




      nohup expdp system/system directory=expdp schemas=test2 dumpfile=test0213.dmp logfile=test0213.log  &


      nohup impdp system/system directory=expdp  dumpfile=test0213.dmp logfile=test0213_table.log remap_tablespace=TEST:TEST_DATA  schemas=TEST2 exclude=index &


      nohup impdp system/system directory=expdp1  dumpfile=test0213.dmp logfile=test0213_index.log remap_tablespace=TEST:TEST_INDEX schemas=TEST2 include=index  &




     经过验证核实,TEST只赋予了connect 以及resource权限,正常情况是不能访问其他用户的信息的,但该用户确实存在该种情况。

     通过查找user_role_privs(查看用户拥有的角色权限,如connect,resource),user_tab_privs(查看用户拥有 查询、修改其他用户的下指定的表权限),仍为发现异常。可以判断问题出在以TEST用户导出时默认将该用户的权限信息导出,而导入时又将该权限赋予了新用户TEST2,导致TEST2拥有一些特殊权限。

     使用plsql develop工具查看TEST2用户的创建语句,发现有大量权限赋予,其中保护grant select any table权限,从而导致其拥有查询其他用户的权限,权限信息如下:

grant administer any sql tuning set to TEST2;
grant administer database trigger to TEST2;
grant administer sql management object to TEST2;
grant administer sql tuning set to TEST2;
grant advisor to TEST2;
grant alter any assembly to TEST2;
grant alter any cluster to TEST2;
grant alter any cube to TEST2;
grant alter any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant alter any dimension to TEST2;
grant alter any edition to TEST2;
grant alter any index to TEST2;
grant alter any indextype to TEST2;
grant alter any library to TEST2;
grant alter any materialized view to TEST2;
grant alter any mining model to TEST2;
grant alter any operator to TEST2;
grant alter any outline to TEST2;
grant alter any procedure to TEST2;
grant alter any role to TEST2;
grant alter any sequence to TEST2;
grant alter any sql profile to TEST2;
grant alter any table to TEST2;
grant alter any trigger to TEST2;
grant alter any type to TEST2;
grant alter database to TEST2;
grant alter profile to TEST2;
grant alter resource cost to TEST2;
grant alter rollback segment to TEST2;
grant alter session to TEST2;
grant alter system to TEST2;
grant alter tablespace to TEST2;
grant alter user to TEST2;
grant analyze any to TEST2;
grant audit any to TEST2;
grant audit system to TEST2;
grant backup any table to TEST2;
grant become user to TEST2;
grant change notification to TEST2;
grant comment any mining model to TEST2;
grant comment any table to TEST2;
grant create any assembly to TEST2;
grant create any cluster to TEST2;
grant create any context to TEST2;
grant create any cube to TEST2;
grant create any cube build process to TEST2;
grant create any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant create any dimension to TEST2;
grant create any directory to TEST2;
grant create any edition to TEST2;
grant create any index to TEST2;
grant create any indextype to TEST2;
grant create any job to TEST2;
grant create any library to TEST2;
grant create any materialized view to TEST2;
grant create any measure folder to TEST2;
grant create any mining model to TEST2;
grant create any operator to TEST2;
grant create any outline to TEST2;
grant create any procedure to TEST2;
grant create any sequence to TEST2;
grant create any sql profile to TEST2;
grant create any synonym to TEST2;
grant create any table to TEST2;
grant create any trigger to TEST2;
grant create any type to TEST2;
grant create any view to TEST2;
grant create assembly to TEST2;
grant create cluster to TEST2;
grant create cube to TEST2;
grant create cube build process to TEST2;
grant create cube dimension to TEST2;
grant create database link to TEST2;
grant create dimension to TEST2;
grant create external job to TEST2;
grant create indextype to TEST2;
grant create job to TEST2;
grant create library to TEST2;
grant create materialized view to TEST2;
grant create measure folder to TEST2;
grant create mining model to TEST2;
grant create operator to TEST2;
grant create procedure to TEST2;
grant create profile to TEST2;
grant create public database link to TEST2;
grant create public synonym to TEST2;
grant create role to TEST2;
grant create rollback segment to TEST2;
grant create sequence to TEST2;
grant create session to TEST2;
grant create synonym to TEST2;
grant create table to TEST2;
grant create tablespace to TEST2;
grant create trigger to TEST2;
grant create type to TEST2;
grant create user to TEST2;
grant create view to TEST2;
grant debug any procedure to TEST2;
grant debug connect session to TEST2;
grant delete any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant delete any measure folder to TEST2;
grant delete any table to TEST2;
grant drop any assembly to TEST2;
grant drop any cluster to TEST2;
grant drop any context to TEST2;
grant drop any cube to TEST2;
grant drop any cube build process to TEST2;
grant drop any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant drop any dimension to TEST2;
grant drop any directory to TEST2;
grant drop any edition to TEST2;
grant drop any index to TEST2;
grant drop any indextype to TEST2;
grant drop any library to TEST2;
grant drop any materialized view to TEST2;
grant drop any measure folder to TEST2;
grant drop any mining model to TEST2;
grant drop any operator to TEST2;
grant drop any outline to TEST2;
grant drop any procedure to TEST2;
grant drop any role to TEST2;
grant drop any sequence to TEST2;
grant drop any sql profile to TEST2;
grant drop any synonym to TEST2;
grant drop any table to TEST2;
grant drop any trigger to TEST2;
grant drop any type to TEST2;
grant drop any view to TEST2;
grant drop profile to TEST2;
grant drop public database link to TEST2;
grant drop public synonym to TEST2;
grant drop rollback segment to TEST2;
grant drop tablespace to TEST2;
grant drop user to TEST2;
grant execute any assembly to TEST2;
grant execute any class to TEST2;
grant execute any indextype to TEST2;
grant execute any library to TEST2;
grant execute any operator to TEST2;
grant execute any procedure to TEST2;
grant execute any program to TEST2;
grant execute any type to TEST2;
grant execute assembly to TEST2;
grant export full database to TEST2;
grant flashback any table to TEST2;
grant flashback archive administer to TEST2;
grant force any transaction to TEST2;
grant force transaction to TEST2;
grant global query rewrite to TEST2;
grant grant any object privilege to TEST2;
grant grant any privilege to TEST2;
grant grant any role to TEST2;
grant import full database to TEST2;
grant insert any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant insert any measure folder to TEST2;
grant insert any table to TEST2;
grant lock any table to TEST2;
grant manage scheduler to TEST2;
grant manage tablespace to TEST2;
grant merge any view to TEST2;
grant on commit refresh to TEST2;
grant query rewrite to TEST2;
grant restricted session to TEST2;
grant resumable to TEST2;
grant select any cube to TEST2;
grant select any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant select any mining model to TEST2;
grant select any sequence to TEST2;
grant select any table to TEST2;
grant select any transaction to TEST2;
grant under any table to TEST2;
grant under any type to TEST2;
grant under any view to TEST2;
grant update any cube to TEST2;
grant update any cube build process to TEST2;
grant update any cube dimension to TEST2;
grant update any table to TEST2;


revoke administer any sql tuning set from  TEST2;
revoke administer database trigger from TEST2;
revoke administer sql management object from TEST2;


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