Github for windows 使用的教程1:
1. 创建第一个代码库:(也就是仓库)
1 add:添加本地工程
2 create:create a repository (name +localpath)
3 clone:clone one repository to localhost(means download to local!)maybe this repo is ur,or not yours!.
2. Create a repository: name + localpath(创建代码仓库)
3. And there will be the repo :left is (changes +historys.)(top is unkown now!)
Important tips:
right click on files,click show in explorer,you can new file,then close the explorer,you can see the github program has detect the file you just newed!
How to edit?:use default editor to edit the file is just fine!
4. 关于提交:commit to master.需要填写summary and description,即可!