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原创 Postgres Plus 8.4 和 MySQL 5.5的比较

<br />http://www.chinajava.net/download/Postgres_Plus_8.4_vs_MySQL_5.5_v3.pdf

2010-06-19 08:41:00 413

转载 JSF和Struts的比较

<br />http://java.sys-con.com/node/46516

2010-06-07 12:05:00 301

原创 按需部署型企业管理软件解决方案的成本、风险和路线图


2010-06-05 10:28:00 692

原创 SAP Business ByDesign的功能

SAP Business ByDesign了如下功能:财务• 财务管理会计• 现金流管理客户关系管理• 市场营销• 销售• 服务人力资源管理• 企业管理• 人力资源• 员工自助服务供应链管理• 供应链设置管理• 供应链规划和控制• 制造、仓储和物流项目管理供应商关系管理• 货源开发• 采购合规性管理管理层支持• 业务绩效管理

2010-06-05 05:51:00 856

原创 构建一个企业解决方案


2010-06-04 17:29:00 421

原创 Oracle Fusion Applications简介 /oracle 融合管理软件简介

oracle Fusion Applications 不是Fusion中间件或者Fusion技术,它是新一代的业务套件,就像oracle e-business suite 、PeopleSoft等一样,oracle Fusion Applications构建在Fusion中间件和Fusion架构之上。 oracle Fusion Applications V1.0可能在2010年第四季度发布。oracle Fusion Applications V1.0包括了如下功能: 财务

2010-06-04 09:03:00 1819

原创 如何成为一名ORACLE Fusion Applications 技术顾问

OracleFusion Applications发布在即,一般的技术人员如何才能成为成为一名ORACLEFusion Applications 技术顾问。同oracleE-Business Suite技术顾问不同,从一名普通的技术人员,特别是从一名JavaEE相关的技术人员转变为ORACLEFusion Applications 技术顾问要比转为为oracleE-Business Suite技术顾问容易得多。下面是一个ORACLEFusion Appli

2010-06-03 16:25:00 1424




OpenStack Queens for RHEL and CentOS安装指南

OpenStack Queens for RHEL and CentOS安装指南 根据官方文档整理,日期为20180818-20180819。 我采用CentOS 7.4在虚拟机上演着过此文档,能够成功。 本文档只保留了官方文档中RHEL and CentOS的内容。



openvswitch可以和KVM结合使用。 Open vSwitch的特性 1 支持通过NetFlow sFlow IPFIX, SPAN, RSPAN, 和 GRE-tunneled镜像使虚拟机内部通讯可以被监控; 2 支持LACP (IEEE 802.1AX-2008)(多端口绑定)协议; 3 支持标准的 802.1Q VLAN模型以及 trunk模式; 4 支持 BFD 和 802.1ag 链路状态监测; 5 支持STP (IEEE 802.1D-1998); 6 支持细粒度的Qos; 7 支持HFSC系统级别的流量控制队列; 8 支持每虚拟机网卡的流量的流量控制策略; 9 支持基于源MAC负载均衡模式、主备模式、L4哈希模式的多端口绑定; 10 支持OpenFlow协议(包括许多虚拟化的增强特性); 11 支持IPV6


OpenStack Virtual Machine Image Guide

openstack官方文档整理成PDF. Authentication With Keystone Configuring the Glance servers to use Keystone Configuring Glance API to use Keystone Configuring Glance Registry to use Keystone The Glance Image Cache Managing the Glance Image Cache Configuration options for the Image Cache Policies Constructing a Policy Configuration File Writing Rules Examples Property Protections Constructing a Property Protections Configuration File V1 API X-glance-registry-Purge-props Examples Running Glance in HTTPD uWSGI Server HTTP Mode mod_wsgi Glossary Notifications Notification Drivers Notification Types Content Payload Tasks Conceptual Overview Conceptual Details Task Entities Controlling Glance Servers Starting a server Stopping a server Restarting a server Reloading a server Glance Flow Plugins Flows Import Flows Interoperable Image Import Image Import Methods Customizing the image import process The Image Property Injection Plugin Database Management Migration Scripts Sync the Database Determining the Database Version Upgrading an Existing Database Downgrading an Existing Database Legacy Database Management Sync the Database Determining the Database Version Upgrading an Existing Database Downgrading an Existing Database Zero-Downtime Database Upgrades The Expand-Migrate-Contract Cycle Zero-Downtime Database Upgrade New Database Version Identifiers Database Upgrade Rolling Upgrades Scope of this document Prerequisites Procedure Images and instances Instance Launch Image properties and property protection Image download: how it works Instance building blocks Instance management tools Control where instances run Launch instances with UEFI Manage images List or get details for images (glance) Create or update an image (glance) Troubleshoot image creation Requirements External Requirements Affecting Glance Guideline to include your requirement in the requirements.txt file Steps to include your requirement in the requirements.txt file


OpenStack Networking Guide

本手册包括了详细的官方内容。 This guide targets OpenStack administrators seeking to deploy and manage OpenStack Networking (neutron). Introduction Basic networking Network components Overlay (tunnel) protocols Network namespaces Network address translation OpenStack Networking Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) Configuration Services and agents ML2 plug-in Address scopes Automatic allocation of network topologies Availability zones BGP dynamic routing High-availability for DHCP DNS integration DNS integration with an external service DNS resolution for instances Distributed Virtual Routing with VRRP IPAM configuration IPv6 Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) Logging for security groups Macvtap mechanism driver MTU considerations Open vSwitch with DPDK datapath Open vSwitch hardware offloading Native Open vSwitch firewall driver Quality of Service (QoS) Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Routed provider networks Service function chaining SR-IOV Subnet pools Service subnets Trunking Deployment examples Prerequisites Mechanism drivers Operations IP availability metrics Resource tags Resource purge Migration Database Legacy nova-network to OpenStack Networking (neutron) Add VRRP to an existing router Miscellaneous Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v2 scenario Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1 scenario Disable libvirt networking neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup utility



本文档采用图文并茂的方式,一步一步讲解了KVM NAT的配置。内容包括: 1 Creating a NAT Virtual Network 1.1 Step one: Host properties 1.2 Step two: Virtual Networks tab 1.3 Step three: Start the New Virtual Network assistant 1.4 Step four: Choose a name 1.5 Step five: Choose an IP address range 1.6 Step six: Choose a DHCP address range 1.7 Step seven: Choose the type of virtual network 1.8 Step eight: Finish the virtual network creation 1.9 Last step: Verify 1.10 Using your new virtual network


Kubernetes 1.8.1 RPM包

在安装Kubernetes,最大的问题就是无法连接到资源库下载Kubernetes 1.8.1 RPM。 有了RPM 包,安装就非常容易了。


安装IBM CLOUD Private

安装IBM CLOUD Private,包括了DOCKER 的安装。包括了如下内容: Set up the installation environment Deploy the environment


ICEfaces 2 for eclipse

ICEfaces 2 for eclipse是基于JSF V2标准的组件系统并且无缝集成在ECLIPSE环境中。它提供了100多个web组件,插件安装配置容易


The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Java EE 6导学,一本入门的书,也是一本经典的书。


Apache MyFaces Trinidad 2.0.0-beta-2

基于JSF2 的Web框架,提供100多个组件



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