
这个例子来源于scala圣经级教程《Functional Programming in Scala》,虽然原书的随书代码可以找到这些类的影子,但却没有关于如何使用这些类的示例代码,本人在阅读此书期间,除了跟着书中的代码敲了一遍之外,还写了一些测试代码进行验证,贴出来作为blog主要是为了方便自己,也为那些同样在阅读此书的人参考, 因为或许有可能你看了书本也不知道如何使用这些现成的函数和库。注释不多,本人也不可能写太多,因为这本书不是简单的入门书,而是一本进阶,升华用的内涵书籍,三言两语也解释不清其中的很多细节,如果看不懂,但是又感兴趣的就去看原书吧……

Scala推崇使用纯函数 进行编程(纯函数满足引用透明性,因此也更加模块化,更加可测试,这里给一个更抽象的引用透明性的定义: 如果说在程序p中每个出现的表达式e都被其求值的结果给替换,且对p不造成任何影响,我们可以说e对于p而言都是引用透明的))。但并没有说纯函数式编程是不允许使用可变状态的。本章的例子展示了如何在Scala中使用局部可变状态,但又保持一个纯函数式的外壳。示例同时也展示了一些借助Scala类型系统来保证其纯粹性的技巧。

package localeffects

object Mutable {
  def quicksort(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = if (xs.isEmpty) xs else {
    val arr = xs.toArray
    def swap(x: Int, y: Int) = {
      val tmp = arr(x)
      arr(x) = arr(y)
      arr(y) = tmp
    def partition(l: Int, r: Int, pivot: Int) = {
      val pivotVal = arr(pivot)
      swap(pivot, r)
      var j = l
      for (i <- l until r) if (arr(i) < pivotVal) {
        swap(i, j)
        j += 1
      swap(j, r)
    def qs(l: Int, r: Int): Unit = if (l < r) {
      val pi = partition(l, r, l + (r - l) / 2)
      qs(l, pi - 1)
      qs(pi + 1, r)
    qs(0, arr.length - 1)

sealed trait ST[S,A] { self =>
  protected def run(s: S): (A,S)
  def map[B](f: A => B): ST[S,B] = new ST[S,B] {
    def run(s: S) = {
      val (a, s1) = self.run(s)
      (f(a), s1)
  def flatMap[B](f: A => ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] = new ST[S,B] {
    def run(s: S) = {
      val (a, s1) = self.run(s)

object ST {
  def apply[S,A](a: => A) = {
    lazy val memo = a
    new ST[S,A] {
      def run(s: S) = (memo, s)
  def runST[A](st: RunnableST[A]): A =

sealed trait STRef[S,A] {
  protected var cell: A
  def read: ST[S,A] = ST(cell)
  def write(a: => A): ST[S,Unit] = new ST[S,Unit] {
    def run(s: S) = {
      cell = a
      ((), s)

object STRef {
  def apply[S,A](a: A): ST[S, STRef[S,A]] = ST(new STRef[S,A] {
    var cell = a

trait RunnableST[A] {
  def apply[S]: ST[S,A]

// Scala requires an implicit Manifest for constructing arrays.
sealed abstract class STArray[S,A](implicit manifest: Manifest[A]) {
  protected def value: Array[A]
  def size: ST[S,Int] = ST(value.size)

  // Write a value at the give index of the array
  def write(i: Int, a: A): ST[S,Unit] = new ST[S,Unit] {
    def run(s: S) = {
      value(i) = a
      ((), s)

  // Read the value at the given index of the array
  def read(i: Int): ST[S,A] = ST(value(i))

  // Turn the array into an immutable list
  def freeze: ST[S,List[A]] = ST(value.toList)

  def fill(xs: Map[Int,A]): ST[S,Unit] =
    xs.foldRight(ST[S,Unit](())) {
      case ((k, v), st) => st flatMap (_ => write(k, v))

  def swap(i: Int, j: Int): ST[S,Unit] = for {
    x <- read(i)
    y <- read(j)
    _ <- write(i, y)
    _ <- write(j, x)
  } yield ()

object STArray {
  // Construct an array of the given size filled with the value v
  def apply[S,A:Manifest](sz: Int, v: A): ST[S, STArray[S,A]] =
    ST(new STArray[S,A] {
      lazy val value = Array.fill(sz)(v)

  def fromList[S,A:Manifest](xs: List[A]): ST[S, STArray[S,A]] =
    ST(new STArray[S,A] {
      lazy val value = xs.toArray

object Immutable {
  def noop[S] = ST[S,Unit](())

  def partition[S](a: STArray[S,Int], l: Int, r: Int, pivot: Int): ST[S,Int] = for {
    vp <- a.read(pivot)
    _ <- a.swap(pivot, r)
    j <- STRef(l)
    _ <- (l until r).foldLeft(noop[S])((s, i) => for {
      _ <- s
      vi <- a.read(i)
      _  <- if (vi < vp) (for {
        vj <- j.read
        _  <- a.swap(i, vj)
        _  <- j.write(vj + 1)
      } yield ()) else noop[S]
    } yield ())
    x <- j.read
    _ <- a.swap(x, r)
  } yield x

  def qs[S](a: STArray[S,Int], l: Int, r: Int): ST[S, Unit] = if (l < r) for {
    pi <- partition(a, l, r, l + (r - l) / 2)
    _ <- qs(a, l, pi - 1)
    _ <- qs(a, pi + 1, r)
  } yield () else noop[S]

  def quicksort(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] =
    if (xs.isEmpty) xs else ST.runST(new RunnableST[List[Int]] {
      def apply[S] = for {
        arr    <- STArray.fromList(xs)
        size   <- arr.size
        _      <- qs(arr, 0, size - 1)
        sorted <- arr.freeze
      } yield sorted

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap

sealed trait STMap[S,K,V] {
  protected def table: HashMap[K,V]

  def size: ST[S,Int] = ST(table.size)

  // Get the value under a key
  def apply(k: K): ST[S,V] = ST(table(k))

  // Get the value under a key, or None if the key does not exist
  def get(k: K): ST[S, Option[V]] = ST(table.get(k))

  // Add a value under a key
  def +=(kv: (K, V)): ST[S,Unit] = ST(table += kv)

  // Remove a key
  def -=(k: K): ST[S,Unit] = ST(table -= k)

object STMap {
  def empty[S,K,V]: ST[S, STMap[S,K,V]] = ST(new STMap[S,K,V] {
    val table = HashMap.empty[K,V]

  def fromMap[S,K,V](m: Map[K,V]): ST[S, STMap[S,K,V]] = ST(new STMap[S,K,V] {
    val table = (HashMap.newBuilder[K,V] ++= m).result

object Test {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    import testing.Gen
    import state.RNG.Simple

    val rng = Simple(System.currentTimeMillis())
    val chooseGen = Gen.choose(1, 101)
    val size = 40
    //生成长度为size、元素大小在闭区间[1, 100]的链表
    val li = Gen.listOf(chooseGen).g(size).sample.run(rng)._1

    val sorted = Mutable.quicksort(li)//java风格的或者说命令式程序风格的快速排序

    val res = ST.runST(new RunnableST[Int] {
       def apply[Unit]: ST[Unit, Int] = ST(10)



List(36, 62, 62, 12, 43, 42, 64, 96, 48, 9)
List(9, 12, 36, 42, 43, 48, 62, 62, 64, 96)
List(9, 12, 36, 42, 43, 48, 62, 62, 64, 96)




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


