Oracle 系统自带用户与对应的密码.( 转载自petefinnigan)

Username: SYS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of SYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: SYS is Oracle's most powerful database management account. It allows to read, change and destroy all data in your database. Username: SYSTEM Password: MANAGER ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of SYSTEM is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: SYSTEM is Oracle's database management account. It allows to read, change and destroy all data in your database. Username: SCOTT Password: TIGER ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of SCOTT is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: DBSNMP Password: DBSNMP ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of DBSNMP is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: DBSNMP is an account for the Oracle Intelligent Agent. Under certain circumstances it allows to read passwords from memory. Username: QS_ES Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED(TIMED) ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_ES is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: WMSYS Password: WMSYS Status: LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of WMSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: Username: ORDSYS Password: ORDSYS Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of ORDSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: The account ORDSYS (Oracle Time Series) has a limited number of risky system privileges, amongst which those to use external libraries and run code on the operating system. Username: ORDPLUGINS Password: ORDPLUGINS Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of ORDPLUGINS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: ORDPLUGINS is an administrative account for Oracle Time Series. Username: MDSYS Password: MDSYS Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of MDSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: The account MDSYS (Oracle Spatial administrator) has DBA-like privileges, which allow to read, change and destroy all data in your database. Username: CTXSYS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of CTXSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: CTXSYS (Oracle Text/Intermedia Text/Context option) is an account with DBA privileges and therefor allows to read, change and destroy all data in your database. Username: XDB Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of XDB is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: Username: WKSYS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of WKSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: WKSYS is an administrative account of Oracle9iAS Ultrasearch. Username: WKPROXY Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of WKPROXY is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: WKPROXY is an administrative account of Oracle9iAS Ultrasearch. Username: ODM Password: ODM Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of ODM is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: Username: ODM_MTR Password: Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of ODM_MTR is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: Username: OLAPSYS Password: MANAGER Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of OLAPSYS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: OLAPSYS is an administrative account for the OLAP Services option. Username: RMAN Password: RMAN Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of RMAN is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: RMAN is an account for the Oracle Recovery Manager. This account might be misused to write unwanted changes to the database to the backups. Username: QS_CS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_CS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS_CB Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_CB is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS_CBADM Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_CBADM is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS_OS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_OS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: HR Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of HR is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: OE Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of OE is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: PM Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of PM is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: SH Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of SH is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS_ADM Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_ADM is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment. Username: QS_WS Password: CHANGE_ON_INSTALL Status: EXPIRED & LOCKED ----------------------------------------------- WARNING! The password of QS_WS is a default password. It is well known to hackers Additional information: This is a training account. It should not be available in a production environment.




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