 The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google's lead Android developer advocates, this practical book walks you through a series of hands-on projects that illustrate the features of the Android SDK. That includes all the new APIs introduced in Android 3 and 4, including building for tablets, using the Action Bar, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC Beam, and more. Shows experienced developers how to create mobile applications for Android smartphones and tablets Revised and expanded to cover all the Android SDK releases including Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), including all updated APIs, and the latest changes to the Android platform. Explains new and enhanced features such as drag and drop, fragments, the action bar, enhanced multitouch support, new environmental sensor support, major improvements to the animation framework, and a range of new communications techniques including NFC and Wi-Fi direct. Provides practical guidance on publishing and marketing your applications, best practices for user experience, and more This book helps you learn to master the design, lifecycle, and UI of an Android app through practical exercises, which you can then use as a basis for developing your own Android apps. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1118102274/buythisbooks-20


Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#

Wrox Press, 2012 SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN THE FALL of 2008, Android has grown and matured to the point where it is currently the number one smartphone platform in terms of shipments worldwide. Along with that growth is an interest in writing applications that run natively on the device and that take advantage of the device’s features, such as the camera and voice recognition. Since the release of the .NET Framework in January 2002, its growth has been impressive. It is the most popular development framework in use today. While the .NET Framework was in initial development, Miguel de Icaza, who worked for Ximian, created his own C# compiler, and from that the Mono framework was born. In 2003, Novell purchased Ximian. In 2011, Attachmate purchased Novell. Later in 2011, Xamarin was formed and all of the products associated with Mono, MonoTouch, Mono for Android, and MonoDevelop were transferred to Xamarin. The payoff for us as developers is that Xamarin is laser-focused on Mono for Android and MonoTouch, and on making those the best products available for development on mobile with Android and iPhone. Throughout all of this, the Mono framework has grown to run across various platforms. Initially, Mono was designed to run on Linux. Since that time, Mono has branched out and is available across several non-Windows platforms. In the summer of 2009, the MonoTouch framework was shipped. This allowed developers to write applications with the .NET Framework and using the C# language to run applications written for the iPhone. In February 2010, de Icaza confi rmed on his blog that the Mono team were working on an implementation of Mono for Android similar in concept to MonoTouch. This implementation initially was called MonoDroid and fi nally was named Mono for Android. To .NET developers, the ability to write applications in C# using many of the existing APIs that they are already familiar with is very attractive. .NET developers are not required to learn the ins and outs of the Java language, nor are they required to learn the Eclipse IDE. .NET developers can stay within the Visual Studio IDE that they are already accustomed to, use the C# language that they already know, make calls in the .NET Framework that they are already familiar with, and create an application for the Android platform. I’m excited about the possibilities that this offers. The ability to run natively on the device should not be understated. HTML5 is a great emerging standard for providing applications. Frameworks that are being built will take advantage of what the web browser allows. Unfortunately, it has several problems. For example, a web application cannot access all of the device, so currently you can’t access the camera or voice recognition or run applications in the background. Also, HTML5 won’t be a full and accepted standard for several years. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1118026438/buythisbooks-20


Pro Core Data for iOS, Second Edition

Apress, 2011 Interest in developing apps for Apple’s iOS platform continues to rise, and more great apps appear in Apple’s App Store every day. As people like you join the app-creation party, they usually discover that their apps must store data on iOS devices to be useful. Enter Pro Core Data for iOS, written for developers who have learned the basics of iOS development and are ready to dive deeper into topics surrounding data storage to take their apps from pretty good to great. Core Data, Apple’s technology for data storage and retrieval, is both easy to approach and difficult to master. This book spans the gamut, starting you with the simple and taking you through the advanced. Read each topic, understand what it means, and incorporate it into your own Core Data apps. Fully updated for Xcode 4.2, Pro Core Data for iOS explains how to use the Core Data framework for iOS SDK 5 using Xcode 4.2. The book explains both how and why to use Core Data, from simple to advanced techniques. Covering common and advanced persistence patterns, this book prepares any iOS developer to store and retrieve data accurately and efficiently. This book starts by giving you a solid grounding in Core Data, providing a foundation for the rest of the book. With this knowledge, you'll have all you need to master Core Data and power your data-driven applications. You'll see how to work with SQLite and how to create an efficient data model to represent your data. Once you've established your data model, you'll learn how to work with data objects and refine result sets to get the most out of the stored data. The advanced portions of the book begin by showing you how to tune your apps' performance and memory usage, to give you a truly professional edge. You'll see how to version and migrate your data as well, to ensure your data stays organized and efficient. Finally, the book covers managing table views with NSFetchedResultsController. What you’ll learn Core Data techniques with Xcode How to organize data appropriately How to persist data efficiently How to effectively use Apple tools How to build Core Data applications How to use Core Data in advanced settings How to version and migrate data as your applications evolve How to tune and optimize persistence amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430236566/buythisbooks-20


Beginning Android 4 Games Development

Apress 2011, Hi there, and welcome to the world of Android game development. You came here to learn about game development on Android, and we hope to be the people who enable you to realize your ideas. Together we’ll cover quite a range of materials and topics: Android basics, audio and graphics programming, a little math and physics, and a scary thing called OpenGL ES. Based on all this knowledge, we’ll develop three different games, one even being 3D. Game programming can be easy if you know what you’re doing. Therefore, we’ve tried to present the material in a way that not only gives you helpful code snippets to reuse, but actually shows you the big picture of game development. Understanding the underlying principles is the key to tackling ever more complex game ideas. You’ll not only be able to write games similar to the ones developed over the course of this book, but you’ll also be equipped with enough knowledge to go to the Web or the bookstore and take on new areas of game development on your own. Beginning Android 4 Games Development offers everything you need to join the ranks of successful Android game developers. You'll start with game design fundamentals and programming basics, and then progress toward creating your own basic game engine and playable game that works on Android 4.0 and earlier devices. This will give you everything you need to branch out and write your own Android games. The potential user base and the wide array of available high-performance devices makes Android an attractive target for aspiring game developers. Do you have an awesome idea for the next break-through mobile gaming title? Beginning Android 4 Games Development will help you kick-start your project. The book will guide you through the process of making several example games for the Android platform, and involves a wide range of topics: The fundamentals of Android game development targeting Android 1.5-4.0+ devices The Android platform basics to apply those fundamentals in the context of making a game The design of 2D and 3D games and their successful implementation on the Android platform amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430239875/buythisbooks-20


Pro HTML5 Programming 2nd

Apress 2011 This book is about HTML5 Programming. Before you can understand HTML5 programming, however, you need to take a step back and understand what HTML5 is, a bit of the history behind it, and the differences between HTML 4 and HTML5. In this chapter, we get right to the practical questions to which everyone wants answers. Why HTML5, and why all the excitement just now? What are the new design principles that make HTML5 truly revolutionary—but also highly accommodating? What are the implications of a plugin-free paradigm; what’s in and what’s out? What’s new in HTML, and how does this kick off a whole new era for web developers? Let’s get to it. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/143023864X/buythisbooks-20


Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK

Apress, 2012 Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK gets you up and running developing Kinect applications for your PC using Microsoft tools and the official SDK. You will have a working Kinect program by the end of the first chapter! The following chapters will open up the secrets of three-dimensional vision, skeleton tracking, audio through the Kinect, and more. Examples illustrate the concepts in the form of simple games that react to your body movements. The result is a fun read that helps you learn one of the hottest technologies out there today. Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK also provides building blocks and ideas for mashing up the Kinect with other technologies to create art, interactive games, 3D models and enhanced office automation. You'll learn the fundamental code basic to almost all Kinect applications. You'll learn to integrate that code with other tools and manipulate data to create amazing Kinect applications. Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK is your gateway into the exciting world of three-dimensional, real-time computer interaction. Helps you create a proper development environment for Kinect applications. Covers the basics of three-dimensional vision, skeleton tracking, gesture recognition, and audio Provides fun examples that keep you engaged and learning amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430241047/buythisbooks-20


Pro iOS 5 Tools - Xcode Instruments and Build Tools

Apress, 2011 By now, you have written an iOS application or two. You have also learned that making a great app is hard work. From spontaneous crashes to memory leaks and bugs that create other bugs, the simplest of apps can quickly become a nightmare. Fortunately, these issues are easy to diagnose with the tools at our disposal. That is what this book is mostly about. We have a toolbox available to us as iOS developers. Ultimately, the question quickly becomes: Which tool is best for the task at hand? This book will answer that question for most of your cases. For the cases where there is no obvious answer, you will be equipped with some approaches and techniques that will point you in the right direction. In most crafts, the transition from being a complete beginner to being capable is usually swift. The goal during this transition is simply to become functional with the tools and understand the language the craftsmen speak. This transition also builds confidence in the new practitioner. At the end of this transition, practitioners are fully capable of accomplishing most tasks and solving most problems thrown at them. Most stop at proficient, however. As a magician, I progressed from a newcomer to the art to a proficient amateur relatively quickly. As I learned a new technique or a new effect, I was very excited to practice. As my skill improved, that desire to practice lessened, and I even became bored with rehearsing the same effect or technique over and over. My skill had reached a plateau. I know what I must do to get to the next level, but I don’t want to go there right now. That is OK with me. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430236086/buythisbooks-20


Pro Windows Phone App Development

Apress, 2011 Windows Phone, updated in Windows Phone 7.5, presents an exciting opportunity for developers to build and monetize mobile applications. It represents a major new investment into mobile computing by Microsoft, and in many ways is a major break from the past. To build applications for Windows Phone, it is important to understand its target consumer audience and design philosophy. Up until roughly 2007, Windows Mobile was a growing, well-received platform targeting primarily enterprise users. Windows Mobile was taking share from competitors such as Palm and going head-tohead with RIM Blackberry, but overall it was considered fairly successful. The release of the iPhone and its consumer focus and applications store it turned the mobile device market on its head, and was a major wake-up call for Microsoft. Tack on the surge by Google’s Android operating system, and the Smartphone market became hyper-competitive. Windows Phone represents a sea change in approach by Microsoft toward mobile computing. Although Windows Mobile 6.x and earlier resembles a miniaturized version of desktop Windows, with its iconic Start screen, Windows Phone is very different with a user interface that is more similar to the ZuneHD interface – on steroids. When the ZuneHD was introduced, it received positive feedback from critics, but it wasn’t highly marketed toward consumers. It also did not have a third-party application Marketplace. Still, it was an opportunity for Microsoft to try out new mobile computing concepts on a mass audience of a few million users. Learning from its own stumbles, taking what works from Zune, and then looking at the existing mobile landscape, Microsoft came up with Windows Phone with a dramatically different user experience from Windows Mobile, a new mobile development paradigm, and a completely different approach in the market. With Windows Phone, Microsoft makes the end-user consumer the top priority, whereas in the past, with Windows Mobile, the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) was Microsoft’s primary customer. This does not mean that Microsoft is OEMing the device directly. Instead, Microsoft spec’d out the hardware and software for the platform such that OEMs can take that specification as a basis for further innovation. OEMs can build devices with or without a keyboard, or with slightly different physical sizes, different screen types, and additional features like a camera and more storage, to name a few options. Windows Phone devised have an 800 • 480 screen resolution, the exact same user interface and APIs, and the same range of sensors no matter what the OEM or Mobile Operator. This means that developers can build an application and be confident that it will run on all available devices. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430239360/buythisbooks-20


OS X and iOS Kernel Programming

Apress, 2011 Kernel development can be a daunting task and is very different from programming traditional user applications. The kernel environment is more volatile and complex. Extraordinary care must be taken to ensure that kernel code is free of bugs because any issue may have serious consequences to the stability, security, and performance of the system. This book covers the fundamentals necessary to begin programming in the kernel. We cover kernel development from a theoretical and practical point of view. We cover concepts fundamental to kernel development such as virtual memory and synchronization, as well as more practical knowledge. The book primarily focuses on Mac OS X, however the XNU kernel is also used by iOS, and hence the theoretical material in this book will also apply to it. By far the most common reason for doing development within the kernel’s execution environment is to implement a device driver for controlling internal or external hardware devices. Because of this, much of the focus of this book is centred on the development of device drivers. The primary framework for device driver development in the XNU kernel is I/O Kit, which we cover extensively. As theory becomes boring quickly we have provided working code samples which you can play with to learn more or use as a starting point for your own drivers. We hope you have as much fun reading this book as we have enjoyed writing it. The book was written for anyone interested in Apple’s iOS and Mac OS X operating systems, with a focus on practical kernel development, especially driver devel. Regardless of whether you are a hobbyist, student, or professional engineer, we hope to provide you with material of interest. While the focus is on kernel programming and development, we will cover many theoretical aspects of OS technology and provide a detailed overview of the OS X and iOS kernel environments. The aim of the book is to provide the knowledge necessary to start developing your own kernel extensions and drivers. We will focus in particular on the I/O Kit framework for writing device drivers and extensions, but we will also cover general knowledge that will give you a deeper understanding of how I/O Kit interacts with the OS. If you are mainly interested in developing OS X or iOS user applications, this book may not be for you. We will not cover Cocoa or any other framework used for developing end-user applications. This book covers kernel-programming topics such as driver and kernel extension development on Apple’s OS X and iOS platform. Some knowledge of operating system internals will be useful in understanding the concepts discussed in this book. Having completed an introductory computer science or engineering course will be a helpful starting point. Additionally, knowledge of at least one programming language will be required in order to understand examples throughout the book. Since we focus on I/O Kit, which is written in a subset of C++ called Embedded C++, it would be highly beneficial to have some experience with C++ (or at least C) to make the most of this book. The book does not cover general programming topics or theory. We will briefly cover some fundamentals of OS theory to provide a context for further discussions. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430235365/buythisbooks-20


Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware



Pro Android 4

Apress, 2012 Pro Android 4 shows you how to build real-world and fun mobile apps using the new Android SDK 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich), which unifies Gingerbread for smartphones, Honeycomb for tablets and augments further with Google TV and more. This Android 4 book updates the best selling Pro Android 3 and covers everything from the fundamentals of building apps for embedded devices, smartphones, and tablets to advanced concepts such as custom 3D components, multi-tasking, sensors/augmented reality, better accessories support and much more. Using the tutorials and expert advice, you'll quickly be able to build cool mobile apps and run them on dozens of Android-based smartphones. You'll explore and use the Android APIs, including those for media and sensors. And you'll check out what's new with Android 4, including the improved user interface across all Android platforms, integration with services, and more. After reading this definitive tutorial and reference, you gain the knowledge and experience to create stunning, cutting-edge Android 4 apps that can make you money, while keeping you agile enough to respond to changes in the future. What you’ll learn How to use Android 4 to build Java-based mobile apps for Android smartphones and tablets How to build irresistible standard and custom User Interfaces and User Experiences (UI and UX) across Android devices How to populate your application with data from data sources, using Content Providers How to build multimedia and game apps using Android's media APIs How to use Android's location-based services, network-based services, and security How to use new Android features, such as Fragments and the ActionBar Who this book is for This book is for professional software engineers and programmers looking to move their ideas and applications into the mobile space with Android. It assumes a passable understanding of Java, including how to write classes and handle basic inheritance structures. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430239301/buythisbooks-20


Pro OpenGL ES for Android

Apress, 2012 In 1985 I brought home a new shiny Commodore Amiga 1000, about one week after they were released. Coming with a whopping 512K of memory, programmable colormaps, a Motorola 68K CPU, and a modern multitasking operating system, it had “awesome” writ all over it. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I thought it might make a good platform for an astronomy program, as I could now control the colors of those star-things instead of having to settle for a lame fixed color palette forced upon me from the likes of Hercules or the C64. So I coded up a 24-line basic routine to draw a random star field, turned out the lights, and thought, “Wow! I bet I could write a cool astronomy program for that thing!” Twenty-six years later I am still working on it and hope to get it right one of these days. Back then my dream device was something I could slip into my pocket, pull out when needed, and aim it at the sky to tell me what stars or constellations I was looking at. It’s called a smartphone. I thought of it first. As good as these things are for playing music, making calls, or slinging birdies at piggies, it really shines when you get to the 3D stuff. After all, 3D is all around us— unless you are a pirate and have taken to wearing an eye patch, in which case you’ll have very limited depth perception. Arrrggghhh. Plus 3D apps are fun to show off to people. They’ll “get it.” In fact, they’ll get it much more than, say, that mulch buyer’s guide app all the kids are talking about. (Unless they show off their mulch in 3D, but that would be a waste of a perfectly good dimension.) So, 3D apps are fun to see, fun to interact with, and fun to program. Which brings me to this book. I am by no means a guru in this field. The real gurus are the ones who can knock out a couple of NVIDIA drivers before breakfast, 4-dimensional hypercube simulators by lunch, and port Halo to a TokyoFlash watch before the evening’s Firefly marathon on SyFy. I can’t do that. But I am a decent writer, have enough of a working knowledge of the subject to make me harmless, and know how to spell “3D.” So here we are. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430240024/buythisbooks-20


Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5

Apress, 2011。epub格式 Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5 (Learn Apress) Did you ever imagine yourself writing a computer game and being able to make money selling it? With Apple’s iTunes App Store and the accompanying mobile devices iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, it’s now easier than ever. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s easy— there’s still a lot to learn about game development and programming games. But you are reading this book, so I believe you’ve already made up your mind to take this journey. And you’ve chosen one of the most interesting game engines to work with: cocos2d for iOS. Developers using cocos2d have a huge variety of backgrounds. Some, like me, have been professional game developers for years and even decades. Others are just starting to learn programming for iOS devices or are freshly venturing into the exciting field of game development. Whatever your background might be, I’m sure you’ll get something out of this book. Two things unite all cocos2d developers: we love games, and we love creating and programming them. This book will pay homage to that yet won’t forget about the tools that will help ease the development process. Most of all, you’ll be making games that matter along the way, and you’ll see how this knowledge is applied in real game development. You see, I get bored by books that spend all their pages teaching me how to make yet another dull Asteroids clone using some specific game-programming API. What’s more important, I think, are game programming concepts and tools—the things you take with you even as APIs or your personal programming preferences change. I’ve amassed hundreds of programming and game development books over 20 years. The books I value the most to this day are those who went beyond the technology and taught me why certain things are designed and programmed the way they are. This book will focus not just on working game code but also on why it works and which trade-offs to consider. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430238135/buythisbooks-20


Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

Apress, 2011 This is a solutions book for styling HTML5 with CSS3. It contains more than 350 design patterns you can put to use right away. Each design pattern is modular and customizable, and you can combine patterns to create an unlimited number of designs. Each design pattern has been thoroughly tested and proven to work in all major web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. All the content in this book is usable and practical. You won’t waste time reading about things that don’t work! With this book, you will no longer have to use hacks, tricks, endless testing, and constant tweaking in multiple browsers to get something to work. Using a design pattern is as easy as copying and pasting it into your code and tweaking a few values. You will immediately see which values you can modify and how they affect the result so you can create the exact style and layout you want—without worrying whether it will work. This is more than a cookbook. It systematically covers several usable features of CSS and combines these features with HTML to create reusable patterns. Each pattern has an intuitive name to make it easy to find, remember, and talk about. Accessibility and best practices are carefully engineered into each design pattern, example, and source code. You can read straight through the book, use it as a reference, and use it to find solutions. Each example includes a screenshot and all relevant HTML and CSS code so you can easily see how each design pattern works. The explanation for each design pattern is included alongside, so you can easily study the example while you read about how it works. Design patterns are organized by topic, and all usable CSS rules are covered in depth and in context like no other book. All design patterns are accessible and follow best practices, making this book a worthwhile read from cover to cover, as well as an excellent reference to keep by your side while you are designing and coding. This book unleashes your productivity and creativity in web design and development. Design patterns are like Legos—you can combine them in countless ways to create any design. They are like tools in a toolbox, and this book arms you with hundreds of tools you can whip out to solve problems quickly and reliably. Instead of hacking away at a solution, this book shows you how to create designs predictably— by combining predictable patterns. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430237805/buythisbooks-20


LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX

wiley 2012 A concise introduction to IMT-Advanced Systems, including LTE-Advanced and WiMAX There exists a strong demand for fully extending emerging Internet services, including collaborative applications and social networking, to the mobile and wireless domain. Delivering such services can be possible only through realizing broadband in the wireless. Two candidate technologies are currently competing in fulfilling the requirements for wireless broadband networks, WiMAX and LTE. At the moment, LTE and its future evolution LTE-Advanced are already gaining ground in terms of vendor and operator support. Whilst both technologies share certain attributes (utilizing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) in downlink, accommodating smart antennas and full support for IP-switching, for example), they differ in others (including uplink technology, scheduling, frame structure and mobility support). Beyond technological merits, factors such as deployment readiness, ecosystem maturity and migration feasibility come to light when comparing the aptitude of the two technologies. LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX: Towards IMT-Advanced Networks provides a concise, no-nonsense introduction to the two technologies, covering both interface and networking considerations. More critically, the book gives a multi-faceted comparison, carefully analyzing and distinguishing the characteristics of each technology and spanning both technical and economic merits. A “big picture” understanding of the market strategies and forecasts is also offered. Discusses and critically evaluates LTE, LTE-Advanced and WiMAX (Legacy and Advanced) amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/LTE-LTE-Advanced-WiMAX-IMT-Advanced-Networks/dp/0470745681/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333121278&sr=8-1


Applied WPF 4 in Context

Apress, 2011 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical computer platform built and distributed by Microsoft to create rich client applications for Windows systems. With WPF, you can build rich interfaces with animations and amazing graphical effects as easily as you can build minimalist and corporate user interfaces for line-of-business (LOB) applications. Unfortunately, because WPF is such a powerful and complex technology, it requires some initial effort to understand its mechanisms. Moreover, for a newbie, the XAML markup used to create the user interfaces can be tough to come to grips with. Creating a WPF application and, more generally, creating any type of application with a user interface is a rather convoluted task; it comprises a number of phases and the final result is likely to be of a certain complexity. A standalone application built using WPF is usually made up of various “components” that are used to encapsulate the “modules” of the software. You might have, for instance, a component to access the data, a component to include a logical function, a component to render the user interface, and so on. In this book, I will show you how to create and implement WPF, using best practices to create a realworld application. At the same time, I’ll also show you how to structure and architect a WPF application made up of different components that you’ll be able to recycle for future applications. By the end of the book, you should have a working knowledge of WPF and know how to architect a WPF application using the tools provided by Microsoft, such as SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition, the Entity Framework, Window Communication Foundation (WCF), and more. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430234709/buythisbooks-20


Android Apps for Absolute Beginners,

Apress, 2011 Over the last two years, Google’s Android operating system (OS) has gone from a virtually unknown open source solution to the current mobile OS market leader among all mobile handsets, with over one-third of the market share, and it’s still climbing rapidly. Android has even started to dominate the tablet OS marketplace, and is also the foundation for the popular iTV OS known as GoogleTV. There seems to be no end in sight for Android’s rocketing success, which is great news for owners of this book. I’ve heard a great many people say, “I have a really phenomenal idea for a smartphone application! Can you program it for me!?” Rather than sit back and code all of these applications for everyone, I thought it might be a smarter idea to write a book about how an absolute beginner could code an Android application using open source tools that cost nothing to download and that are free for commercial use, and then leverage that new found knowledge to reach their dream of making their application idea a revenue-generating reality. Thanks to open source and Google’s Android development environment, Oracle’s Java programming Language, Linus Torvald’s Linux operating system, the Eclipse code editing software, and this book, vaporizing a software product out of thin air, and at no production cost other than your PC and “sweat equity,” is now a complete reality. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1430234466/buythisbooks-20


Pro Windows Phone App Development(3rd)

apress August 20, 2013 The Windows Phone 8 platform provides a remarkable opportunity for Windows developers to create state-of-the-art mobile applications using their existing skills and a familiar toolset. Pro Windows Phone App Development, Third Edition, helps you unlock the potential of this platform and create dazzling, visually rich, and highly functional applications for the Windows Phone Store and bring you up to speed on the new features the Windows Phone 8 API provides. For developers new to the Windows Phone platform—whether with .NET, iOS, or Android experience—this book starts by introducing the requirements, specifications, and basics of Windows Phone development, and then leads you through the complete application development process, using an array of complementary technologies and Microsoft’s modern-style app design.


Professional iOS Programming

December 4, 2013 Hands-on guidance for programming the next generation of iOS apps If you want to create advanced level iOS apps that get noticed in the App Store, start with this expert book. Written by an international software developer and consultant who has delivered winning solutions for clients all over the world, this professional guide helps you build robust, professional iOS apps at a level that satisfies the demands of clients, companies, and your own creativity. The book includes full source code and invaluable insight from the author's extensive experience. Especially helpful are numerous case studies that shed light on key topics. Explores all topics necessary to help you build professional iOS applications perfectly targeted to clients' needs Covers essential topics including creating a professional UI, networking and data processing, integrating your app, and taking it into production Includes sample code and sample apps, ideal for hands-on learning Examines using social media aggregators, real-time currency converters, QR scanners, customer tracking and quality payment system Provides in-depth examples from the author's extensive career, as well as numerous case studies


javascript面向对象编程指南 2nd

javascript面向对象编程指南 2nd英文版,英文名:Object-Oriented JavaScript。 What you will learn from this book The basics of object-oriented programming, and how to apply it in the JavaScript environment How to set up and use your training environment (Firebug) In depth discussion of data types, operators, and flow control statements in JavaScript In depth discussion of functions, function usage patterns, and variable scope Understand how prototypes work Reuse code with common patterns for inheritance Make your programs cleaner, faster and compatible with other programs and libraries Use object-oriented JavaScript for improving script performance Achieve missing object-oriented features in JavaScript



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