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OCR recognition service - Ocrapiservice.com is an cloud based optical recognition engine. We take images as input and we reply with text as output. Checkout http://ocrapiservice.com to learn more.

Face (Lambda) - A computer vision api for facial recognition and facial detection that is a perfect face.com replacement. We currently have a free api for face detection.

Viralheat Sentiment - Viralheat sentiment is free API and allows users to submit short chunks of text for sentiment scoring.

Chinese Analytics - Soshio allows companies to quickly expand their understanding of the Chinese market. Its Chinese Analytics API provides Chinese text analytics and sentiment analysis capabilities for businesses to create their own social monitoring dashboard.

DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info - DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info includes topic summaries, categories, disambiguation, official sites, !bang redirects, definitions and more. You can use this API for many things, e.g. define people, places, things, words and concepts; provides direct links to other services (via !bang syntax); list related topics; and gives official sites when available.

MyMemory - Translation Memory - Get a better translation! MyMemory is the world’s largest Translation Memory. It contains billions of words translated by professional translators. MyMemory will give you a machine translation (Google, Microsoft or our) only when a human translation is not available.

Text-Processing - Sentiment analysis, stemming and lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging and chunking, phrase extraction and named entity recognition.

Skyttle - Skyttle API is designed to turn any text into constituent terms (meaningful expressions), entities (names of people, place and things), and sentiment terms. Languages supported are English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Swedish, Greek, Czech, Italian and Russian.

Face and Scene recognition provided by ReKognition.com - Face.com alternative! Our fast, robust and scalable rekognition engine can do facial detection, crawling, recognition, scene understanding! It can be automatically trained using images and tags on Facebook! Please visit http://rekognition.com/ or email me in mashape to register free quota!

Query Classification - This API can be used to find the topic of a keyword query. The topic for the query will be chosen from over 1500 predefined topics. This works best with query phrases like - “Star Wars”, “Dell Inspiron 1420 price” This technology has been provided by Query Dynamics LLC (http://www.querydynamics.com). This technology is being used to categorize tweets at a website called TweetDynamics (http://www.tweetdynamics.com/) To get the class for the query “Star Wars” submit a GET request to - http://tweetdynamics.com/perl/parseQueryJ?query=Star%20Wars The following JSON code will be returned: {“Answer”: sci-fi movie} The category of the query is within the by the Answer tag. Some of the uses of this api are to create tools for online query analysis and offline query log analysis.

Face Recognition - Stephen here from Lambda Labs. For sample code and a graphical demo, check outhttp://api.lambdal.com/docs. Our API provides face recognition, facial detection, eye position, nose position, mouth position, and gender classification. If you have any questions ask! Just send an email to s@lambdal.com, or call (802) 598-6343. Happy Hacking! -Stephen

Jeannie - Jeannie (Voice Actions) is a virtual assistant with over two Million downloads, now also available via API. The objective of this service is to provide you and your robot with the smartest answer to any natural language question, just like Siri. This service provides an interface to the standard functions that users demand of modern voice assistants. For example chatting, looking up information, creating messages and much much more. It also provides useful metadata such as sentence analysis and entity extraction that goes beyond simple chatting and voice commands. Over 2 million users have already been in contact with this API:http://www.voice-actions.com/ Examples: https://weannie.pannous.com/api?input=hi&login=test-userhttps://ask.pannous.com/?input=hi Complete documentation:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dVG_B5Sc2x-fi1pN6iJJjfF1bJY6KEFzUqjOb8NsntI/edit

Porn Filter - Scan images and image URLs to determine if they contain inappropriate content. Send us an image, and we will tell you if it’s likely to be porn. A note about scanning for porn: Nothing in this world is perfect. Our API looks at skin tones, shapes and other cues to identify images that are likely to be inappropriate, but nothing is ever going to be perfect. Just like virus scanning, spam filters and other things, some false positives and missed hits will occur.

Portrait3D - Portrait3D API is based on Avatarion’s Tethys 3D™ solution, and provides software developers with a technology to create animated facial models based on photos.

SpringSense Meaning Recognition - Free plan available! The fastest and most accurate Meaning Recognition (Word Sense Disambiguation) API in the world. Recognises any nouns in a body of text and allows you to provide a rich user-interface with meaning definitions. More exhaustive (and useful) bindings are available at: http://github.com/SpringSense/ruby-api-bindings http://github.com/SpringSense/java-api-bindingshttp://github.com/SpringSense/python-api-bindings

Idilia Sense Analytics - Precisely annotate text with fine senses using the world’s only API that disambiguates both common words (all parts of speech) and proper nouns (NEs) with near human accuracy. Use specialized recipes for well-formed text, queries, and social media (e.g. tweets). Get lexical annotation, statistical confidence scores, external links (wikipedia, twitter verified accounts, etc), and precise classification of NEs. Tags: disambiguation, wsd, text analytics, language, sense annotation, semantic, extraction ** For more documentation see at http://idilia.com/docs/rest_api/text-disambiguate ** Developer forum athttp://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/idilia-developers

ImageVision - NuditySearch - ImageVision’s NuditySearch - Recognizing nudity is a highly complex problem. NuditySearch tackles this problem by recognizing anatomical attributes and determining if there is nudity in images. Beta version of ImageVision’s NuditySearch Engine Find out more at www.ImageVision.comKeywords: nude, nudity, lewd, suspicious, improper, protect, anatomy, anatomical, image analysis, image detection, feature extraction, image scan.

SkyBiometry Face Detection and Recognition - An easy to use Face Detection and Recognition API. You must have an application created in your account at SkyBiometry to use it (sign up athttps://www.skybiometry.com/Account/Register if you don’t have account yet).

Question-Answering - The WebKnox question-answering API allows you to find answers to natural language questions. These questions can be factual such as “What is the capital of Australia” or more complex.

TweetSentiments - Returns the sentiment of Tweets. Two online APIs call the Twitter API to analyze Tweets from a given Twitter user or Tweets returned by a Twitter search query. The offline API analyzes texts of Tweets you’ve already got, one Tweet at a time.

Bypass Captcha - Bypass any captchas you meet and free your hands.

Text Processing - The WebKnox text processing API lets you process (natural) language texts. You can detect the text’s language, the quality of the writing, find entity mentions, tag part-of-speech, extract dates, extract locations, or determine the sentiment of the text.

Infatics Face Detection - Simple face detection API.

Sentiment Analysis for Social Media - The multilingual sentiment analysis API (with exceptional accuracy, 83.4% as opposed to industry standard of 65.4%, and available in Mandarin) from Chatterbox classifies social media texts as positive or negative, with a free daily allowance to get you started. The system uses advanced statistical models (machine learning & NLP) trained on social data, meaning the detection can handle slang, common misspellings, emoticons, hashtags, etc. You can use this API for free. If you require more flexibility and larger scale you can move up to a paid-for plan. Full details on the awesomeness of the API can be found at chatterbox.co/api. See a CASE STUDY of this API in use here: http://bit.ly/Wlku1z. Please note: The free plan offers 500 statuses classified per day - any use over this will be charged for. If you are using more than 500 statuses per day it is more cost effective to upgrade to one of the low cost, paid-for plans or contact us direct for an Enterprise offering.

ColorTag - ColorTag is a powerful API for color detection. Taking an image file (or URL) as input ColorTag produces a list of text labels and hex RGB values that can be then used as tags for a certain image or item. The API can sort tags by relevance (detecting colors of objects on the image, e.g. a dress, a car, etc.) or simply by weight in the image. First mode is perfect for e-commerce applications, allowing to automatically tag items with colors by simply providing a photo or a thumbnail and build a color tag cloud, so users are able to search items by color (e.g. red). Weight sorting mode can be useful for photos, wallpapers or other images without well-defined objects on them to analyze the palette in general. Text color labels can be assigned with different precision (just basic colors, W3C-compatible colors, precise colors, etc.).

Chinese Sentiment Analysis for Social Media - This API performs Chinese Sentiment Analysis for Social Media (such as Sina Weibo statuses). For a provided message it classifies the status as positive or negative. The system is designed specifically for social media and so it can take advantage of slang and niche language. This API is in testing mode and should be considered a BETA release. The API is likely to change at any point - it is unstable and the results should only be used for testing. Please note: The free plan offers 500 statuses classified per day - any use over this will be charged for. 此API适用于中文社交媒体的情感分析(例如新浪微博),能针对每一条消息进行情感分类:正面或负面。该系统基于社交媒体,能够充分利用俚语,特殊词语等新新网络用语。请注意:该免费版本提供每天500条消息分类 - 超过此上限,将会被额外收费。

Nudity Detection Service - This API allows developers to check for nudity in images.

Animetrics Face Recognition - he Animetrics Face Recognition API can be used to detect human faces in pictures. Information on facial features or “landmarks” is returned as coordinates on the image.. Animetrics Face Recognition will also detect and return the orientation, or “pose” of faces along 3 axes. We plan to add functionality for facial matching very soon! A special capability called “SetPose” is also available. SetPose images are frontal view mugshots of a face which have been zero-corrected for pitch (x axis), yaw (y axis), and roll (z axis). As long as within the input facial image both eyes are visible, then SetPose will pose correct that facial image to x=y=z=0, a perfect frontal.

Stemmer - This API takes a paragraph and returns the text with each word stemmed using porter stemmer, snowball stemmer or UEA stemmer

Term Analysis - Given a text, this API returns the lemmatized text

Algorithms.io - The Algorithms.io API provides a catalog of machine learning algorithms as a service. Includes recommendation algorithms (collaborative filtering), clustering, and classification. Check back with us often as we are constantly adding new algorithms. If you have a machine learning algorithm you’d like to offer for use via our API please contact us to become part of our partner program. You can find detailed documentation on our docs page at: http://documentation.algorithms.io

Truthy - Write scripts to work with our data, statistics, and images using the API. Download tweet volume over time, network layout, and statistics about memes and users, such as predicted political partisanship, sentiment score, language, and activity.

Semantic Analytics - Text analysis API including wordnet synsets,relation extraction,named entity recognition and classification,lemmatization,part of speech tagging,tokenization, and semantic role labeling. Also includes wikipedia types from dbpedia, YAGO ( so it knows about artists, presidents, ..) as well as disambiguation using wikipedia redirects (President Abraham Lincoln redirects to Abraham Lincoln on Wikipedia) useful for detecting who a person might be.

Anger Detection for Social Media - This unique API will revolutionise your service levels, protect your brand and monitor both sales and promotional campaigns. Designed specifically for social media this API automatically measures the anger levels within social messages so you can quickly highlight action points. Combined with Chatterbox Sentiment Analysis, Anger Detection is designed to protect your brand and service interaction with an online audience. Identifying badvocates (unhappy clients) will ensure your product launch runs smoothly, your campaign is on track and that no viral negative influence impacts sales revenues. This API has proven successful with large volumes of data, at the individual message level and offers ease of integration with an enterprise system for immediate attention within the relevant area of your business. Historical and current measurement will also be an attractive reason of why to buy this API.

Excitement Gauge for Social Media - This API is essential for measuring online audiences. Using advanced machine learning it automatically measures the excitement levels within social statuses. You’ll have heard of buzz (number of messages) but buzz is basic - it doesn’t tell you anything about the messages being posted. The Excitement Gauge allows you to measure quality on top of quantity. Combined with Chatterbox Sentiment Analysis this API is designed to support advertising revenues, sales promotions, product launches and loyalty programs across timelines, geographies and languages . This API provides a far more accurate measure of how successful, engaging and receptive your audience is across the digital landscape (online, TV and advertising). Historical and current measurement will also be an attractive reason of why to buy this API.

Ping.it - Send fast and direct tips about good content to any of your friends, co-workers and family.

DocumentParser - Extracts text and metadata from a variety of formats (HTML, Office, PDF, XML, etc…) and identifies the mime-type of a document. The number and nature of the metadata returned depends on the mime-type and content of the document. All documents will have at least a ‘Content-Type’ key/value and often a ‘title’. Based on your level of subscription, the API can also detect the language of a document. The identification is based on statistical methods and has over 99% precision for 53 languages.

Diffbot - Diffbot extracts data from web pages automatically and returns structured JSON. For example, our Article API returns an article’s title, author, date and full-text. Use the web as your database! We use computer vision, machine learning and natural language processing to add structure to just about any web page.

Sentiment Analysis Spanish - Sentiment analysis for Spanish language of any given tweet.

PeerReach - The PeerReach API allows you to give context to content produced by users. Currently we only support Twitter users but will accept other networks in the near future.

nlpTools - Text processing framework to analyse Natural Language. It is especially focused on text classification and sentiment analysis of online news media (general-purpose, multiple topics).

Speech2Topics - Yactraq Speech2Topics is a cloud service that converts audiovisual content into topic metadata via speech recognition & natural language processing. Customers use Yactraq metadata to target ads, build UX features like content search/discovery and mine Youtube videos for brand sentiment. In the past such services have been expensive and only used by large video publishers. The unique thing about Yactraq is we deliver our service at a price any product developer can afford

1JAVA SE 1.1深入JAVA API 1.1.1Lang包类和StringBuffer类 位于java.lang包中,这个包中的类使用时不用导入 String类一旦初始化就不可以改变,而stringbuffer则可以。它用于封装内容可变的字符串。它可以使用tostring()转换成string字符串。 String x=”a”+4+”c”编译时等效于String x=new StringBuffer().append(“a”).append(4).append(“c”).toString(); 字符串常量是一种特殊的匿名对象,String s1=”hello”;String s2=”hello”;则s1==s2;因为他们指向同一个匿名对象。 如果String s1=new String(“hello”);String s2=new String(“hello”);则s1!=s2; /*逐行读取键盘输入,直到输入为“bye”时,结束程序 注:对于回车换行,在windows下面,有'\r'和'\n'两个,而unix下面只有'\n',但是写程序的时候都要把他区分开*/ public class readline { public static void main(String args[]) { String strInfo=null; int pos=0; byte[] buf=new byte[1024];//定义一个数组,存放换行前的各个字符 int ch=0; //存放读入的字符 system.out.println(“Please input a string:”); while(true) { try { ch=System.in.read(); //该方法每次读入一个字节的内容到ch变量中。 } catch(Exception e) { } switch(ch) { case '\r': //回车时,不进行处理 break; case '\n': //换行时,将数组总的内容放进字符串中 strInfo=new String(buf,0,pos); //该方法将数组中从第0个开始,到第pos个结束存入字符串。 if(strInfo.equals("bye")) //如果该字符串内容为bye,则退出程序。 { return; } else //如果不为bye,则输出,并且竟pos置为0,准备下次存入。 { System.out.println(strInfo); pos=0; break; } default: buf[pos++]=(byte)ch; //如果不是回车,换行,则将读取的数据存入数组中。 } } } } String类的常用成员方法 1、构造方法: String(byte[] byte,int offset,int length);这个在上面已经用到。 2、equalsIgnoreCase:忽略大小写的比较,上例中如果您输入的是BYE,则不会退出,因为大小写不同,但是如果使用这个方法,则会退出。 3、indexOf(int ch);返回字符ch在字符串中首次出现的位置 4、substring(int benginIndex); 5、substring(int beginIndex,int endIndex); 返回字符串的子字符串,4返回从benginindex位置开始到结束的子字符串,5返回beginindex和endindex-1之间的子字符串。 基本数据类型包装类的作用是:将基本的数据类型包装成对象。因为有些方法不可以直接处理基本数据类型,只能处理对象,例如vector的add方法,参数就只能是对象。这时就需要使用他们的包装类将他们包装成对象。 例:在屏幕上打印出一个*组成的矩形,矩形的宽度和高度通过启动程序时传递给main()方法的参数指定。 public class testInteger { public static void main(String[] args) //main()的参数是string类型的数组,用来做为长,宽时,要转换成整型。 { int w=new Integer(args[0]).intValue(); int h=Integer.parseInt(args[1]); //int h=Integer.valueOf(args[1]).intValue(); //以上为三种将字符串转换成整形的方法。 for(int i=0;i<h;i++) { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); //使用stringbuffer,是因为它是可追加的。 for(int j=0;j<w;j++) { sb.append('*'); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); //在打印之前,要将stringbuffer转化为string类型。 } } } 比较下面两段代码的执行效率: (1)String sb=new String(); For(int j=0;j<w;j++) { Sb=sb+’*’; } (2) StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); For(int j=0;j<w;j++) { Sb.append(‘*’); } (1)和(2)在运行结果上相同,但效率相差很多。 (1)在每一次循环中,都要先将string类型转换为stringbuffer类型,然后将‘*’追加进去,然后再调用tostring()方法,转换为string类型,效率很低。 (2)在没次循环中,都只是调用原来的那个stringbuffer对象,没有创建新的对象,所以效率比较高。类与Runtime类 由于java不支持全局函数和全局变量,所以java设计者将一些与系统相关的重要函数和变量放在system类中。 我们不能直接创建runtime的实例,只能通过runtime.getruntime()静态方法来获得。 编程实例:在java程序中启动一个windows记事本程序的运行实例,并在该运行实例中打开该运行程序的源文件,启动的记事本程序5秒后关闭。 public class Property { public static void main(String[] args) { Process p=null; //java虚拟机启动的进程。 try { p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe Property.java"); //启动记事本并且打开源文件。 Thread.sleep(5000); //持续5秒 p.destroy(); //关闭该进程 } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }语言中两种异常的差别 Java提供了两类主要的异常:runtime exception和checked exception。所有的checked exception是从java.lang.Exception类衍生出来的,而runtime exception则是从java.lang.RuntimeException或java.lang.Error类衍生出来的。    它们的不同之处表现在两方面:机制上和逻辑上。    一、机制上    它们在机制上的不同表现在两点:1.如何定义方法;2. 如何处理抛出的异常。请看下面CheckedException的定义:    public class CheckedException extends Exception    {    public CheckedException() {}    public CheckedException( String message )    {    super( message );    }    }    以及一个使用exception的例子:    public class ExceptionalClass    {    public void method1()    throws CheckedException    {     // ... throw new CheckedException( “...出错了“ );    }    public void method2( String arg )    {     if( arg == null )     {      throw new NullPointerException( “method2的参数arg是null!” );     }    }    public void method3() throws CheckedException    {     method1();    }    }    你可能已经注意到了,两个方法method1()和method2()都会抛出exception,可是只有method1()做了声明。另外,method3()本身并不会抛出exception,可是它却声明会抛出CheckedException。在向你解释之前,让我们先来看看这个类的main()方法:    public static void main( String[] args )    {    ExceptionalClass example = new ExceptionalClass();    try    {    example.method1();    example.method3();    }    catch( CheckedException ex ) { } example.method2( null );    }    在main()方法中,如果要调用method1(),你必须把这个调用放在try/catch程序块当中,因为它会抛出Checked exception。    相比之下,当你调用method2()时,则不需要把它放在try/catch程序块当中,因为它会抛出的exception不是checked exception,而是runtime exception。会抛出runtime exception的方法在定义时不必声明它会抛出exception。    现在,让我们再来看看method3()。它调用了method1()却没有把这个调用放在try/catch程序块当中。它是通过声明它会抛出method1()会抛出的exception来避免这样做的。它没有捕获这个exception,而是把它传递下去。实际上main()方法也可以这样做,通过声明它会抛出Checked exception来避免使用try/catch程序块(当然我们反对这种做法)。    小结一下:    * Runtime exceptions:    在定义方法时不需要声明会抛出runtime exception;    在调用这个方法时不需要捕获这个runtime exception;    runtime exception是从java.lang.RuntimeException或java.lang.Error类衍生出来的。    * Checked exceptions:    定义方法时必须声明所有可能会抛出的checked exception;    在调用这个方法时,必须捕获它的checked exception,不然就得把它的exception传递下去;    checked exception是从java.lang.Exception类衍生出来的。    二、逻辑上    从逻辑的角度来说,checked exceptions和runtime exception是有不同的使用目的的。checked exception用来指示一种调用方能够直接处理的异常情况。而runtime exception则用来指示一种调用方本身无法处理或恢复的程序错误。    checked exception迫使你捕获它并处理这种异常情况。以java.net.URL类的构建器(constructor)为例,它的每一个构建器都会抛出MalformedURLException。MalformedURLException就是一种checked exception。设想一下,你有一个简单的程序,用来提示用户输入一个URL,然后通过这个URL去下载一个网页。如果用户输入的URL有错误,构建器就会抛出一个exception。既然这个exception是checked exception,你的程序就可以捕获它并正确处理:比如说提示用户重新输入。 




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