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原创 [原创]snprintf与strncpy效率对比

 一直以为strncpy会好于snprintf,今天偶然看到下面文章,发现不是这样.推荐给大家:   程序中总难免会将字符串copy来copy去,常见的方法如:strncpy、snprintf、strlen+memmove等。(strcpy、sprintf之流就不讨论了,由于容易引入目标缓冲区溢出、不能有效保证尾部/0等问题,在实际工程项目中很少使用---如果不怕被bs可以尝试下。其他非主流方如bcopy、memccpy也不罗嗦了,华而不实,本质与上述三种方法并无区别。)     之前看过别人的总结,模糊记

2010-06-21 14:57:00 3286

原创 《算法导论》总结


2010-04-21 17:13:00 1283

原创 不使用第三个变量,交换值

其实在大学的教材中一般都有这个,只是工作几年,忘记了。特别拿出来说下:  a =a   ^   b;   b =a   ^   b;   a =a   ^   b;  

2010-04-21 17:00:00 732

原创 [原创]wordpress显示Index of /一堆代码及目录的问题

关键词:wordpress Index of /; wordpress显示代码 安装好apache+php+mysql后,一切测试正常。 然后安装好wordpress最后,要进入自己创建的博客。 在IE中输入http://localhost/index.php 结果,无法显示博客,而是显示:Index of /index.php license.

2009-07-28 17:12:00 9896 2

转载 [转]boost 中的noncopyable

关键字:noncopyable; NonCopyable;  前记:今日研究mangos服务器的源代码,发现了个熟练的NonCopyable类。 今日粗看boost的代码,发现很多类都继承noncopyable,以下是noncopyable的代码:class noncopyable  {   protected:      noncopyable() {}      ~noncop

2009-07-09 17:25:00 1955

转载 [转贴] 游戏服务器架构二

来自:http://www.libing.net.cn/read.php/1724.htm服务器公共组件实现 -- 环形缓冲区  消息队列锁调用太频繁的问题算是解决了,另一个让人有些苦恼的大概是这太多的内存分配和释放操作了。频繁的内存分配不但增加了系统开销,更使得内存碎片不断增多,非常不利于我们的服务器长期稳定运行。也许我们可以使用内存池,比如SGI STL中附带的小内存分配器。但是对于这

2009-07-02 22:40:00 664

转载 [转贴] 游戏服务器架构一


2009-07-02 22:39:00 1044

原创 shared_ptr的使用心得

关键字: 资源获取即初始化 RAII 智能指针 boost shared_prt 资源泄露 内存泄露. 引言:  几乎所有复杂的程序可能都需要引用计数型智能指针。这种智能指针的最突出特点是当某个资源的引用次数为0时,证明该资源已经没有被使用,需要销毁。这时,智能指针会自动将它指向的资源销毁。  最典型的引用计数型智能指针的实现就是boost里的shared_ptr. 具体用法可以参考>

2009-05-13 21:33:00 6836 8

Word Password Recovery Master 破解版

Word Password Recovery Master 破解版 亲测,可用


GDB Pocket Reference

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UNIX Network Programming Volume 2(Unix网络编程卷2英文版)

《UNIX Network Programming Volume 2》(Unix网络编程卷2英文版,djvu格式,带绿色小巧的阅读器) 原书名: UNIX Network Programming Volume 2:Interprocess Communications 2nd ed. 原出版社: Prentice Hall/Pearson 作者: W.Richard Stevens preface part 1. introduction chapter 1. introduction 1.1 introduction 3 1.2 processes, threads, and the sharing of information 5 1.3 persistence of ipc objects 6 1.4 name spaces 7 1.5 effect of fork, exec, and exit on ipc objects 9 1.6 error handling: wrapper functions 11 1.7 unix standards 13 1.8 road map to ipc examples in the text 15 1.9 summary 16 chapter 2. posix ipc 2.1 introduction 19 2.2 ipc names 19 2.3 creating and opening ipc channels 22 2.4 ipc permissions 25 2.5 summary 26 .chapter 3. system v ipc 3.1 introduction 27 3.2 key_t keys and ftok function 28 3.3 ipc_perm structure 30 3.4 creating and opening ipc channels 30 3.5 ipc permissions 32 3.6 identifier reuse 34 3.7 ipcs and ipcrm programs 36 3.8 kernel limits 36 3.9 summary 38 part 2. message passing chapter 4. pipes and fifos 4.1 introduction 43 4.2 a simple client--server example 43 4.3 pipes 44 4.4 full-duplex pipes 50 4.5 popen and pc1ose functions 52 4.6 fifos 54 4.7 additional properties of pipes and fifos 58 4.8 one server, multiple clients 60 4.9 iterative versus concurrent servers 66 4.10 streams and messages 67 4.11 pipe and fifo limits 72 4.12 summary 73 chapter 5. posix message oueues 5.1 introduction 75 5.2 mq_open, mq_c1ose, and mq_un1ink functions 76 5.3 mq_getattr and mq_setattr functions 79 5.4 mq_send and mq_receive functions 82 5.5 message queue limits 86 5.6 mq_notify function 87 5.7 posix realtime signals 98 5.8 implementation using memory-mapped i/o 106 5.9 summary 126 chapter 6. system v message queues 6.1 introduction 129 6.2 msgget function 130 6.3 msgsnd function 131 6.4 msgrcv function 132 6.5 msgctl function 134 6.6 simple programs 135 6.7 client-server example 140 6.8 multiplexing messages 142 6.9 message queues w


《The Linux Programming Interface》英文pdf版

全名;The Linux Programming Interface - A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook 作者:Michael KerrisK pdf格式,左边有目录,电脑上看很方便


Linux网络体系结构 The Linux Networking Architecture

By Klaus Wehrle, Frank Pählke, Hartmut Ritter, Daniel Müller, Marc Bechler


高性能MySQL(第2版英文版.High.Performance.MySQL 2nd.Edition)

原书名: High Performance MySQL 2 edition 原出版社: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 目录 foreword. preface 1. mysql architecture mysql's logical architecture concurrency control transactions multiversion concurrency control mysql's storage engines 2. finding bottlenecks: benchmarking and profiling why benchmark? benchmarking strategies benchmarking tactics benchmarking tools benchmarking examples profiling operating system profiling 3. schema optimization and indexing choosing optimal data types indexing basics indexing strategies for high performance .an indexing case study index and table maintenance normalization and denormalization speeding up alter table notes on storage engines 4. query performance optimization slow query basics: optimize data access ways to restructure queries query execution basics limitations of the mysql query optimizer optimizing specific types of queries query optimizer hints user-defined variables 5. advanced mysql features the mysql query cache storing code inside mysql cursors prepared statements user-defined functions views character sets and collations full-text searching foreign key constraints merge tables and partitioning distributed (xa) transactions 6. optimizing server settings configuration basics general tuning tuning mysql's i/o behavior tuning mysql concurrency workload-based tuning tuning per-connection settings 7. operating system and hardware optimization what limits mysql's performance? how to select cpus for mysql balancing memory and disk resources choosing hardware for a slave raid performance optimization storage area networks and network-attached storage using multiple disk volumes network configuration choosing an operating system choosing a filesystem threading swapping operating system status.. 8. replication replication overview setting up replication replication under the hood replication topologies replication and capacity planning replication administration and maintenance replication problems and solutions how fast is replication? the future of mysql replication 9. scaling and high availability terminology scaling mysql load balancing high availability 10. application-level optimization application performance overview web server issues caching extending mysql alternatives to mysql 11. backupand recovery overview considerations and tradeoffs managing and backing up binary logs backing up data recovering from a backup backup and recovery speed backup tools scripting backups 12. security terminology account basics operating system security network security data encryption mysql in a chrooted environment 13. mysql server status system variables show status show innodb status show processlist show mutex status replication status information_schema 14. tools for high performance interface tools monitoring tools analysis tools mysql utilities sources of further information a. transferring large files b. using explain c. using sphinx with mysql d. debugging locks index...


mysql手册5.1中文版 chm格式

mysql手册5.1中文版 chm格式


TCP/IP详解 卷1 中文版 pdf格式

英文名: TCP/IP Illustrated 作者:W.Richard Stevens


UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition (Unix网络编程卷1第3版英文版)

Unix网络编程卷1,第三版,英文版。大名顶顶的Richard Stevens所写 目录: Copyright Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series Foreword Preface Introduction Changes from the Second Edition Using This Book Source Code and Errata Availability Acknowledgments Part 1: Introduction and TCP/IP Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Introduction Section 1.2. A Simple Daytime Client Section 1.3. Protocol Independence Section 1.4. Error Handling: Wrapper Functions Section 1.5. A Simple Daytime Server Section 1.6. Roadmap to Client/Server Examples in the Text Section 1.7. OSI Model Section 1.8. BSD Networking History Section 1.9. Test Networks and Hosts Section 1.10. Unix Standards Section 1.11. 64-Bit Architectures Section 1.12. Summary Exercises Chapter 2. The Transport Layer: TCP, UDP, and SCTP Section 2.1. Introduction Section 2.2. The Big Picture Section 2.3. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Section 2.4. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Section 2.5. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Section 2.6. TCP Connection Establishment and Termination Section 2.7. TIME_WAIT State Section 2.8. SCTP Association Establishment and Termination Section 2.9. Port Numbers Section 2.10. TCP Port Numbers and Concurrent Servers Section 2.11. Buffer Sizes and Limitations Section 2.12. Standard Internet Services Section 2.13. Protocol Usage by Common Internet Applications Section 2.14. Summary Exercises Part 2: Elementary Sockets Chapter 3. Sockets Introduction Section 3.1. Introduction Section 3.2. Socket Address Structures Section 3.3. Value-Result Arguments Section 3.4. Byte Ordering Functions Section 3.5. Byte Manipulation Functions Section 3.6. inet_aton, inet_addr, and inet_ntoa Functions Section 3.7. inet_pton and inet_ntop Functions Section 3.8. sock_ntop and Related Functions Section 3.9. readn, writen, and readline Functions Section 3.10. Summary Exercises Chapter 4. Elementary TCP Sockets Section 4.1. Introduction Section 4.2. socket Function Section 4.3. connect Function Section 4.4. bind Function Section 4.5. listen Function Section 4.6. accept Function Section 4.7. fork and exec Functions Section 4.8. Concurrent Servers Section 4.9. close Function Section 4.10. getsockname and getpeername Functions Section 4.11. Summary Exercises Chapter 5. TCP Client/Server Example Section 5.1. Introduction Section 5.2. TCP Echo Server: main Function Section 5.3. TCP Echo Server: str_echo Function Section 5.4. TCP Echo Client: main Function Section 5.5. TCP Echo Client: str_cli Function Section 5.6. Normal Startup Section 5.7. Normal Termination Section 5.8. POSIX Signal Handling Section 5.9. Handling SIGCHLD Signals Section 5.10. wait and waitpid Functions Section 5.11. Connection Abort before accept Returns Section 5.12. Termination of Server Process Section 5.13. SIGPIPE Signal Section 5.14. Crashing of Server Host Section 5.15. Crashing and Rebooting of Server Host Section 5.16. Shutdown of Server Host Section 5.17. Summary of TCP Example Section 5.18. Data Format Section 5.19. Summary Exercises Chapter 6. I/O Multiplexing: The select and poll Functions Section 6.1. Introduction Section 6.2. I/O Models Section 6.3. select Function Section 6.4. str_cli Function (Revisited) Section 6.5. Batch Input and Buffering Section 6.6. shutdown Function Section 6.7. str_cli Function (Revisited Again) Section 6.8. TCP Echo Server (Revisited) Section 6.9. pselect Function Section 6.10. poll Function Section 6.11. TCP Echo Server (Revisited Again) Section 6.12. Summary Exercises Chapter 7. Socket Options Section 7.1. Introduction Section 7.2. getsockopt and setsockopt Functions Section 7.3. Checking if an Option Is Supported and Obtaining the Default Section 7.4. Socket States Section 7.5. Generic Socket Options Section 7.6. IPv4 Socket Options Section 7.7. ICMPv6 Socket Option Section 7.8. IPv6 Socket Options Section 7.9. TCP Socket Options Section 7.10. SCTP Socket Options Section 7.11. fcntl Function Section 7.12. Summary Exercises Chapter 8. Elementary UDP Sockets Section 8.1. Introduction Section 8.2. recvfrom and sendto Functions Section 8.3. UDP Echo Server: main Function Section 8.4. UDP Echo Server: dg_echo Function Section 8.5. UDP Echo Client: main Function Section 8.6. UDP Echo Client: dg_cli Function Section 8.7. Lost Datagrams Section 8.8. Verifying Received Response Section 8.9. Server Not Running Section 8.10. Summary of UDP Example Section 8.11. connect Function with UDP Section 8.12. dg_cli Function (Revisited) Section 8.13. Lack of Flow Control with UDP Section 8.14. Determining Outgoing Interface with UDP Section 8.15. TCP and UDP Echo Server Using select Section 8.16. Summary Exercises Chapter 9. Elementary SCTP Sockets Section 9.1. Introduction Section 9.2. Interface Models Section 9.3. sctp_bindx Function Section 9.4. sctp_connectx Function Section 9.5. sctp_getpaddrs Function Section 9.6. sctp_freepaddrs Function Section 9.7. sctp_getladdrs Function Section 9.8. sctp_freeladdrs Function Section 9.9. sctp_sendmsg Function Section 9.10. sctp_recvmsg Function Section 9.11. sctp_opt_info Function Section 9.12. sctp_peeloff Function Section 9.13. shutdown Function Section 9.14. Notifications Section 9.15. Summary Exercises Chapter 10. SCTP Client/Server Example Section 10.1. Introduction Section 10.2. SCTP One-to-Many-Style Streaming Echo Server: main Function Section 10.3. SCTP One-to-Many-Style Streaming Echo Client: main Function Section 10.4. SCTP Streaming Echo Client: str_cli Function Section 10.5. Exploring Head-of-Line Blocking Section 10.6. Controlling the Number of Streams Section 10.7. Controlling Termination Section 10.8. Summary Exercises Chapter 11. Name and Address Conversions Section 11.1. Introduction Section 11.2. Domain Name System (DNS) Section 11.3. gethostbyname Function Section 11.4. gethostbyaddr Function Section 11.5. getservbyname and getservbyport Functions Section 11.6. getaddrinfo Function Section 11.7. gai_strerror Function Section 11.8. freeaddrinfo Function Section 11.9. getaddrinfo Function: IPv6 Section 11.10. getaddrinfo Function: Examples Section 11.11. host_serv Function Section 11.12. tcp_connect Function Section 11.13. tcp_listen Function Section 11.14. udp_client Function Section 11.15. udp_connect Function Section 11.16. udp_server Function Section 11.17. getnameinfo Function Section 11.18. Re-entrant Functions Section 11.19. gethostbyname_r and gethostbyaddr_r Functions Section 11.20. Obsolete IPv6 Address Lookup Functions Section 11.21. Other Networking Information Section 11.22. Summary Exercises Part 3: Advanced Sockets Chapter 12. IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability Section 12.1. Introduction Section 12.2. IPv4 Client, IPv6 Server Section 12.3. IPv6 Client, IPv4 Server Section 12.4. IPv6 Address-Testing Macros Section 12.5. Source Code Portability Section 12.6. Summary Exercises Chapter 13. Daemon Processes and the inetd Superserver Section 13.1. Introduction Section 13.2. syslogd Daemon Section 13.3. syslog Function Section 13.4. daemon_init Function Section 13.5. inetd Daemon Section 13.6. daemon_inetd Function Section 13.7. Summary Exercises Chapter 14. Advanced I/O Functions Section 14.1. Introduction Section 14.2. Socket Timeouts Section 14.3. recv and send Functions Section 14.4. readv and writev Functions Section 14.5. recvmsg and sendmsg Functions Section 14.6. Ancillary Data Section 14.7. How Much Data Is Queued? Section 14.8. Sockets and Standard I/O Section 14.9. Advanced Polling Section 14.10. Summary Exercises Chapter 15. Unix Domain Protocols Section 15.1. Introduction Section 15.2. Unix Domain Socket Address Structure Section 15.3. socketpair Function Section 15.4. Socket Functions Section 15.5. Unix Domain Stream Client/Server Section 15.6. Unix Domain Datagram Client/Server Section 15.7. Passing Descriptors Section 15.8. Receiving Sender Credentials Section 15.9. Summary Exercises Chapter 16. Nonblocking I/O Section 16.1. Introduction Section 16.2. Nonblocking Reads and Writes: str_cli Function (Revisited) Section 16.3. Nonblocking connect Section 16.4. Nonblocking connect: Daytime Client Section 16.5. Nonblocking connect: Web Client Section 16.6. Nonblocking accept Section 16.7. Summary Exercises Chapter 17. ioctl Operations Section 17.1. Introduction Section 17.2. ioctl Function Section 17.3. Socket Operations Section 17.4. File Operations Section 17.5. Interface Configuration Section 17.6. get_ifi_info Function Section 17.7. Interface Operations Section 17.8. ARP Cache Operations Section 17.9. Routing Table Operations Section 17.10. Summary Exercises Chapter 18. Routing Sockets Section 18.1. Introduction Section 18.2. Datalink Socket Address Structure Section 18.3. Reading and Writing Section 18.4. sysctl Operations Section 18.5. get_ifi_info Function (Revisited) Section 18.6. Interface Name and Index Functions Section 18.7. Summary Exercises Chapter 19. Key Management Sockets Section 19.1. Introduction Section 19.2. Reading and Writing Section 19.3. Dumping the Security Association Database (SADB) Section 19.4. Creating a Static Security Association (SA) Section 19.5. Dynamically Maintaining SAs Section 19.6. Summary Exercises Chapter 20. Broadcasting Section 20.1. Introduction Section 20.2. Broadcast Addresses Section 20.3. Unicast versus Broadcast Section 20.4. dg_cli Function Using Broadcasting Section 20.5. Race Conditions Section 20.6. Summary Exercises Chapter 21. Multicasting Section 21.1. Introduction Section 21.2. Multicast Addresses Section 21.3. Multicasting versus Broadcasting on a LAN Section 21.4. Multicasting on a WAN Section 21.5. Source-Specific Multicast Section 21.6. Multicast Socket Options Section 21.7. mcast_join and Related Functions Section 21.8. dg_cli Function Using Multicasting Section 21.9. Receiving IP Multicast Infrastructure Session Announcements Section 21.10. Sending and Receiving Section 21.11. Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Section 21.12. Summary Exercises Chapter 22. Advanced UDP Sockets Section 22.1. Introduction Section 22.2. Receiving Flags, Destination IP Address, and Interface Index Section 22.3. Datagram Truncation Section 22.4. When to Use UDP Instead of TCP Section 22.5. Adding Reliability to a UDP Application Section 22.6. Binding Interface Addresses Section 22.7. Concurrent UDP Servers Section 22.8. IPv6 Packet Information Section 22.9. IPv6 Path MTU Control Section 22.10. Summary Exercises Chapter 23. Advanced SCTP Sockets Section 23.1. Introduction Section 23.2. An Autoclosing One-to-Many-Style Server Section 23.3. Partial Delivery Section 23.4. Notifications Section 23.5. Unordered Data Section 23.6. Binding a Subset of Addresses Section 23.7. Determining Peer and Local Address Information Section 23.8. Finding an Association ID Given an IP Address Section 23.9. Heartbeating and Address Failure Section 23.10. Peeling Off an Association Section 23.11. Controlling Timing Section 23.12. When to Use SCTP Instead of TCP Section 23.13. Summary Exercises Chapter 24. Out-of-Band Data Section 24.1. Introduction Section 24.2. TCP Out-of-Band Data Section 24.3. sockatmark Function Section 24.4. TCP Out-of-Band Data Recap Section 24.5. Summary Exercises Chapter 25. Signal-Driven I/O Section 25.1. Introduction Section 25.2. Signal-Driven I/O for Sockets Section 25.3. UDP Echo Server Using SIGIO Section 25.4. Summary Exercises Chapter 26. Threads Section 26.1. Introduction Section 26.2. Basic Thread Functions: Creation and Termination Section 26.3. str_cli Function Using Threads Section 26.4. TCP Echo Server Using Threads Section 26.5. Thread-Specific Data Section 26.6. Web Client and Simultaneous Connections (Continued) Section 26.7. Mutexes: Mutual Exclusion Section 26.8. Condition Variables Section 26.9. Web Client and Simultaneous Connections (Continued) Section 26.10. Summary Exercises Chapter 27. IP Options Section 27.1. Introduction Section 27.2. IPv4 Options Section 27.3. IPv4 Source Route Options Section 27.4. IPv6 Extension Headers Section 27.5. IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options and Destination Options Section 27.6. IPv6 Routing Header Section 27.7. IPv6 Sticky Options Section 27.8. Historical IPv6 Advanced API Section 27.9. Summary Exercises Chapter 28. Raw Sockets Section 28.1. Introduction Section 28.2. Raw Socket Creation Section 28.3. Raw Socket Output Section 28.4. Raw Socket Input Section 28.5. ping Program Section 28.6. traceroute Program Section 28.7. An ICMP Message Daemon Section 28.8. Summary Exercises Chapter 29. Datalink Access Section 29.1. Introduction Section 29.2. BSD Packet Filter (BPF) Section 29.3. Datalink Provider Interface (DLPI) Section 29.4. Linux: SOCK_PACKET and PF_PACKET Section 29.5. libpcap: Packet Capture Library Section 29.6. libnet: Packet Creation and Injection Library Section 29.7. Examining the UDP Checksum Field Section 29.8. Summary Exercises Chapter 30. Client/Server Design Alternatives Section 30.1. Introduction Section 30.2. TCP Client Alternatives Section 30.3. TCP Test Client Section 30.4. TCP Iterative Server Section 30.5. TCP Concurrent Server, One Child per Client Section 30.6. TCP Preforked Server, No Locking Around accept Section 30.7. TCP Preforked Server, File Locking Around accept Section 30.8. TCP Preforked Server, Thread Locking Around accept Section 30.9. TCP Preforked Server, Descriptor Passing Section 30.10. TCP Concurrent Server, One Thread per Client Section 30.11. TCP Prethreaded Server, per-Thread accept Section 30.12. TCP Prethreaded Server, Main Thread accept Section 30.13. Summary Exercises Chapter 31. Streams Section 31.1. Introduction Section 31.2. Overview Section 31.3. getmsg and putmsg Functions Section 31.4. getpmsg and putpmsg Functions Section 31.5. ioctl Function Section 31.6. Transport Provider Interface (TPI) Section 31.7. Summary Exercises Appendix A. IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, and ICMPv6 Section A.1. Introduction Section A.2. IPv4 Header Section A.3. IPv6 Header Section A.4. IPv4 Addresses Section A.5. IPv6 Addresses Section A.6. Internet Control Message Protocols (ICMPv4 and ICMPv6) Appendix B. Virtual Networks Section B.1. Introduction Section B.2. The MBone Section B.3. The 6bone Section B.4. IPv6 Transition: 6to4 Appendix C. Debugging Techniques Section C.1. System Call Tracing Section C.2. Standard Internet Services Section C.3. sock Program Section C.4. Small Test Programs Section C.5. tcpdump Program Section C.6. netstat Program Section C.7. lsof Program Appendix D. Miscellaneous Source Code Section D.1. unp.h Header Section D.2. config.h Header Section D.3. Standard Error Functions Appendix E. Solutions to Selected Exercises Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Bibliography


Effective STL中文版(chm格式)

又名: Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library 作者: (美)迈耶斯(Meyers,S.) 目录 ······ 引言 第1章 容器 第1条:慎重选择容器类型。 第2条:不要试图编写独立于容器类型的代码。 第3条:确保容器中的对象拷贝正确而高效。 第4条:调用empty而不是检查size()是否为0。 第5条:区间成员函数优先于与之对应的单元素成员函数。 第6条:当心C++编译器最烦人的分析机制。 第7条:如果容器中包含了通过new操作创建的指针,切记在容器对象析构前将指针delete掉。 第8条:切勿创建包含auto_ptr的容器对象。 第9条:慎重选择删除元素的方法。 第10条:了解分配子(allocator)的约定和限制。 第11条:理解自定义分配子的合理用法。 第12条:切勿对STL容器的线程安全性有不切实际的依赖。 第2章 vector和strin 第13条:vector 和string优先于动态分配的数组。 第14条:使用reserve来避免不必要的重新分配。 第15条:注意string 实现的多样性。 第16条:了解如何把vector和string数据传给旧的API。 第17条:使用“swap技巧”除去多余的容量。 第18条:避免使用vector。 第3章 关联容器 第19条:理解相等(equality)和等价(equivalence)的区别。 第20条:为包含指针的关联容器指定比较类型。 第21条:总是让比较函数在等值情况下返回false。 第22条:切勿直接修改set或multiset中的键。 第23条:考虑用排序的vector替代关联容器。 第24条:当效率至关重要时,请在map::operator[]与map::insert之间谨慎做出选择。 第25条:熟悉非标准的哈希容器。 第4章 迭代器 第26条:iterator优先于const_iterator、reverse_iterator以及const_reverse_iterator。 第27条:使用distance和advance将容器的const_iterator转换成iterator。 第28条:正确理解由reverse_iterator的base()成员函数所产生的iterator的用法。 第29条:对于逐个字符的输入请考虑使用istreambuf_iterator。 第5章 算法 第30条:确保目标区间足够大。 第31条:了解各种与排序有关的选择。 第32条:如果确实需要删除元素,则需要在remove这一类算法之后调用erase。 第33条:对包含指针的容器使用remove这一类算法时要特别小心。 第34条:了解哪些算法要求使用排序的区间作为参数。 第35条:通过mismatch或lexicographical_compare实现简单的忽略大小写的字符串比较。 …… 附录A:地域性与忽略大小写的字符串比较 附录B:对Microsoft的STL平台的说明



作者:Roberto Ierusalimschy 目录 Lua程序设计 版权声明 译序 第一篇 语言 第0章 序言 0.1 序言 0.2 Lua的使用者 0.3 Lua的相关资源 0.4 本书的体例 0.5 关于本书 0.6 感谢 第1章 起点 1.1 Chunks 1.2 全局变量 1.3 词法约定 1.4 命令行方式 第2章 类型和值 2.1 Nil 2.2 Booleans 2.3 Numbers 2.4 Strings 2.5 Functions 2.6 Userdata and Threads 第3章 表达式 3.1 算术运算符 3.2 关系运算符 3.3 逻辑运算符 3.4 连接运算符 3.5 优先级 3.6 表的构造 第4章 基本语法 4.1 赋值语句 4.2 局部变量与代码块(block) 4.3 控制结构语句 4.4 break和return语句 第5章 函数 5.1 多返回值 5.2 可变参数 5.3 命名参数 第6章 再论函数 6.1 闭包 6.2 非全局函数 6.3 正确的尾调用(Proper Tail Calls) 第7章 迭代器与泛型for 7.1 迭代器与闭包 7.2 范性for的语义 7.3 无状态的迭代器 7.4 多状态的迭代器 7.5 真正的迭代器 第8章 编译·运行·错误信息 8.1 require函数 8.2 C Packages 8.3 错误 8.4 异常和错误处理 8.5 错误信息和回跟踪(Tracebacks) 第9章 协同程序 9.1 协同的基础 9.2 管道和过滤器 9.3 用作迭代器的协同 9.4 非抢占式多线程 第10章 完整示例 10.1 Lua作为数据描述语言使用 10.2 马尔可夫链算法 第二篇 tables与objects 第11章 数据结构 11.1 数组 11.2 矩阵和多维数组 11.3 链表 11.4 队列和双向队列 11.5 集合和包 11.6 字符串缓冲 第12章 数据文件与持久化 12.1 序列化 12.1.1 保存不带循环的table 12.1.2 保存带有循环的table 第13章 Metatables and Metamethods 13.1 算术运算的Metamethods 13.2 关系运算的Metamethods 13.3 库定义的Metamethods 13.4 表相关的Metamethods 13.4.1 The __index Metamethod 13.4.2 The __newindex Metamethod 13.4.3 有默认值的表 13.4.4 监控表 13.4.5 只读表 第14章 环境 14.1 使用动态名字访问全局变量 14.2 声明全局变量 14.3 非全局的环境 第15章 Packages 15.1 基本方法 15.2 私有成员(Privacy) 15.3 包与文件 15.4 使用全局表 15.5 其他一些技巧(Other Facilities) 第16章 面向对象程序设计 16.1 类 16.2 继承 16.3 多重继承 16.4 私有性(privacy) 16.5 Single-Method的对象实现方法 第17章 Weak表 17.1 记忆函数 17.2 关联对象属性 17.3 重述带有默认值的表 第三篇 标准库 第18章 数学库 第19章 Table库 19.1 数组大小 19.2 插入/删除 19.3 排序 第20章 String库 20.1 模式匹配函数 20.2 模式 20.3 捕获(Captures) 20.4 转换的技巧(Tricks of the Trade) 第21章 IO库 21.1 简单I/O模式 21.2 完全I/O 模式 21.2.1 I/O优化的一个小技巧 21.2.2 二进制文件 21.3 关于文件的其它操作 第22章 操作系统库 22.1 Date和Time 22.2 其它的系统调用 第23章 Debug库 23.1 自省(Introspective) 23.1.1 访问局部变量 23.1.2 访问Upvalues 23.2 Hooks 23.3 Profiles 第四篇 C API 第24章 C API纵览 24.1 第一个示例程序 24.2 堆栈 24.2.1 压入元素 24.2.2 查询元素 24.2.3 其他堆栈操作 24.3 C API的错误处理 24.3.1 应用程序中的错误处理 24.3.2 类库中的错误处理 第25章 扩展你的程序 25.1 表操作 25.2 调用Lua函数 25.3 通用的函数调用 第26章 调用C函数 26.1 C 函数 26.2 C 函数库 第27章 撰写C函数的技巧 27.1 数组操作 27.2 字符串处理 27.3 在C函数中保存状态 27.3.1 The Registry 27.3.2 References 27.3.3 Upvalues 第28章 User-Defined Types in C 28.1 Userdata 28.2 Metatables 28.3 访问面向对象的数据 28.4 访问数组 28.5 Light Userdata 第29章 资源管理 29.1 目录迭代器 29.2 XML解析 第四篇 附录 A. 终端机控制符



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