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MyLifeOrganized for Android v1.0.0.1748 汉化版

MyLifeOrganized for Android v1.0.0.1748 汉化版(12年1月30日) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【软件信息】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中文译名:   英文原名:MLO   发布版本:v1.0.0.1748   软件类型:工具   出品厂商:http://www.mylifeorganized.net/p ... droid-todo-list.htm   资费说明:免费/付费   发布日期:2012-01-30   汉化作者:玉龙雪山   汉化版本:免费/试用   测试平台:Android 2.3 480x800 T-mobile G2/android 2.3.x;4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【软件简介】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 伟大的 MylifeOrganized 来了.强烈推荐是这款 Android 版本,比WM版本强太多了,而且每次升级作者 都给了用户极大的惊喜,绝对的良心之作,个人认为 MLO 是值得你掏钱付费的不多的 apk 之一. MLO 不可或缺的软件. 主要功能: --创建任务和任意数量的子任务 --指定场景或星号任务 --合并任务到项目 --按场景筛选任务 --同步到 MLO windows 桌面程序 --快速添加任务到收件箱 --按你的当前位置筛选任务 高级功能: --按指定次序完成任务 --创建循环任务 --设置依赖关系 --以不同的视图来查看任务包括下一步动作,按场景等等 --缩放任务指定的分支 --可实施任意任务管理方法包括 Getting Things Done 和 Autofocus 或 adopt. 1748版本更新: --修复已知的崩溃问题; --增强 HTC Scribe 笔功能,并能方便的使用 HTC Scribe 笔技术来拖放和管理操作. 1568版本更新: --添加语音输入,重新使任务面板工作; --添加主屏幕徽章计数器 --可以轻易的从大的屏幕插件中完成你的任务 --可以在 MLO 中设置日期格式 --可以设置 MLO 的提醒(专业版可以设置每一个任务的提醒) --改进云端和 WiFi 同步速度 --优化程序首次启动的速度 --更多改进... 1285版本更新: --修复几个报告的问题 1253版本更新: --新增:搜索功能; --自定义排序; --桌面插件新增视图, --新的插件视图能显示你当时当地的待办列表. --可以从 MLO 发送任务到其它程序或从其它程序发送任务到 MLO, --添加 MLO 任务到日历. --优化云端速度和 Wi-Fi 同步 --添加新的视图 --添加 MLO 快捷方式到主屏幕 --如果本地文件改动则会显示云端同步图标 --修复几个报告的问题 1014版本更新内容: --新增三种插件方便你在桌面直接查看星号视图 --直接通过桌面插件进行语音任务输入 --新增位置和附近视图!可设置场景位置,打开附近视图能查看到你附近的任务信息 --提醒服务已经从系统中删除以便使用更少的内存 --新增禁用 MLO 提醒的选项 --修复在删除场景并同步后在 Android 端没有同时删除的问题 --修复提醒在某些状态下会延迟一分钟触发的问题 --修复循环任务的子任务在循环后不会恢复原有提醒的问题 807beta版本更新说明: --修复上一个版本 806 和 822 的重大问题 806beta版本更新说明: --直接提醒!可以在 Android 的通知区域得到闹钟通知甚至在 MLO 未运行的情况下。可以暂停或解除提醒.可以在 MLO 中单击打开闹钟任务。 --直接任务信息对话框和任务摘要。可以从本地菜单或选项中配置当你点击任务时是否显示任务信息和任何摘要。 --无论当前任务是活动动作或非活动动作都能通过任务信息对话框显示任务信息 --如果任务没有子任务那么点击它将打开任务信息对话框 --任务信息对话框可以显示提醒的暂停时间以及原定的提醒时间(如果提醒已经暂停了) --你可以在任务信息对话框中开始或完成任务 --你可以在当前视图中从任务信息对话框中导航到上一个或下一个*展开的*任务 --你可以更改当前视图而无需返回到主屏幕。只需要点击标题上的当前视图名称 --你可以在新的视图选择对话框中重新排序视图的次序 --新增可以移动 MLO 到 SD 卡的功能(但是会禁用插件和提醒功能) --新增如果更改了日期循环也会同时更改的警告 --因为新增功能所以同时更新了教程 --修复因为设置了某些选项导致退出 MLO 时强制关闭的问题 --修复循环任务的日期编辑问题 --修复其它问题并改进程序性能 新版本是休息抽空汉化,没有完整测试. 很遗憾,找不到破解版本,但是希望,你认为这个软件好用的话,支持正版,付费购买. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【程序图例】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【安装说明】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 安装说明:卸载旧版安装. 汉化制作:玉龙雪山 特别声明: 1.本软件源自互联网,本软件的汉化只做参考学习用途.未经版权所有者及软件所有公司授 权,如果你喜欢本软件,请购买正版使用. 2.本软件不保证能兼容和适用于所有 Android 平台和系统,有可能引起冲突和导致不可预测的问题出现,请自行承担使用本软件而导致的风险和后果! 本人不对使用此汉化软件负任何责任! 3.转载本汉化软件,请注明汉化作者及出处.多谢! 4.本汉化版权所无,但是拒绝任何形式的借用,引用,挪用本汉化的词条.如果需要请与汉化 作者本人联系使用. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


MyLife Organized 1285 android安卓汉化版

玉龙雪山汉化 MyLifeOrganized for Android public BETA has been released! The QR Code can be used as an alternative download method. It contains the download link to the MyLifeOrganized app for Android. If you have a Barcode/QR Code scanning application installed on your Android, the camera of your device will be able to read the code directly from the screen and send it to your Android web browser. For more details on the app see our forum and the change log. There are two ways to install: 1) To install from Android Market: MyLifeOrganized on Android Market 2) To install from our site open in Android browser: MyLifeOrganized for Android Installation notes: You can download and install the app using your Android web browser. You will have to enable the following option in Android once: Settings - Application settings - Unknown sources (enable). This version from site contains additional logs for troubleshooting if needed. Some features are still in development. You can use this public beta version for free until the final product is released. After the final version is released, you will have a choice to continue using MyLifeOrganized for free in Lite mode, or purchase a license key to unlock the full feature set. Your data will be preserved after the upgrade. Please use this forum for your feedback since we cannot respond on Android Market. Main features --------------- - Create tasks and any number of subtasks - Assign contexts or star the tasks - Combine tasks into projects - Filter tasks by contexts - Synchronize to MyLifeOrganized Windows Desktop Application (sold separately) - Add tasks to Inbox quickly - Filter tasks by your current location (soon) Advanced features --------------------- - Complete actions in a specific order - Create recurrent tasks - Set dependencies - View tasks in different views including Next Actions, By Contexts etc. - Zoom to a specific branch of tasks - Implement any task management methodology including Getting Things Done® (GTD®) and Autofocus or adopt to your own system. Subscribe to our development forum to share your ideas. Or you can leave your email below and we will inform you when FINAL version of the product released:


MyLife Organized 3.5.9 破解版

MyLifeOrganized Application ---------------------------- Thank you for downloading MyLifeOrganized application (MLO). Web site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/ Discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized Reviews: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/reviews-and-articles.html E-mail: info@mylifeorganized.net What is MyLifeOrganized? ------------------------- MyLifeOrganized is a simple yet powerful personal time and task management software application. Use built-in outliner to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree and MyLifeOrganized will generate a simple to-do list of actions for you. This list will contain only those actions which require immediate attention and will be sorted in order of priority so that you can stay focused on what is really important to you. The PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized could be synced with desktop editon. MyLifeOrganized can also be synced with your MS Outlook. Simply minimize MLO to your system tray where it is available for your next thought or task. Please visit http://www.mylifeorganized.net for more details. Join MLO community at: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized How to install -------------- 1. If you downloaded MLO installer "MLO-Setup.exe" just run it and follow the instructions. Previous MLO versions will be updated automatically (no uninstall needed) 2. If you downloaded zip file: "mlo.zip" then no installation needed. Just unzip files to a folder of your choice and run the application mlo.exe. How to uninstall ---------------- 1. If you used MLO installer to install the program use "Add or Remove Programs" from your Windows Control Panel to completely uninstall MLO. 2. If you used zip archive to install MLO, simply delete all the files from the folder you copied the application to. Installing components needed to sync with PocketPC --------------------------------------------------- There is a PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized application which can be synced with Desktop edition. You can download MLO PocketPC edition from official site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/downloads/ To sync tasks with MyLifeOrganized PocketPC edition there should be two components installed: 1) MLO-Desktop application with Windows Mobile Sync Manager (Desktop side) 2) MLO-PocketPC application with ActiveSync Provider (PocketPC side) How to install or update MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager 1) If you already have previous version of MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager installed 1.1) Uncradle your device 1.2) Close ActiveSync window. (This is needed to release all used dlls). 1.3) Close MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager window (located in tray) 2) Run MLO-Setup.exe 3) On the Components page of the installation wizard select "Windows Mobile Sync" check box. 5) Click Next and follow the instructions. Note: You might need to have administrator rights on your computer to install MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager. How to install or update MLO PocketPC on your device 1) Close MyLifeOrganized PocketPC application on your device 2) Cradle your device 3) Download from website EXE or CAB installation and follow the instructions to install MLO-PocketPC on your device 4) Perform soft reset of your device if installation program warns you that it is needed Once you installed all the components you need to configure the synchronization. Please refer to the help documentation for more details about sync configuration. Files ----- mlo.exe - MyLifeOrganized application mlo.chm - Help documentation MLOWMSync.exe - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager (optional). Used to sync with MLO-PocketPC edition mloSync.dll - MLO data provider (optional). Used to access MLO data files during sync to MLO-PocketPC edition MLOWMSync.exe.log - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager log file mloSync.dll.log - MLO data provider log file Templates\*.mlt - MLO templates Reports\*.* - MLO print report templates Reports\PocketMod\*.* - MLO PocketMod report templates Sound\*.* - MLO reminders sound files Themes\*.mlthm - MLO themes LICENSE ------- There are three versions of MyLifeOrganized application: 1) Freeware version - Light Edition with limited functionality 2) Free 45-day Trial Version 3) Registered version (Standard Edition or Professional Edition). You can find out what version you have by checking the About window at Help->About menu. MyLifeOrganized trial version is a commercial application. You can use it free of charge for evaluation purposes for no more then 45 days. After that you need to register your copy. Please read license.txt for licensing terms. Distribution ------------ You can freely distribute this archive. Please inform us via e-mail ( info@mylifeorganized.net ) about that. MyLifeOrganized - Change Log ----------------------------- The complete change log can be found on our website: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/change-log.htm -------------- Thanks to Mark James for his Silk icon set we used in MyLifeOrganized application: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/


MyLife Organized 3.5.9 破解版

MyLifeOrganized Application ---------------------------- Thank you for downloading MyLifeOrganized application (MLO). Web site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/ Discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized Reviews: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/reviews-and-articles.html E-mail: info@mylifeorganized.net What is MyLifeOrganized? ------------------------- MyLifeOrganized is a simple yet powerful personal time and task management software application. Use built-in outliner to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree and MyLifeOrganized will generate a simple to-do list of actions for you. This list will contain only those actions which require immediate attention and will be sorted in order of priority so that you can stay focused on what is really important to you. The PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized could be synced with desktop editon. MyLifeOrganized can also be synced with your MS Outlook. Simply minimize MLO to your system tray where it is available for your next thought or task. Please visit http://www.mylifeorganized.net for more details. Join MLO community at: http://groups.google.com/group/MyLifeOrganized How to install -------------- 1. If you downloaded MLO installer "MLO-Setup.exe" just run it and follow the instructions. Previous MLO versions will be updated automatically (no uninstall needed) 2. If you downloaded zip file: "mlo.zip" then no installation needed. Just unzip files to a folder of your choice and run the application mlo.exe. How to uninstall ---------------- 1. If you used MLO installer to install the program use "Add or Remove Programs" from your Windows Control Panel to completely uninstall MLO. 2. If you used zip archive to install MLO, simply delete all the files from the folder you copied the application to. Installing components needed to sync with PocketPC --------------------------------------------------- There is a PocketPC edition of MyLifeOrganized application which can be synced with Desktop edition. You can download MLO PocketPC edition from official site: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/downloads/ To sync tasks with MyLifeOrganized PocketPC edition there should be two components installed: 1) MLO-Desktop application with Windows Mobile Sync Manager (Desktop side) 2) MLO-PocketPC application with ActiveSync Provider (PocketPC side) How to install or update MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager 1) If you already have previous version of MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager installed 1.1) Uncradle your device 1.2) Close ActiveSync window. (This is needed to release all used dlls). 1.3) Close MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager window (located in tray) 2) Run MLO-Setup.exe 3) On the Components page of the installation wizard select "Windows Mobile Sync" check box. 5) Click Next and follow the instructions. Note: You might need to have administrator rights on your computer to install MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager. How to install or update MLO PocketPC on your device 1) Close MyLifeOrganized PocketPC application on your device 2) Cradle your device 3) Download from website EXE or CAB installation and follow the instructions to install MLO-PocketPC on your device 4) Perform soft reset of your device if installation program warns you that it is needed Once you installed all the components you need to configure the synchronization. Please refer to the help documentation for more details about sync configuration. Files ----- mlo.exe - MyLifeOrganized application mlo.chm - Help documentation MLOWMSync.exe - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager (optional). Used to sync with MLO-PocketPC edition mloSync.dll - MLO data provider (optional). Used to access MLO data files during sync to MLO-PocketPC edition MLOWMSync.exe.log - MLO Windows Mobile Sync Manager log file mloSync.dll.log - MLO data provider log file Templates\*.mlt - MLO templates Reports\*.* - MLO print report templates Reports\PocketMod\*.* - MLO PocketMod report templates Sound\*.* - MLO reminders sound files Themes\*.mlthm - MLO themes LICENSE ------- There are three versions of MyLifeOrganized application: 1) Freeware version - Light Edition with limited functionality 2) Free 45-day Trial Version 3) Registered version (Standard Edition or Professional Edition). You can find out what version you have by checking the About window at Help->About menu. MyLifeOrganized trial version is a commercial application. You can use it free of charge for evaluation purposes for no more then 45 days. After that you need to register your copy. Please read license.txt for licensing terms. Distribution ------------ You can freely distribute this archive. Please inform us via e-mail ( info@mylifeorganized.net ) about that. MyLifeOrganized - Change Log ----------------------------- The complete change log can be found on our website: http://www.mylifeorganized.net/products/my-life-organized/change-log.htm -------------- Thanks to Mark James for his Silk icon set we used in MyLifeOrganized application: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/


MyLife Organized v.3.5.7 破解版(Pocket PC版本)

PPC用的。 PC不能用。 Version: 3.5.7 Date published: December 24th, 2010 (change log) Overview: Pocket PC edition of MyLifeOrganized application and ActiveSync module. Supported Operating Systems: MLO Pocket PC Edition is designed to run on Microsoft Pocket PC 2002/2003/2003SE/WM5.x/WM6.x and Microsoft Pocket PC 2002/2003/2003SE/WM5.x/WM6.x Phone Edition devices. Your device should have touchscreen (stylus).


MyLife Organized 3.5.6 破解版



My Life Organized 自用半年数据库

半年以来记录的日记、文摘、软件使用、账密等,对一般人应该没用,谨提供给人类行为研究学家、史学家、教育学家、偷窥狂等参考研究。 无任何删减,包含一切隐私信息。


MyLife Organized 3.5.3汉化修正破解版

更新3.5.6 破解版 http://download.csdn.net/source/3093563 更新3.5.5破解版:http://download.csdn.net/source/3030133 首发! 原为玉龙雪山汉化,子夫破解的,但是破解不完全,使用一段时间后会不停地弹出报错窗口:There is a critical application error. Error code:#385448.please contact support and provide your ActivationCode.本人现已完全修正,不会再报错。 内含配套的windows mobile系


Xpadder 5.7 多国语言含中文

多国语言带中文 【基本介绍】: 一个用来把摇捍模拟成键盘和鼠标的小工具,一个免费免安装的软件,是一款满轻巧的仿真器。设计者真正的目的,其实是要你用来模拟那些不支持游戏杆的游戏,使得你所有的游戏都能用游戏杆来操作。但是没有人规定只能用在游戏上,所以利用 Xpadder ,你可以用游戏杆来浏览网页、用游戏杆来操作多媒体播放器、用游戏杆来烧录一片光盘、用游戏杆来浏览图片,当然,你还是没有办法用游戏杆来打出一篇报告。 【功能介绍】: 完整的键盘与鼠标仿真:可以仿真设定所有在键盘上出现的按键,也支持仿真鼠标滚轮、鼠标按钮与鼠标轨迹。 可同时设定多个设定文件,也可同时支持多组游戏杆。 支持游戏杆的力回馈功能:设定好相应的按钮,你可以在浏览网页时也感受到力回馈的魅力。 图形化的设定接口:让你可以直觉的为游戏杆上所有的按钮与转轴设定相应仿真功能。 可开机自动启动与加载设定。 用游戏杆按钮来仿真键盘按键这没什么好说的。最主要的是 Xpadder 利用模拟游戏杆来仿真鼠标移动和滚轮卷动的表现都很不错,预设的速度与灵敏度对我来说都很适合,而你也可以在细部设定的地方,调整各种细节来让光标移动更逼真。除了因为游戏杆的按钮不够多,所以你不可能利用游戏杆来打字外,其它几乎所有的计算机操作,都可以利用 Xpadder 来让游戏杆帮你完成



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