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2005-02-01 18:07:00 4276 1
原创 老鼠爱大米
2005-01-24 00:08:00 951
原创 HTML中小meta的大作用
meta是用来在HTML文档中模拟HTTP协议的响应头报文。meta 标签用于网页的与中,meta 标签的用处很多。meta 的属性有两种:name和http-equiv。name属性主要用于描述网页,对应于content(网页内容),以便于搜索引擎机器人查找、分类(目前几乎所有的搜索引擎都使用网上机器人自动查找meta值来给网页分类)。这其中最重要的是description(站点在搜索引擎上的描
2005-01-21 16:53:00 728
原创 在线播放器代码大全
1.avi格式 2.mpg格式 3.rm格式 4.wmv格式最简单的播放代码autostart="true" loop="true" width="200" height="150" > 把这个网址http://wmt2.aboutmedia.com.tw/Aboutmedia/warner/
2005-01-21 16:51:00 1218 1
原创 java初学者必读+++转
1:jdk开发中系统环境变量设置:方法如下:Win2000中:右键我的电脑--》属性--》高级--》环境环境变量classpath=.;jdk安装目/libpath=jdk安装目录/bin注意:一定不可忽略"."。Win98中:修改autocexe.bat 就是修改自动批处理文件。添加:set classpath=.;jdk安装目/libset path=jdk安装目录/bin;%path%
2005-01-21 01:55:00 2489 2
原创 contents catalog of W3Schools.com
HTML TutorialsLearn HTMLLearn XHTMLLearn CSSLearn TCP/IPXML TutorialsLearn XMLLearn XSLLearn XSLTLearn XSL-FOLearn XPathLearn XQueryLearn DTDLearn SchemaLearn XML DOMLe
2005-01-19 15:45:00 1150
原创 XQuery Reference-from w3schools.com
XQuery Reference XQuery and XPath 2.0 shares the same data model, functions, and syntax.XQuery LocationsXQuery shares the same data model as XPath 2.0XPath LocationsXQuery Operators
2005-01-19 15:29:00 1051
原创 XQuery Tutorial-from w3schools.com
Introduction to XQuery XQuery is about extracting information from XML documents.What You Should Already KnowBefore you study XQuery you should have a basic understanding of XML and XML
2005-01-19 15:28:00 1271
原创 XPath Tutorial-from w3schools.com
XPath is a set of syntax rules for defining parts of an XML document.XPath is a major element in the W3C XSLT standard. Without XPath knowledge you will not be able to create XSLT document
2005-01-19 15:25:00 2039 2
原创 XSLFO Reference-from w3schools.com
XSL-FO Reference XSL Formatting Objects ReferenceThe process that converts a description into a presentation is called formatting.ObjectDescriptionbasic-linkRepresents the sta
2005-01-19 15:22:00 1057
原创 XSL-FO Tutorial-from w3schools.com
Introduction to XSL-FO XSL-FO is about formatting XML data for output.What You Should Already KnowBefore you study XSL-FO you should have a basic understanding of XML and XML Namespaces
2005-01-19 15:20:00 1715
原创 XSLT References-from w3schools.com
XSLT Elements Reference The XSLT elements from the W3C Recommendation (XSLT Version 1.0).XSLT ElementsThe links in the "Element" columns point to attributes and more useful information
2005-01-19 15:08:00 1584
原创 XSLT Tutorial-from w3schools.com
XSL Languages It started with XSL and ended up with XSLT, XPath, and XSL-FO.It Started with XSLXSL stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language.The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) starte
2005-01-19 15:07:00 1960
原创 XSL References-from w3schools.com
XSLT Elements Reference The XSLT elements from the W3C Recommendation (XSLT Version 1.0).XSLT ElementsThe links in the "Element" columns point to attributes and more useful information
2005-01-19 14:56:00 1173
原创 XSL Tutorial-from w3schools.com
XSL Languages It started with XSL and ended up with XSLT, XPath, and XSL-FO.It Started with XSLXSL stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language.The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) starte
2005-01-19 14:55:00 2029
原创 XML Examples-from w3schools.com
XML Examples Note: To view an XML document in Netscape 6: Open the XML file and then right-click in the XML file and select "View Page Source".Note: Not all of the examples below work in Netsc
2005-01-19 14:47:00 1133
原创 XML Advanced-from w3schools.com
XML Namespaces XML Namespaces provide a method to avoid element name conflicts.Name ConflictsSince element names in XML are not fixed, very often a name conflict will occur when two dif
2005-01-19 14:42:00 1828
原创 XML Basic-from w3schools.com
In our XML tutorial you will learn what XML is and the difference between XML and HTML. You will also learn how to start using XML in your applications.Introduction to XMLXML was designed to
2005-01-19 14:31:00 1983
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