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原创 Leetcode 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-30 12:24:06 805

原创 Leetcode 474. Ones and Zeroes (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 474. Ones and Zeroes (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-30 10:33:28 906

原创 Leetcode 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-30 09:20:07 815

原创 Leetcode 311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-30 08:44:13 615

原创 Leetcode 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-28 08:53:42 576

原创 Leetcode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-28 08:12:17 714

原创 Leetcode 445. Add Two Numbers II (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 445. Add Two Numbers II (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-28 06:38:52 752

原创 Leetcode 337. House Robber III (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 337. House Robber III (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-28 04:57:54 581

原创 Leetcode 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-28 04:46:23 631

原创 Leetcode 285. Inorder Successor in BST (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 285. Inorder Successor in BST (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-28 03:38:16 591

原创 Leetcode 272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-28 03:09:35 710

原创 Leetcode 99. Recover Binary Search Tree (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 99. Recover Binary Search Tree (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-28 02:42:53 468

原创 Leetcode 449. Serialize and Deserialize BST (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 449. Serialize and Deserialize BST (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-27 11:46:59 823

原创 Leetcode 333. Largest BST Subtree (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 333. Largest BST Subtree (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-27 11:44:57 531

原创 Leetcode 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-27 04:16:57 602

原创 Leetcode 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-27 04:09:05 578

原创 Leetcode 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-27 02:35:57 500

原创 Leetcode 137. Single Number II (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 137. Single Number II (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-27 02:25:54 662

原创 Leetcode 450. Delete Node in a BST (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 450. Delete Node in a BST (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-26 07:50:44 526

原创 Leetcode 250. Count Univalue Subtrees (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 250. Count Univalue Subtrees (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-26 07:06:03 602

原创 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (Medium)

114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (Medium)

2016-12-26 03:12:25 419

原创 199. Binary Tree Right Side View (Medium)

199. Binary Tree Right Side View (Medium)

2016-12-26 02:49:25 515

原创 Leetcode 437. Path Sum III (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 437. Path Sum III (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-26 02:33:04 599

原创 Leetcode 85. Maximal Rectangle (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 85. Maximal Rectangle (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-25 14:02:56 560

原创 Leetcode 361. Bomb Enemy (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 361. Bomb Enemy (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-25 13:05:34 541

原创 Leetcode 434. Number of Segments in a String (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 434. Number of Segments in a String (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-25 00:32:35 605

原创 Leetcode 133. Clone Graph (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 133. Clone Graph (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-24 16:23:40 566

原创 Leetcode 132. Palindrome Partitioning II (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 132. Palindrome Partitioning II (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-24 15:28:52 497

原创 Leetcode 256. Paint House (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 256. Paint House (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-24 14:27:20 555

原创 Leetcode 343. Integer Break (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 343. Integer Break (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-24 13:42:19 395

原创 Leetcode 276. Paint Fence (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 276. Paint Fence (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-24 13:02:55 502

原创 Leetcode 45. Jump Game II (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 45. Jump Game II (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-18 14:46:09 365

原创 Leetcode 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard) (cpp)

Leetcode 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard) (cpp)

2016-12-18 14:22:02 335

原创 Leetcode 438. Find All Anagrams in a String (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 438. Find All Anagrams in a String (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-18 10:23:56 463

原创 Leetcode 441. Arranging Coins (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 441. Arranging Coins (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-18 08:12:43 640

原创 Leetcode 293. Flip Game (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 293. Flip Game (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-18 07:34:02 401

原创 Leetcode 139. Word Break (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 139. Word Break (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-18 07:12:22 426

原创 Leetcode 384. Shuffle an Array (Medium) (cpp)

Leetcode 384. Shuffle an Array (Medium) (cpp)

2016-12-14 08:46:35 376

原创 Leetcode 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-14 05:39:10 421

原创 Leetcode 252. Meeting Rooms (Easy) (cpp)

Leetcode 252. Meeting Rooms (Easy) (cpp)

2016-12-14 05:05:37 493

OpenCV 配置文件

每次配置OpenCV都很麻烦 其实可以创新属性文件 保存下来 每次新建工程的时候再添加就可以避免每次都需要配置的问题


OpenCV-Debug 配置文件

每次配置OpenCV都很麻烦 其实可以创新属性文件 保存下来 每次新建工程的时候再添加就可以避免每次都需要配置的问题



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