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原创 豆瓣电台总结(三)歌曲列表展现
1、字典与字典之前相互赋值let rowData:NSDictionary = self.tabledata[indexPath.row] as NSDictionary
2014-11-19 00:04:24 384
原创 Could not load the "logo.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier
2014-11-17 11:25:25 5129
转载 tableView重用cell原理
比如:有100条数据,iPhone一屏最多显示10个cell。程序最开始显示TableView的情况是: 1. 用[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]创建10次cell,并给cell指定同样的重用标识(当然,可以为不同显示类型的cel
2014-11-15 09:26:51 359
原创 Convert:could not find an overload for init
width and height elements of CGSize are declared asCGFloat.On the 64-bit platform, CGFloat is the same as Double and has 64-bit,whereas Float has only 32-bit.
2014-11-15 02:49:59 406
原创 Type does not confirm to protocol 'BooleanType.Protocol'
声明: var delegate: FontSizeChangeDelegate?不是BoolXING
2014-11-15 00:33:43 274
原创 cannot be used as a boolean
Optional type '@lvalue FontSizeChangeDelegate?' cannot be used as a boolean; test for '!= nil' insteadWith optional booleans it's needed to make the check explicit:
2014-11-15 00:27:54 950
原创 UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is not set?
Q:reason: when you turn off one View Control, reset anther View Contro
2014-11-08 05:33:30 772
原创 NSUnknownKeyException
Q:When programming on XCode I found that my app suddenly crashed on launch after adding a little more code. The output panel showed the following error:A:
2014-11-08 03:14:10 507
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹