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原创 我想大声告诉你
2010-04-12 09:24:00 404
原创 Digester的使用
The document from apache websites about digester is more comprehensive. Seehttp://commons.apache.org/digester/commons-digester-1.8/docs/api/org/apache/commons/digester/package-summary.html 转自ht
2009-11-09 15:16:00 427
原创 The sixth sense
Director: M. Night SyamalanActors: Bruce Willis--Dr. Malcolm Crowe Haley Joel Osment---Cole Sear I love this movie. I was deeply touched by this movie and cried a lot at the end of
2009-10-25 05:59:00 532
原创 chapter 22 Elementary Graph Algorithms
1. Representation of graphs G=(V,E)adjacency lists—sparse graphs; directed, undirected, weighted; memory requiresθ(V+E);adjacency matrix—dense graph 2. Breadth-first searchAnalysisqu
2009-02-26 01:42:00 361
原创 chapter 19 binomial heaps
Mergeable heapsMAKE-HEAP() creates and returns a new heap containing no elements.INSERT(H, x) inserts node x, whose key field has already been filled in, into heap H. MINIMUM(H) returns
2009-02-22 01:11:00 391
原创 20 Fibonacci Heaps
1. Structurea collection of min-heap-ordered trees.not constrained to be binomial trees.trees with Fibonacci heaps are rooted but unordered.(rootlist is not ordered)Representation of Fibon
2009-02-21 01:52:00 313
原创 珍惜生命奋斗人生(转)
世上有千种拥有,但有一种拥有最珍贵。你也许丝毫觉察不到这种拥有,感觉不到它的价值,随着悠悠岁月的流逝,无数个春夏秋冬的更替,在你生命的某一天,当你蓦然回首,才发现自己不再拥有。它不是地位,也不是金钱,而是失不再来的青春。 世上有万般失却,但有一种失却很无奈,它让你追悔莫及,以一生作代价,纵你有回天之力,也只能仰天长叹,顿足捶胸。它不是权势,也不是美貌,而是无价的青春。 青春是一种另人艳羡的资本。凭
2008-10-28 10:13:00 522
原创 18 TCP Connection Establishment and Termination
Q1. Connection Establishment ProtocolQ2. Connection Termination Protocol/ --> SYN 1:1(0) win 4096 SYN 7000:7000(0) ACK 2 win 4096 --> ACK 7001 win 4096 -->
2008-10-09 09:30:00 292
原创 vocabulory-food, fruit
Foodcrumbpastaalmondpecancerealsyruprollyolkwhiteshard boiled eggscrambled eggcarton of eggsomelettehamgreasedrumstick Fruitlimegrapefruitplumprunerindc
2008-10-09 09:07:00 321
原创 17 TCP
Q1. What service does TCP provide? Q2. What is reliability? Q3. What is TCP data looks like? 1. TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented service.2. Reliabilitydata broken into best si
2008-10-09 06:32:00 272
原创 Charpter 4&5 ARP&RARP
Concepts:ARP: Address Resolution Protocol [32bitIP addr->48bit ethernet addr]RARP: inverse of ARP [48bit ethernet addr->32bit IP addr] Machenism: ARP:Application use host name, through D
2008-10-09 05:42:00 291
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