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查看告警日志,发现有提示FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET过低问题如下:Fri Jan 06 09:10:40 2017Archived Log entry 216246 added for thread 1 sequence 108168 ID 0xa33043e3 dest 1:Fri Jan 06 09:10:42 2017LNS: Standby re

2017-01-06 10:12:09 1382

原创 强制踢掉空闲的在线用户

经常发现linux系统有很多空闲的ssh登录连接,实在难忍,强制踢下:pkill -kill -t   pts/0pkill -kill -t   pts/1pkill -kill -t   pts/2

2015-09-22 09:35:33 1404

原创 测试MySQL Fabric用于replication的实验

今天测试了MySQL Fabric用于replication的实验

2014-06-21 17:54:22 1707

原创 show engine innodb status发现deadlock

show engine innodb status发现deadlockmysql> show engine innodb status\G*************************** 1. row *************************** Type: InnoDB Name: Status: ==========================

2014-06-20 18:02:21 2082 1

原创 使用pt-ioprofile对MySQL作IO剖析


2014-06-20 17:57:36 3090

原创 Fedora 20_x86_64将默认图形模式切换到默认文本模式

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/inittab # inittab is no longer used when using systemd.## ADDING CONFIGURATION HERE WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON YOUR SYSTEM.## Ctrl-Alt-Delete is handled by /etc/syst

2014-03-31 16:16:09 711

原创 冒泡排序算法

#include void sort(int *, int);int main(void){ int i; int a[6] = {10,2,8,-8,11,0}; sort(a, 6); for(i=0;i {  printf("%d ", a[i]); } printf("\n"); return 0;}void sort(int *a,

2014-03-30 11:21:59 505

原创 MySQL数据、索引信息统计

mysql> desc information_schema.tables;+-----------------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+--------------

2014-03-29 17:44:04 745

原创 wget后台断点续传下载

# nohup wget -c -b -q http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/20/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-20-x86_64-DVD.iso & # ps -ef | grep wgetroot     25717     1  4 17:36 ?        00:

2014-03-29 17:24:22 6007

原创 将Linux的history命令定制格式

export HISTTIMEFORMAT="`whoami`@%F %T " 或者写入/etc/profile, 然后source /etc/profile  下面就是输出的格式:  434  root@2014-03-29 17:27:03 history  435  root@2014-03-29 17:27:11 export HISTTIMEFORMAT=

2014-03-29 17:15:42 713

转载 构建PostgreSQL工作环境

构建PostgreSQL工作环境jieshiyeskey@gmail.com1.创建用户并附权限及设置密码postgres=# create role markgeng password 'Jieshi11gR2' login superuser createdb createrole;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# \dg+       

2014-03-29 16:53:44 629

转载 tomcat如何配置懒加载 每次更改不用重新启动服务器

第一步,打开tomcat服务器的server.xml 第二步,在标签中加入    其中,doBase为项目webapp的路径。path自己定义,为访问时候的项目名称。

2014-03-29 10:53:55 1568

原创 部署网络分布式文件系统MooseFS

部署MooseFS分布式文件系统192.168.16.201   mfsmaster192.168.16.202   mfsmaster192.168.16.203   mfschunkserver192.168.16.204   client一. 部署mfsmaster1. mfsmaster# wget http://ncu.dl.sourceforge.net

2014-03-21 22:37:33 870

原创 mysqlHA双主热备测试是否同键值冲突

1. vip先是192.168.30.168在redis2在redis2上创建存储过程插入50000数据mysql-redis2> delimiter &&mysql-redis2> create procedure  test() begin declare i int; set i =  0; create table if not exists sbtest.test(id in

2014-03-13 19:56:25 914

原创 使用meb工具在线热备,将单实例切换为主从

主机配置说明:  master192.168.30.121  slavemeb使用说明:mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --backup-dir=/data/backup/mysql-full-$(date +%F) backup-and-apply-logmysqlbackup --defau

2014-03-07 13:54:12 994

原创 使用rsa key互传文件报错

[root@ip-172-31-0-38 local]# scp -i key.pem mysql-bin.tar.gz         WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!   

2014-03-06 17:49:59 934

原创 MySQL使用rename命令将大表清理

create table old_table(id int);create table new_table like old_table;RENAME TABLE old_table TO backup_table, new_table TO old_table;

2014-03-06 09:59:01 2278

原创 wget后台断点续传静默下载

wget -q -c https://iwm.dhe.ibm.com/sdfdl/v2/regs2/db2pmopn/db2_v105/expc/Xa.2/Xb.aA_60_-idWRPQz04fIh2icLPSkPdA0xCPjmtyvZucA/Xc.db2_v105/expc/v10.5fp1_win_expc.exe/Xd./Xf.LPr.D1vk/Xg.7442878/Xi.swg-d

2014-02-24 00:15:35 7263

原创 oracle database on centos_6.4_x64 silent installation

oracle database on centos_6.4_x64 installation1. /etc/hosts192.168.16.203  hadoop3 2. 检查系统需求物理内存大小:  grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo交换分区大小:  grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo/tmp目录大小: df

2014-02-15 14:30:20 921

原创 linux查看硬盘信息等

[root@hadoop4 data]# hdparm -i /dev/sdb ---------->硬盘信息整体检查/dev/sdb: Model=ST2000VX000-1CU164, FwRev=CV22, SerialNo=Z1E5F8GW Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs RotSpdTol>.5% }

2014-01-24 14:00:48 2141

原创 solaris中init的几种模式

solaris中init的几种模式:init    0123456abcQqSs其中init  0       # shutdown to OK 关闭系统init 5        # shutdown and power off  关机且关闭电源init 6        # shutdown and reboot 关机且重启init   s      #  单用户模式i

2014-01-22 21:14:02 2529

原创 solaris 10 上以文本模式启动

# uname -aSunOS dbora10 5.10 Generic_147148-26 i86pc i386 i86pc# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig --helpUsage:   CDE configuration utility    /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d        (disable auto-start)  

2014-01-22 20:53:34 1512

原创 Linux系统禁止普通用户su到root用户的方法

禁止普通用户su到root用户的方法:1. 只允许wheel组用户和root可以使用su到root# usermod -g wheel user01# vim /etc/pam.d/suauth           required        pam_wheel.so use_uid2. 修改/bin/su的权限, 取消s位, 这种方法最直接、简单 # ls -ls /

2014-01-15 18:26:03 10649

原创 centos_6.5_x64 上快速编译安装redis

centos_6.5_x64 上快速编译安装redis[root@redis1 redis-2.8.3]# wget  http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-2.8.3.tar.gz[root@redis1 redis-2.8.3]# tar xvf redis-2.8.3.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src[root@redis

2014-01-12 16:55:53 808

转载 redis之主从复制

redis主从复制配置和使用都非常简单。通过主从复制可以允许多个slave server拥有和master server相同的数据库副本。下面是关于redis主从复制的一些特点1.master可以有多个slave2.除了多个slave连到相同的master外,slave也可以连接其他slave形成图状结构3.主从复制不会阻塞master。也就是说当一个或多个slave与master

2014-01-12 15:45:05 566

转载 redis在新浪的应用


2014-01-12 15:43:19 721

原创 检查网段内服务器icmp

for ((i=1;i/dev/null 2>&1 ; if [ $? -eq 0 ] ;then echo 192.168.80.$i; fi; done

2014-01-12 13:34:41 785

原创 mysql error日志的一个问题

2014-01-08 10:26:50 13761 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  on a table with more than one

2014-01-08 11:53:25 793

原创 nginx配置虚拟主机,仅限制内网通过phpMyAdmin访问mysql

server { listen 80; server_name myadmin.unixlab.com; #charset koi8-r; # location / { root /data/phpMyAdmin; index index.php

2014-01-07 19:44:28 1779

原创 oracle数据库中的一些name的说明

SQL> show parameter nameNAME                                   TYPE     VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------db_name                             

2014-01-05 13:47:42 655

转载 不要盲目增加ip_conntrack_max-理解Linux内核内存


2014-01-05 11:37:17 1225

原创 nagios快速部署

1. 编译安装apache./configure –prefix=/usr/local/php \ –with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \ –with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php \ –enable-mbstring=all –disable-debug –enable-opcache –enable-soap –e

2014-01-05 11:25:21 668

原创 通过yum下载rpm包

yum install downloadonly -yyum install perl-DBD-MySQL –downloadonly downloaddir=/tmp/

2014-01-05 11:22:01 553

原创 部署cobbler自动化安装系统

# wget http://mirrors.yun-idc.com/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm # rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm## It will auto install the following package: ## PyYAML apr apr-util apr-util-l

2014-01-05 11:21:26 1375

原创 some linux kernel parameters tune

#set sysctltrue > /etc/sysctl.confcat >> /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0kernel.sysrq = 0kernel.co

2014-01-05 11:20:12 829

原创 oa数据库rman备份

- newoa服务器: IBM X3650 M4服务器上的oracle备份 –– 由于oa数据库很小, 0级增量备份, 即全备[oracle@newoa ~]# vim /oracle/backup/bin/hot_database_backup#!/bin/env sh## Make Full database backup (incremental level 0)

2014-01-05 11:12:06 739

原创 mysql中将ip转换为数值的函数

mysql> help inet_atonName: ‘INET_ATON’ Description: Syntax: INET_ATON(expr)Given the dotted-quad representation of an IPv4 network address as a string, returns an integer that represents the numer

2014-01-05 11:11:19 3174

原创 mysql中的show profiles在5.6.14版本被丢弃

mysql> status————–mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.14, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrappermysql> show variables like ‘%profil%’;+————————+——-+| Variable_name          | Value |+——————

2014-01-05 11:10:33 1904

原创 oracle locks query

SELECT b.session_id AS sid,NVL(b.oracle_username, ‘(oracle)’) AS username,a.owner AS object_owner,a.object_name,Decode(b.locked_mode, 0, ‘None’,1, ‘Null (NULL)’,2, ‘Row-S (SS)’,3, ‘Row-X

2014-01-05 11:09:49 708

原创 快速部署zabbix监控服务器

1. httpd安装部署2. mysql-5.6.14安装部署tar xvf mysql-5.6.14.tar.gz -C /usr/local/srccd /usr/local/src/mysql-5.6.14yum install ncurses-devel openssl-develcmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/mys

2014-01-05 11:09:12 792




SQL for MySQL Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference

The Most Complete and Practical Guide to MySQL Version 5’s Powerful SQL Dialect MySQL version 5 offers a SQL dialect with immense power. In SQL for MySQL Developers, Rick F. van der Lans helps you master this version ofSQL and take advantage of its full potential. Using case study examplesand hands-on exercises, van der Lans illuminates every key concept,technique, and statement–including advanced features that make iteasier to create even the most complex statements and programs. Drawing on decades of experience as an SQL standards team member and enterprise consultant, he reveals exactly why MySQL’s dialect works as it does–and how to get the most out of it. You’ll gain powerful insight into everything from basic queries to stored procedures, transactions to data security. Whether you’re a programmer, Web developer, analyst, DBA, or database user, this book can take you from “apprentice” to true SQL expert. If you’ve used SQL in older versions of MySQL, you’ll become dramatically more effective–and if you’re migrating from other database platforms, you’ll gain practical mastery fast. Coverage includes Writing queries, including joins, functions, and subqueries Updating data Creating tables, views, and other database objects Specifying keys and other integrity constraints Improving efficiency with indexes Enforcing security via passwords and privileges Embedding SQL statements within PHP programs Building stored procedures and triggers Using transactions, locking, rollback, and isolation levels Utilizing MySQL’s catalog All of the book’s sample programs are available for download from www.r20.nl. About the Author Rick F. van der Lans is author of the classic Introduction to SQL, the definitive SQL guide that database developers have relied on for more than 20 years. He is a consultant, author, and lecturer specializing in database technology, development tools, data warehousing, and XML. As managing director of the Netherlands-based R20/Consultancy, he has advised many large companies on defining their IT architectures. He chairs the European Meta Data Conference, and writes columns for several magazines. Contents About the Author Preface PART I Introduction CHAPTER 1 Introduction to MySQL CHAPTER 2 The Tennis Club Sample Database CHAPTER 3 Installing the Software CHAPTER 4 SQL in a Nutshell PART II Querying and Updating Data CHAPTER 5 SELECT Statement: Common Elements CHAPTER 6 SELECT Statements, Table Expressions, and Subqueries CHAPTER 7 SELECT Statement:The FROM Clause CHAPTER 8 SELECT Statement: The WHERE Clause CHAPTER 9 SELECT Statement: SELECT Clause and Aggregation Functions CHAPTER 10 SELECT Statement: The GROUP BY Clause CHAPTER 11 SELECT Statement: The HAVING Clause CHAPTER 12 SELECT Statement: The ORDER BY Clause CHAPTER 13 SELECT Statement: The LIMIT Clause CHAPTER 14 Combining Table Expressions CHAPTER 15 The User Variable and the SET Statement CHAPTER 16 The HANDLER Statement CHAPTER 17 Updating Tables CHAPTER 18 Loading and Unloading Data CHAPTER 19 Working with XML Documents PART III Creating Database Objects CHAPTER 20 Creating Tables CHAPTER 21 Specifying Integrity Constraints CHAPTER 22 Character Sets and Collations CHAPTER 23 The ENUM and SET Types CHAPTER 24 Changing and Dropping Tables CHAPTER 25 Using Indexes CHAPTER 26 Views CHAPTER 27 Creating Databases CHAPTER 28 Users and Data Security CHAPTER 29 Statements for Table Maintenance CHAPTER 30 The SHOW, DESCRIBE, and HELP Statements PART IV Procedural Database Objects CHAPTER 31 Stored Procedures CHAPTER 32 Stored Functions CHAPTER 33 Triggers CHAPTER 34 Events PART V Programming with SQL CHAPTER 35 MySQL and PHP CHAPTER 36 Dynamic SQL with Prepared Statement CHAPTER 37 Transactions and Multiuser Usage APPENDIX A Syntax of SQL APPENDIX B Scalar Functions APPENDIX C System Variables APPENDIX D Bibliography Index


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