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Programming is an eminently learnable skill that gives you unrivalled problem-solving power you can apply in all areas of life. It’s also a fun, creative activity that provides insight into how we control the devices that influence virtually every aspect of our lives. How to Program teaches you one of the world’s most accessible and powerful computer languages, Python. Learning a new language opens a wealth of opportunities. But there’s one language family that provides benefits like no other: the languages of computer programming. Now widely taught in schools—even in elementary schools—programming is an eminently learnable skill that gives you unrivalled problem-solving power you can apply in all areas of life. Programming is also a fun, creative activity that imparts deep insights into how we control the devices that influence virtually every aspect of our lives. Writing computer code has truly gone mainstream in recent years. Simple, general-purpose computer languages that resemble English can be readily used by anyone, thanks to fundamental building blocks that allow even complete beginners to write short pieces of working code, while also taking the mystery and complexity out of more complicated scripts. Remarkable advances in hardware and in user interfaces mean that skills that were once highly technical, complicated, and difficult to learn are today within the reach of everyone who is willing to engage with a computer. And now a pathbreaking guide is available with How to Program: Computer Science Concepts and Python Exercises. These 24 engaging and information-rich half-hour lessons use one of the world’s most accessible, popular, and powerful computer languages, Python 3, as a gateway to the universe of programming. Taught by Professor John Keyser of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, one of the top-ranked computer science programs in the country, this unique video course offers the following advantages: From the very first lesson, Professor Keyser plunges you into Python coding and the concepts of computer science, with a friendly and accessible style that has won him numerous teaching awards. The Python computer language (named after the comedy troupe Monty Python) is ideal for beginners, with code based on ordinary English words and the flexibility to create many useful and creative programs. The course covers fundamental ideas with clarity and depth, teaching you programming from the most basic commands to the techniques that help you develop ambitious pieces of software. Professor Keyser focuses on practical problem-solving, presenting dozens of real-life examples and exercises, walking you through solutions, and helping you practice and build your skills. Following some of the lessons, Professor Keyser leads you through supplementary problems that reinforce key programming strategies. In addition, the guidebook that accompanies the course features dozens of additional drills and practice exercises, always with answers, together with a reference section that includes definitions of computer science terms, important Python commands, and other useful information. No matter what level of experience and skill you have with computers, you can rest assured that this course will suit your needs from the first step: walking you through how to install Python 3 and the programming editor PyCharm, both of which are available free online.
Begin to Code with Python By 作者: Rob Miles ISBN-10 书号: 1509304525 ISBN-13 书号: 9781509304523 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2017-12-18 pages 页数: 1463 $39.99 This full-color book will inspire you to start solving problems and creating programs with Python, even if you have absolutely no programming experience. It’s not just friendly and easy: it’s the first Python beginner’s guide that puts you in control of your own learning, and empowers you to build unique programs to solve problems you care about. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmer’s tutorial, reflecting deep research into how today’s beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with Python is packed with innovations, including interactive sessions where you learn by speaking directly to the language itself, Cookie Cutter templates that give you a flying start, and “Make Something Happen” projects that help you build skills by creating your own programs, not programs someone else has handed you. Throughout, Begin to Code with Python balances playful exposition and illustration of programming fundamentals with your own creative input – and you’ll never be more than a page or two away from making something unique and personal to you. It will help you… Understand the basics of coding, from simple data storage to more complex and useful programs Discover how Python works using the Visual Studio environment Master advanced techniques, including classes and object-based solutions design Extend your code with Python’s powerful libraries Build web and cloud-based applications, as well as graphical user interfaces and games Test and debug your code with “What can go wrong” sections Understand the social aspects of professional development, and build career-ready skills from the start Whether you’re a total beginner or you’ve tried before, Begin to Code with Python will put the power, excitement, and creativity of programming where it belongs: in your hands!
How to be a Programmer: Community Version Robert L. Read with Community Copyright 2002, 2003, 2016 Robert L. Read Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Available on gitbook to read online or download for offline reading (as PDF, ePub or Mobi) Available to buy as a hardcover book (cost covers production & shipping only) - Edition 1, published 04/01/16 Introduction To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. Writing computer programs is important and takes great intelligence and skill. But it is really child's play compared to everything else that a good programmer must do to make a software system that succeeds for both the customer and myriad colleagues for whom he or she is partially responsible. In this essay I attempt to summarize as concisely as possible those things that I wish someone had explained to me when I was twenty-one. This is very subjective and, therefore, this essay is doomed to be personal and somewhat opinionated. I confine myself to problems that a programmer is very likely to have to face in her work. Many of these problems and their solutions are so general to the human condition that I will probably seem preachy. I hope in spite of this that this essay will be useful. Computer programming is taught in courses. The excellent books: The Pragmatic Programmer [Prag99], Code Complete [CodeC93], Rapid Development [RDev96], and Extreme Programming Explained [XP99] all teach computer programming and the larger issues of being a good programmer. The essays of Paul Graham [PGSite] and Eric Raymond [Hacker] should certainly be read before or along with this article. This essay differs from those excellent works by emphasizing social problems and comprehensively summarizing the entire set of necessary skills as I see them. In this essay the term boss is used to refer to whomever gives you projects to do. I use the words business, company, and tribe, synonymously except that business connotes moneymaking, company connotes the modern workplace and tribe is generally the people you share loyalty with. ---------------------------------------------------- 本 PDF 基于开源文档,目录书签齐全。 版权归原作者。 ---------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the tribe.


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