窗口函数rows between 、range between的区分





• n preceding:当前行的前n行。

• n following:当前行的后n行。

• current row:当前行。

• unbounded preceding:第1行。

• unbounded following:最后1行。

1、rows between() 

“rows between <范围起始行> and <范围终止行>”用于指定移动窗口的范围,范围包含起始行和终止行。

2、range between()

“range between <范围起始行> and <范围终止行>”用于指以当前行在开窗函数中的值为根基,然后按照order by进行排序,围绕那个值去加减上下界。

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Course Description Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Working with Data Ranges and Tables is a two-lesson intermediate level course that guides you through organizing, entering and validating worksheet data and then effectively sorting, filtering, subtotaling, and outlining the data. You also learn how to define well-organized data as an Excel table; then use Table features to work with the data. In Lesson 1 you learn how to organize columns and rows of data into a range so that you can effectively sort, filter, subtotal, and outline the data. Then you learn how to protect the data from invalid data entry by setting data validation rules for specific cells. You learn how to copy these validation rules to other cells, how to remove validation rules from cells and how to use the Data Form dialog box to enter and locate data in a range. Next you learn how to sort a data range on one column or on multiple columns and how to use a custom sort order, the Filter (AutoFilter) feature and the Advanced Filter feature to view data that meets specific criteria. Then you learn how to add and remove subtotals from a data range while viewing the data range in outline form. You also learn how to create a chart using an outline’s subtotals. Finally, in Lesson 2 you explore the advantages of defining a range of data as an Excel 2013 table. Prerequisites The Napier & Rivers courses Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Getting Started with Excel and Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Creating and Formatting Charts or the equivalent experience working with Excel 2013 in the Windows operating system environment are prerequisites for this course. Data Files If you have not yet downloaded the data files, visit http://ebooksforoffice.com/datafiles, locate Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Working with Data Ranges and Tables book title, and then click the ‘Download data files’ link. Learning Objectives After completing this course you will be able to: identify the guidelines for a well-organized data range; select ways to create and test validation rules; select the Data Form for data entry, recognize ways to sort and filter a data range, identify the main differences between a data range and a table, select ways to add subtotals, a Grand Total and data grouping to a data range, identify multiple ways to define an Excel table using buttons on the HOME and INSERT tabs, the Quick Analysis feature, a keyboard shortcut and by formatting a data range as a table, and recognize ways to enter data and formulas in a table; change table formatting; resize a table; scroll, sort, filter and summarize a table; and convert a table to a data range Table of Contents Lesson 1: Entering, Validating, Sorting, Filtering and Outlining a Data Range Lesson 2: Defining and Using Tables


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