struct tm * local;/// 时间格式 2011-09-10-22-30-15
time_t t;/// 时间 LONGLONG 是距离1970年1月1日的时间time(&t);
local = localtime(&t);/// 当前系统时间
printf("Local year is: %d\n",local->tm_year+1900);/// 时间格式中的年份为 +1900 为现在的年份
printf("Local month is: %d\n",local->tm_mon+1);/// 月份为0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11
printf("Local day is: %d\n",local->tm_mday);
printf("Local hour is: %d\n",local->tm_hour);
printf("Local minute is: %d\n",local->tm_min);
printf("Local second is: %d\n",local->tm_sec);
printf("UTC hour is: %d\n" , local->tm_hour);
char str[256] = {0};
strftime( str, 128, "Today is %A, day %d of %B in the year %Y.\n", local);/// 通过tm格式可以直接得到 年 月 日
time_t tTimea = StringToStructTime("2011-09-10-22-30-15");
int chargeTime = 20;
tTimea +=chargeTime;
struct tm *tTime;
tTime = localtime(&tTimea);
printf("Local year is: %d\n",tTime->tm_year+1900);
printf("Local month is: %d\n",tTime->tm_mon+1);
printf("Local day is: %d\n",tTime->tm_mday);
printf("Local hour is: %d\n",tTime->tm_hour);
printf("Local minute is: %d\n",tTime->tm_min);
printf("Local second is: %d\n",tTime->tm_sec);
char strTime[24] = {0};
sprintf_s(strTime, "%4d-%2d-%2d-%2d-%2d-%2d", tTime->tm_year+1900,tTime->tm_mon+1,tTime->tm_mday,tTime->tm_hour,tTime->tm_min,tTime->tm_sec);
/// end main
time_t StringToStructTime(char * szTime)
struct tm tm1;
time_t time1;
sscanf(szTime, "%4d-%2d-%2d-%2d-%2d-%2d", &tm1.tm_year, &tm1.tm_mon, &tm1.tm_mday, &tm1.tm_hour, &tm1.tm_min,&tm1.tm_sec);
tm1.tm_year -= 1900;
tm1.tm_mon --;
tm1.tm_isdst = -1;
time1 = mktime(&tm1);
return time1;