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转载 解决PCBSD中的“ipfw: getsockopt(IP_FW_GET): Protocol not available”问题


2014-09-19 15:19:58 3069 1

翻译 如何在NS2中增加新的路由协议

Writing routing protocol is fairly easy in NS2, but for beginners it seems very difficult. Therefore, if you are new to NS2 and want to write your own routing protocol, I would strongly recommend to r

2014-05-26 14:04:45 2007 1

原创 Cygwin上TinyOS的IDE平台


2014-05-17 20:25:20 1224

转载 TinyOS-2.0在windows下的环境变量配置

Environment VariableWindowsLinuxTOSROOT/opt/tinyos-2.xsame as in Cygwin TOSDIR$TOSROOT/tossame as in Cygwin CLASSPATHC:\tinyos\cygwin\opt\tinyos-2.x\support\sdk\jav

2014-05-15 11:22:26 999

转载 Leach协议性能分析(2)


2014-05-14 01:09:29 1511

转载 Leach协议改进


2014-05-14 01:06:27 3975 2

转载 NS2流量整形器

1、Destination学习令牌桶数据整形器如何对流量调整传输速率2、Background由于网络传输的突发性,往往导致网络拥塞,而一些实时服务或者重要应用要求必须保证网路通信的质量,相应的出现QoS的探讨和研究。实现QoS的方法有 InteServ(综合服务),DiffServer(区分服务)和Traffic Shaper(流量整形)。流量整形就是调整传输数据的平均速度,让封包

2014-05-14 01:04:29 1411

转载 myEvalvid和myEvalvid-NT及图像传输效

1、Destination(1)了解Evalvid的系统结构及其优缺点(2)了解整合Evalvid和NS2所得的myEvalvid的系统结构(3)了解通过更改myEvalvid得到的myEvalvid-NT系统结构(4)了解可解画面比例(Decodable Frame Rate)的意义及其分析模型(5)了解如何使用 myEvalvid 和 myEvalvid-NT 来仿真和评估

2014-05-14 00:59:57 2390

转载 无线网络传输问题探讨及效果分析

1、Destination(1)了解什么是隐藏节点和暴露节点问题(2)了解RTS/CTS是如何降低隐藏节点问题发生的概率,以提升系统效果(3)了解NS2中无线传输模型和门限的概念(4)了解如何在NS2中建立无线自组织网络(Wireless Ad Hoc Networks)(5)学习分析无线自组织网络路由协议(Ad Hoc Routing Protocol)的效果(6)了解8

2014-05-14 00:58:44 3791

转载 Leach协议性能分析(1)

$ ./test 结果文档在mit/uAMPS/sims文件夹下,分别为:wireless.alive    wireless.energy   wireless.datawireless.alive第一行是运行时间,第二行就节点ID,第三行是如果是1,表示该节点还存活,如果是0,则表示节点死亡。wireless.energy和wireless.data也是同样的结构,对于leach产

2014-05-14 00:54:52 1155

原创 Ubuntu10.04中的Leach协议一键安装


2014-05-14 00:46:35 1586 2

转载 75个最佳网络安全工具

在2000年的5、6月间,nmap-hackers邮件列表中发起了最佳安全工 具的评选活动,活动取得了成功,最终由1200名Nmap用户评选出了50个最佳安全工具,评选结果发布在insecure.org网站,得到了网友们的 普遍认可。时隔三年,nmap-hackers邮件列表中又发起了同样的评选活动,1854个用户参与了此次活动,每个用户最多可以选择8个最佳工具,并 且这次评选出的最佳安全工具

2014-05-05 16:03:54 3916

原创 NS2仿真实验环境组建

NS2仿真实验环境组建1 实验要求与目的●接触Linux/Cygwin操作界面和简单命令●掌握NS2仿真实验环境的搭建●熟悉NS2仿真实验过程2 实验环境与模块简介本教程绝大部分实验环境基于Windows XP/Windows 7,利用虚拟机+Ubuntu构建仿真环境。为了让部分不熟悉Ubuntu系统的读者也能高效完成实验,实验也可在Cygwin环境下运行。由于Ubuntu

2014-05-05 09:36:32 4550

原创 Ubuntu10.04中安装TinyOS2.x后的几处错误处理

在解决错误前,先将SUN的JDK在线安装方法保存下来,具体如下:1.编辑ubuntu的安装源sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/partner.listdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse2.保存退出后,更新安装源sudo apt-get update3.最后安装

2014-05-03 22:15:23 1116

转载 Tools for Bandwidth Estimation

Tools for Bandwidth Estimation (for available and bottleneck bandwidth)Yaz:Yaz measures end-to-end available bandwidth.  2007.Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Walter Willinger,Laboratory-based Cali

2014-02-10 00:22:05 1053

原创 github地址


2014-01-04 10:28:16 2350

原创 TinyOS在Ubuntu10.04上的一键安装

一键安装主要是采用shell脚本将所以的安装步骤组合起来,对于新手入门安装很方便。废话就不多说了,直接粘贴代码:#!/bin/shgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 34EC655Agpg -a --export 34EC655A | sudo apt-key add -cp /etc/apt/sources.list /

2013-12-24 22:48:25 1349 1

转载 缓存膨胀(Bufferbloat)

Bufferbloat is a phenomenon in packet-switched networks, in which excess buffering of packets causes high latency and jitter, as well as reducing the overall networkthroughput. When a router dev

2013-12-18 20:50:40 2631

翻译 UDT:基于UDP的数据传输协议


2013-12-18 10:22:23 1032

转载 研究和写作的建议

Advice on Research and WritingA collection of advice about how to do research and how to communicate effectively (primarily for computer scientists).Writing and PublishingHow to Organize your

2013-12-16 21:01:11 715

转载 撰写技术文章

Writing Technical ArticlesThe notes below apply to technical papers in computer science and electrical engineering, with emphasis on papers in systems and networks.Read Strunk and White, Elements

2013-12-16 21:00:22 1208

转载 Wireless Tools for Linux

Wireless Tools for LinuxLinux & Wireless LANsWavelan driverLinux Orinoco driverPapersMain pageDocumentationLatest versionCommon ProblemsWireless Extensions

2013-12-16 20:58:34 858

原创 VCP及其改进算法资源


2013-12-16 20:56:15 676

转载 Google正研发不需要密码的网络协议

传统的互联网协议如果真的需要在网络上运行分发那么密码则是必不可少的组成部分。鉴于黑客破译技术的提升现在的密码往往会被要求大小写字母、数字和符号三 重复杂密码,但是这对于人的记忆又产生了非常大的挑战。援引福布斯记者Amadou Diallo写道Google和Yubico公司正在研发名为“YubiKey Neo”的USB加密狗,能够为你所有的网上账户充当万能钥匙,这就避免了繁琐的密码输入步骤。

2013-12-09 23:04:12 639

转载 NS2 教学手册(柯志亨网站资源)

NS2 教學手冊 ( NS2 Learning Guide)[快速連結區]My works  中文影音教學區  Q&A for my works  My Book  My Talks  Forum  Basic  ns2-installation  Tcl/Tk/Otcl  Debug  Trace Processing  awk/gawk  Gnuplot  perl  late

2013-11-25 18:40:42 9433 2

转载 排队和拥塞控制(课程资源)

Material covered are displayed in blue.You can save a webpage into the file in your own directory by doing the following in Netscape: Click File -> Save As Complete the file name in the "

2013-11-25 18:35:41 999

转载 Goodput概念(来自wiki)

GoodputFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn computer networks, goodput is the application level throughput, i.e. the number of useful information bits, delivered by the network

2013-11-22 23:02:27 1686

转载 Studying TCP's Throughput and Goodput using NS

Studying TCP's Throughput and Goodput using NSWhat is ThroughputThroughput is the amount of data received by the destination.The Average Throughput is the throughput per unit of ti

2013-11-22 22:55:21 993

原创 TinyOS研究链接

1.System Technology and Integration Laboratory     homepage: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~jwang/2. TinyOS    homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyos/

2013-11-10 10:16:06 1087

转载 Packet-Scale Congestion Control

The Packet-Scale Congestion Control is a new paradigm that allows end-to-end transport protocols to scale to ultra-high speed networks.  While most existing protocols can attain a single-stream throug

2013-10-31 20:22:21 689

转载 Examples of Performance Analysis using NS

Performance Analysis of Drop Tail Queues(the NS script is here:click here )Constructing the Simulation NetworkThe classic performance analysis network: Link 0-1 is the bottle

2013-10-31 20:03:54 792

转载 跨层访问实现(for NS2)

Till now I know 3 ways:1. If you only need to get several values, a simple way is to use tcl.eval(char* s).1) Write a command that you will call in your sensor-agent.cc  (can be others such as aod

2013-10-26 14:20:01 1032

转载 关闭ARP(for NS2)

In mac/arp.ccintARPTable::arpresolve(nsaddr_t dst, Packet *p, LL *ll){     ...      ...      if(llinfo = 0) {        //create a new ARP entry         llinfo = new ARPEntry(&arphead_,

2013-10-26 14:19:02 1111

转载 增强的载波侦听机制(for NS2)

By simply allowing wireless nodes to transmit at different power levels under the DCF of IEEE 802.11, the number of hidden terminals is likely to increase, which, in turn, results in more collisions a

2013-10-26 14:18:11 721

转载 定时器使用(for NS2)

AODV method:1. define your timer in the .h file such as in the aodv.h fileclass PrintTimer : public Handler {public:    PrintTimer(AODV* a) : agent(a) {}    void handle(Event*);private: 

2013-10-26 14:16:44 1067

转载 关闭能量日志(for NS2)

In common/mobilenode.ccvoidMobileNode::log_energy(int flag){     if (!log_target_)          return;    /*[PH] turn off energy log    Scheduler &s = Scheduler::instance();    if (flag

2013-10-26 14:15:17 696

转载 考虑链路丢失率或冲突的Mac802_11仿真 (for NS2)

In Mac802_11 simulations, packets are assumed to be received correctly within transmission range, hence a RTS will definitely get a CTS response. However, when you use shadowing propagation model, or

2013-10-26 14:14:12 1059

转载 动态能量控制(for NS2)

Power Control schemes suitably vary transmission power to reduce energy consumption. In addition to providing energy saving, power control can potentially be used to reduce interference and improve

2013-10-25 20:33:56 1230

转载 Network Simulator 2 for Wireless : My Experience

IntroductionNs-2 is a widely used tool to simulate the behavior of wired and wireless networks. Useful general information can be found at Official ns-2 website (http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ )

2013-10-19 20:31:12 832

转载 10 个你需要了解的 Linux 网络和监控命令

转载地址:http://www.oschina.net/translate/10-basic-linux-networking-and-monitoring?from=20131013我下面列出来的10个基础的每个linux用户都应该知道的网络和监控命令。网络和监控命令类似于这些: hostname, ping, ifconfig, iwconfig, netstat, nslooku

2013-10-16 09:17:09 577







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