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转载 Linux下安装配置Android开发环境

转载  android sdk 1.5 安装与配置参考  ubuntu 8.10 安装 Android 1.下载android sdk下载地址如下:http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2.ziphttp://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk-

2010-04-19 18:36:00 29121 7

原创 Linux下通过EXPECT脚本自动执行ssh远程连接

由于经常需要从家里连到实验室的机器,但是中间需要一个中转,于是就需要连续两次进行ssh操作以及输入密码。加上家里网络不稳,经常会断,就又得重新登录。输入那么一长串的东西特别麻烦。于是觉得应该写一个脚本来自动登录,这样就可以带来极大的方便。 1 expect程序    用的Ubuntu,本身没带expect,安装。  sudo apt-get in

2009-07-27 05:59:00 11998

原创 test


2015-07-12 11:27:19 832

原创 Fio for I/O performance testing

Fio is short for Flexible I/O, a versatile IO workload generator. It was original developed by Jens Axboe, the backbone behind and author of the IO stack in the Linux kernel.It can be used to coll

2015-03-05 02:29:51 2020

转载 C语言中的宏定义

zz http://blog.csdn.net/hguisu/article/details/74706951. 简单宏定义简单的宏定义有如下格式:[#define指令(简单的宏)]  #define  标识符替换列表 替换列表是一系列的C语言记号,包括标识符、关键字、数、字符常量、字符串字面量、运算符和标点符号。当预处理器遇到一个宏定义时,会做一个 “标识符”代表“替

2015-02-02 04:25:00 1781

转载 買下地球系列--美股ETF國際代碼整理(前進海外必備)

转载: 買下地球系列--美股ETF國際代碼整理(前進海外必備)2014年一下子又過去一半了,各位對於美股投資是不是有更多的了解與認識了呢?謝謝這麼多讀者對於幣圖誌以及畢德歐夫美股專欄的支持。愈來愈多朋友進入國際投資的行列,到江湖闖蕩前,練功、兵器不可少。如同操作台股,要有操作平台(開戶),也要知道個股代碼。畢德歐夫在新書《美股大贏家》中向大家介紹許多好用且免

2015-01-10 09:42:38 4624

转载 北美股市反向ETF和杠杆ETF列表

zz: 北美股市反向ETF和杠杆ETF列表我在另外两篇文章《ETF股票指数基金介绍》和《双倍回报和三倍回报的ETF基金》中分别介绍了ETF的好处,美国股市中交易量最大的ETF系列,以及双倍回报和三倍回报杠杆型ETF的概念。为了方便大家查找和比较北美股市最流行的ETF产品,我整理出以下列表,其中包括交易最活跃的大盘指数ETF、行业指数ETF、国际股市ETF、商品ETF和货币ETF

2015-01-05 14:02:33 5043

转载 教程:Ubuntu 14.04 和 Windows 8.1 双系统安装步骤

Useful Links:Install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 8.1 in 10 easy steps教程:Ubuntu 14.04 和 Windows 8.1 双系统安装步骤Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported)UEFI P

2014-12-14 10:04:41 2198 1

转载 Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported)

Useful Links:Install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 8.1 in 10 easy steps教程:Ubuntu 14.04 和 Windows 8.1 双系统安装步骤Installing Ubuntu on a Pre-Installed Windows 8 (64-bit) System (UEFI Supported)UEFI P

2014-12-14 08:55:19 2146

转载 美股市场ETF的中文名列表

转载 http://www.usastock88.com/2011/09/etf_28.html因為網路上對ETF的中文名翻譯並不是很有系統,即使是同一個網站或資料庫,也常出現同一個名詞,卻出現好幾種翻譯的現象,甚至還有翻錯的,Long或Short大多是多、空的意思,不是長短阿!所以我花了點時間作整理:TickerETF Name中文名

2014-12-08 10:38:14 24607

转载 股票市场与债券市场的“跷跷板”关系研究(下)

原文地址:股票市场与债券市场的“跷跷板”关系研究(下)作者:万岩(二)上证指数与各种债券指数的关系   债券市场中包括国债、央票、金融债、企业债、短期融资券等,具有较多的品种。另外,根据利率来分,具有固定利率和浮动利率的不同品种,根据期限来分,还有短期和长期的差别。那么,在股市和债市的联系中,哪些类别的债券与股市联系更为紧密,哪些类别的债券与股市的联系不那么紧密呢?下面我们通过比较股票

2014-12-07 15:28:13 4446

转载 [转载]股票市场与债券市场的“跷跷板”关系研究(上)


2014-12-07 15:26:40 1487

原创 Links Bookmark


2014-05-01 06:15:58 772

转载 How to add or remove a static ARP entry on Linux

zzAdd static ARP entries when network is brought up

2014-04-10 13:21:26 1802

转载 ss: Display Linux TCP / UDP Network and Socket Information

ss: Display Linux TCP / UDP Network and Socket Information

2014-04-04 14:11:22 1232

转载 script to update Ubuntu kernel to the latest mainline version

GitHub script downloadThe Linux Kernel Archiveshttp://askubuntu.com/questions/119080/how-to-update-kernel-to-the-latest-mainline-version-without-any-distro-upgradesudo apt-get updatesudo ap

2014-04-01 01:13:23 885

原创 Macvlan and Macvtap

Refer to  Enabling host-guest networking with KVM, Macvlan and Macvtap!/bin/bashTESTHOST=www.google.comMACVLAN_PREFIX=macvlanMAC_ADDR_PREFIX=a0:36:9f:1a:57:fif [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]]; then

2014-03-29 07:58:42 1283

转载 Send a raw Ethernet frame in Linux (zz)

Send a raw Ethernet frame in Linux (GitHub)Explanation is hereSending raw Ethernet packets from a specific interface in C on Linux /** This program is free software: you can redistribut

2014-03-14 05:36:58 2378


zz http://www.tenouk.com/Module43a.htmlAlso Refer http://csis.bits-pilani.ac.in/faculty/dk_tyagi/Study_stuffs/raw.htmlThis is a continuation from Part IV series,Advanced TCP/IP Pro

2014-03-11 07:57:36 1117

转载 理解inode

zz http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2011/12/inode.html作者:阮一峰一、inode是什么?理解inode,要从文件储存说起。文件储存在硬盘上,硬盘的最小存储单位叫做"扇区"(Sector)。每个扇区储存512字节(相当于0.5KB)。操作系统读取硬盘的时候,不会一个个扇区地读取,这样效率太低,而是一次性连续读取多个

2014-02-28 12:39:18 701

转载 linux下挂载硬盘!


2014-02-26 03:16:58 728

转载 UBUNTU 用户及用户组管理

zz http://www.9streets.cn/art-php-551.html$是普通管员,#是系统管理员,在Ubuntu下,root用户默认是没有密码的,因此也就无法使用(据说是为了安全)。想用root的话,得给root用户设置一个密码:sudo passwd root然后登录时用户名输入root,再输入密码就行了。ubuntu建用户最好用adduser,虽然addus

2014-02-24 16:28:40 1002

转载 shell script 脚本传递参数的方法

shell 脚本中传递参数3种方法的比较Bash里使用getopts解析非选项参数在Shell脚本中处理命令行参数

2013-10-14 03:57:00 1173

转载 计算机面试复习材料

转载 http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/31526013.html题目大全:http://www.spellscroll.com/viewquestions/?tag=algorithmhttp://www.thecareerplus.com/?page=resources&cat=10http://interviewcy

2013-04-01 02:32:29 1119

转载 Thread Pool 线程池

1. An simple implementations (easy to  read)https://github.com/mbrossard/threadpool2. Another implementationhttp://www.iteye.com/topic/38544

2013-04-01 02:28:17 717

原创 Read Write Lock Implementation

C++ 实现读写锁的问题POSIX Tthread Programming/Conditional Variablehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/12033188/how-would-a-readers-writer-lock-be-implemented-in-c11伪代码read_lock() { mutex.lock();

2013-03-31 16:14:00 1347

转载 Linux 上的常用文件传输方式介绍与比较

转载http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-filetransfer/简介: Linux 环境中有多种方式可以实现不同主机之间的文件传输或同步。在不同的场景下,选择合适的方法进行传输会大大提高工作效率以及质量。本文通过总结 Linux 环境下常用的几种文件传输方法,结合具体使用实例以及对这些方法优缺点的分析对比,希望能够对

2013-01-08 12:10:07 653

转载 Memory Consistency Models -- 内存一致性模型

zz http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6472c4cc0102dvel.html本章出现的Coherency指Cache Coherency,Consistency指Memory Consistency。许多工程师经常混淆这两个概念,没有建立足够准确的Memory Consistency概念。Consistency与Coherency之间有一定

2012-10-09 16:20:09 2795

转载 Accessing a Fedora/CentOS Logical Volume from Ubuntu

zz http://www.linux-sxs.org/storage/fedora2ubuntu.htmlERROR:mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'A while back, I started experimenting with Ubuntu after playing withFedora

2012-08-31 04:02:01 617

转载 iPhone iOS升级完美指南

之前买的iPhone 4,用的是iOS 4.1。现在最新的系统是iOS5.x了。(iOS5新功能请看:iPhone升级iOS 5可用iMessage免费发短信)很多东西无法在旧的系统中使用,所以想升级成新的。升级之前,先做下备份(通过iTunes),以防旧系统中的数据丢失。这里有简单的备份过程:做好iphone备份,升级iOS5免烦恼另外,如果使用Windows系统,资料库

2012-08-25 12:23:08 16769

转载 iTunes C盘占用空间太大 解决方案

关键词:itunes 空间太大 C盘 转移 解决方案 itunes默认在C盘有2个较大的文件夹,一个是资料库,就是装有.ipa的文件夹,另一个是同步备份资料。如果不转移,往往会在C盘占据5-10G的空间,这对前几年的电脑来说,是有点大了。转移资料库:①在itunes上方点    “编辑”---“偏好设置”②在弹出的窗口中点“高级”把图中“iTunes Media文件夹位

2012-08-25 12:08:01 12884

转载 Bugfix for syntax error in gcc/c-parse.y (SESC simulator)

http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22528http://www.microchip.com/forums/m416697-print.aspxThe reason for this might be that some new features have been added to gcc 4.x, and t

2012-08-23 09:10:40 1909

转载 教程--用Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟机安装winxp操作系统

zz http://www.dasairen.com/OracleVMVirtualBox/10181611099.html首先,安装Virtualbox,这一步骤一如你以往安装各种替他软件,此处就不再赘言。打开安装好的Virtualbox,点击新建按钮,进入进入创建新建虚拟电脑的向导  输入虚拟电脑的名称(名称随意),然后选择系统类型,这里我们安装的是xp,所以系统类

2012-08-21 14:32:16 10623

转载 UNIX: vi Editor

zz http://www.ccsf.edu/Pub/Fac/vi.htmlGeneral IntroductionThe vi editor (short for visual editor) is a screen editor which isavailable on almost all Unix systems. Once you have learned vi, you w

2012-08-20 12:31:18 1032

转载 linux自动备份shell(使用全备份,增量备份策略)

zz http://www.cnblogs.com/coffee_cn/archive/2010/03/26/1697038.html在cron里设置,每周一凌晨2点执行(每周一全备份,其余时间增量备份)#vi backup.sh#!/bin/bash# definedayofweek=`date "+%u"`today=`date "+%Y%m%d"`sourc

2012-08-20 06:51:52 5253 1

转载 Linux rm命令重定义,防止误删文件无法恢复

zz http://space.itpub.net/751371/viewspace-718307在linux环境下 rm -rf 慎用。命令敲得多了,常在河边走,难免会湿鞋昨天,一个手误,敲错了命令,把原本想要留的文件夹给rm -rf掉了几天心血全木有了,靠,死的心都有了有几种可能的找回的方法,比如下面两个链接的方法linux ext3 ext4文件系统下 恢复 rm -

2012-08-20 05:06:13 2304 1

转载 用 grep 恢复误删的文本文件

zz http://www.vpsee.com/2010/08/using-grep-to-recover-text-files/作为长期的电脑使用者,肯定会有误删文件的经历,在 Mac OS X 和 Windows 上删除的文件都会默认进 “回收站”。在 Linux 上如果事先没有用别名(alias)修改默认的 rm 功能,rm 后文件就会丢失,幸运的是,在一般的删除文件操作中,

2012-08-20 05:02:34 997

转载 使用extundelete恢复linux ext3 ext4文件系统下由 rm -rf 误删除文件

zz http://qyiyunso.blog.163.com/blog/static/350776862010826115537113/今天一时手快 rm -rf .* ,删除了一个重要邮件目录,幸好通过extundelete恢复了。记下操作流程:1.准备工作主要通过 extundelete 0.2.0完成恢复需要依赖两个包sudo aptitud

2012-08-20 05:01:42 1543

转载 Linux操作系统下/etc/hosts文件配置方法

http://bbs.openzj.com/thread-7200-1-1.html1、关于/etc/host,主机名和IP配置文件- U! }, P. F4 s( L4 Z/ J: \6 z' m; f: G( \Hosts - The static table lookup for host name(主机名查询静态表) ; X- v3 m8 i3 D5 \hosts文

2012-05-14 16:25:52 825

转载 SSH无密码远程访问Linux主机


2012-05-14 16:24:54 1216





图解配置Apache+PHP+MySQL协同工作,搭建BBS论坛 网上的资源,感谢无名作者 虽然现在各个软件都已经有了更新版本,但这些图解同样有很大价值。 供大家分享。


编程珠玑(Programming Pearls) 第二版-- (大礼包)PDF 中文版+英文版+源码

编程珠玑(Programming Pearls) 第二版-- (大礼包)PDF 中文版+英文版+源码 Enjoy it!!


Source Insight 3.5 破解版

source insight   Source Insight是一个面向项目开发的程序编辑器和代码浏览器,它拥有内置的对C/C++, C#和Java等程序的分析。Source Insight能分析你的源代码并在你工作的同时动态维护它自己的符号数据库,并自动为你显示有用的上下文信息。 Source Insight不仅仅是一个强大的程序编辑器,它还能显示reference trees,class inheritance diagrams和call trees。Source Insight提供了最快速的对源代码的导航和任何程序编辑器的源信 息。 Source Insight提供了快速和革新的访问源代码和源信息的能力。与众多其它编辑器产品不同,Source Insight能在你编辑的同时分析你的源代码,为你提供实用的信息并立即进行分析。


The Spin Model Checker_Primer and Reference Manual (PDF格式)

The Spin Model Checker_Primer and Reference Manual (PDF格式)


The Spin Model Checker_Primer and Reference Manual(CHM格式)

The Spin Model Checker_Primer and Reference Manual









PHP编程100例子 以代码和对应网页显示的形式,逐例说明php中基本的语法



PHP首先是由Rasums Lerdorf创建的,它开始是一个简单的用Perl语言编写的程序,用来记录Rasums Lerdorf自己在线简历的访问者。以后当PHP/FI在1995年中期发布的时候,它已经发展成了一门语言。这时的PHP版本已经支持一些基本的web函数-可以操作数据库,支持mSQL数据库,还有更多。   随着PHP的迅速成长,语言的开发者也由Rasmus一人发展到一个有献身精神的程序员团队,他们负担起重写PHP的任务。经过他们的努力,推出了 PHP3.0,提供了对数据库的广泛支持,包括MySQL和Oracle。然后是几个月前刚刚发布的PHP4.0,使用新的强有力的Zend脚本引擎来实现更好的功能,支持除了Apache之外的更多的Web服务器,并且还有对session管理的内建支持。   推出本系列教程,我们有一个非常简单目的-我们将教你学会使用PHP开发你的站点所需要的最基本的知识和相关的网页开发技巧。在本教程中我们假设你已经对HTML语言有一定的了解,并且自己已经配置好了web服务器和PHP4,而且还有一定的幽默感。



php 教程 本手册是台湾彭武兴先生所著的 <<PHP BIBLE>> 一书的简体中文版。笔者只是对该书进行了繁简转换,并将原书中的台湾术语改为通俗的术 语,及纠正了由此带来的一些语意错误,仅供个人参考使用。未经彭武兴先生书面授权请勿用于商业目的。


Logic in Computer Science Modelling and Reasoning about Systems 面向计算机科学的数理逻辑系统建模与推理

In recent years, powerful tools for verifying hardware and software systems have been developed. Major companies, such as Intel, Siemens, BT, AT&T, and IBM have increasingly become interested in that technology. Students need a basic formal training that allows them to gain sufficient proficiency in using logic-based verification methods. This book addresses these needs by providing a sound basis in logic and an introduction to the logical frameworks used in modeling, specifying and verifying computer systems. Coverage provides a simple and clear presentation, detailing propositional and predicate logic as well as some specialized logics used for reasoning about the correctness of computer systems. The authors introduce a carefully chosen core of essential terminology; further technicalities are introduced only where they are required by the applications. Numerous examples are given, as well as a full exposition of a fast-growing technique for modeling and verifying computer systems, known as symbolic model checking. It will be an ideal introduction for undergraduate students. A worldwide web tutorial that supports the course activities and provides solutions to the sample exercises is available to instructors.


Model Checking-Edmund M. Clarke-模型检查PDF

Model checking is a technique for verifying finite state concurrent systems such as sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. It has a number of advantages over traditional approaches that are based on simulation, testing, and deductive reasoning. In particular, model checking is automatic and usually quite fast. Also, if the design contains an error, model checking will produce a counterexample that can be used to pinpoint the source of the error. The method, which was awarded the 1998 ACM Paris Kanellakis Award for Theory and Practice, has been used successfully in practice to verify real industrial designs, and companies are beginning to market commercial model checkers. The main challenge in model checking is dealing with the state space explosion problem. This problem occurs in systems with many components that can interact with each other or systems with data structures that can assume many different values. In such cases the number of global states can be enormous. Researchers have made considerable progress on this problem over the last ten years. This is the first comprehensive presentation of the theory and practice of model checking. The book, which includes basic as well as state-of-the-art techniques, algorithms, and tools, can be used both as an introduction to the subject and as a reference for researchers. About the Authors Edmund M. Clarke, a pioneer of the automated method called Model Checking, is FORE Systems Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and a winner of the 2007 Turing Award given by the Association for Computing Machinery. Doron Peled is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Endorsements "Model Checking is bound to be the pre-eminent source for research, teaching, and industrial practice on this important subject. The authors include the foremost experts. This is the first truly comprehensive treatment of a line of research that has gone from conception to industrial practice in only two decades." —R. P. Kurshan, Distinguished Member Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories



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