CRITICAL SKILL9.3:PassingObjects to Functions传递对象参数给函数(值传递和引用传递的探讨)

CRITICAL SKILL9.3:PassingObjects to Functions传递对象参数给函数

An object can be passed to afunction in the same way as any other data type. Objects are passed tofunctions using the normal C++ call-by-value parameter-passing convention. Thismeans that a copy of the object, not the actual object itself, is passed to thefunction. Therefore, changes made to the object inside the function do notaffect the object used as the argument to the function. The following programillustrates this point:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

class MyClass






                   val = i;


         intgetval(){return val;}

         voidsetval(int i){val = i;}


void display(MyClass ob)




void change(MyClass ob)


         ob.setval(100); //no effect on argumetn

         cout<<"Valueof ob inside the change(): ";



int main()


         MyClass a(10);

         cout<<"beforecalling change(), a is :";



         cout<<"after calling change(), a is :";





As the output shows, changing thevalue of ob inside change( ) has no effect on a inside main( ).



如上所示,在change( )函数内部对ob对象的修改不会影响在main( )函数里面的对象。


Constructors, Destructors, and Passing Objects 构造函数、析构函数和对象传递

Although passing simple objects asarguments to functions is a straightforward procedure, some rather unexpectedevents occur that relate to constructors and destructors. To understand why,consider this short program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

class MyClass






                   val = i;

                   cout<<"Inside constructor val is : "<<val<<"\n";


         ~MyClass( ){ cout<<"Destructing val is : "<<val<<"\n";}

         intgetval(){return val;}

         voidsetval(int i){val = i;}


void display(MyClass ob)


         cout<<"\n    -------->> in diaplay( ) function,the val copy from outside object is ";


         cout<<"\n    -------->> in display( ) function,set the copied object's val to 5\n";



int main()


         MyClass a(10);

         cout<<"  before calling display()";


         cout<<"  after calling display()\n";




As you can see, there is one callto the constructor (which occurs when a is created), but there are two calls tothe destructor. Let’s see why this is the case.

When an object is passed to afunction, a copy of that object is made. (And this copy becomes the parameterin the function.) This means that a new object comes into existence. When thefunction terminates, the copy of the argument (that is, the parameter) isdestroyed. This raises two fundamental questions: First, is the object’sconstructor called when the copy is made? Second, is the object’s destructorcalled when the copy is destroyed? The answers may, at first, surprise you.

When a copy of an argument is madeduring a function call, the normal constructor is not called. Instead, theobject’s copy constructor is called. A copy constructor defines how a copy ofan object is made. (Later in this module you will see how to create a copyconstructor.)

However, if a class does notexplicitly define a copy constructor, then C++ provides one by default. Thedefault copy constructor creates a bitwise (that is, identical) copy of theobject.

The reason a bitwise copy is madeis easy to understand if you think about it. Since a normal constructor is usedto initialize some aspect of an object, it must not be called to make a copy ofan already existing object. Such a call would alter the contents of the object.When passing an object to a function, you want to use the current state of theobject, not its initial state.

However, when the functionterminates and the copy of the object used as an argument is destroyed, thedestructor function is called. This is necessary because the object has goneout of scope. This is why the preceding program had two calls to thedestructor. The first was when the parameter to display( ) went out of scope.The second is when a inside main( ) was destroyed when the program ended.

To summarize: When a copy of anobject is created to be used as an argument to a function, the normalconstructor is not called. Instead, the default copy constructor makes abit-by-bit identical copy. However, when the copy is destroyed (usually bygoing out of scope when the function returns), the destructor is called.



       可见,对构造函数的调用只有一次(就在a被创建的时候出现),但是对析构函数调用了两次。来看看是怎么发生的。当一个对象被传递给一个函数的时候,就会做一次对象的拷贝。(这个拷贝就成为了函数里面的形参)这就意味着有一个新的对象出现,当函数结束的时候,实参的拷贝(就是刚才拷贝的形参)就会销毁(实际上是涉及到了形参的作用域问题,不论形参是哪种类型,她的作用域只在函数体里面,当函数结束的时候,形参的作用域就结束了。在此,当形参ob在函数display(MyClass ob )里面的时候其作用才发挥作用,退出的时候作用域就要消亡,对类的对象来说消亡的时候就要调用析构函数;同理在对象a在主函数main( )里面的是有作用域是有效的,当main函数结束的时候就会象ob那样调用a的析构函数)这样就产生两个基本疑问:1,当拷贝对象产生的时候,拷贝对象的构造函数调用了吗?2,当拷贝对象消亡的时候拷贝对象析构函数调用了吗?回答可能会有些出人意料。



       尽管如此,当函数结束的时候,实参对象的一份拷贝就会被销毁,那么析构函数就会被调用。析构函数是必需调用的,因为拷贝的对象跑出了作用域范围。这就是之前代码为什么会出现两个析构函数调用的原因。第一个发生在离开display( )函数作用域的时候;第二个是发生在程序main( )函数结束(离开了main函数的作用域)的时候。 


Passing Objects by Reference 引用传递对象

Another way that you can pass anobject to a function is by reference. In this case, a reference to the objectis passed, and the function operates directly on the object used as anargument. Thus, changes made to the parameter will affect the argument, andpassing an object by reference is not applicable to all situations. However, inthe cases in which it is, two benefits result. First, because only an addressto the object is being passed rather than the entire object, passing an objectby reference can be much faster and more efficient than passing an object byvalue. Second, when an object is passed by reference, no new object comes intoexistence, so no time is wasted constructing or destructing a temporary object.

Here is an example that illustratespassing an object by reference:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

class MyClass






                   val = i;

                   cout<<"Inside constructor val is : "<<val<<"\n";

                   cout<<"Inside constructor, the address of this object is:"<<this<<"\n";

                   cout<<"Inside constructor, the address of this object'sval is :"<<&val<<"\n";


         ~MyClass( ){ cout<<"Destructing val is : "<<val<<"\n";

                                     cout<<"Inside deconstructor, the address of this object is:"<<this<<"\n";

                                     cout<<"Inside deconstructor, the address of this object'sval is :"<<&val<<"\n";


         intgetval(){return val;}

         voidsetval(int i){val = i;}


void display(MyClass &ob)


         cout<<"\n    -------->> in diaplay( ) function,from preference &ob, the val is ";


         cout<<"\n    -------->> in display( ) function,from preference &ob, the val will be set to 5\n";


int main()


         MyClass a(10);

         cout<<"  before calling display()";


         cout<<"  after calling display()\n";




In this program, display() usereference parameters. Thus, the address of the argument, not a copy of theargument, is passed, and the functions operate directly on the argument. Forexample, when display( ) is called, a is passed by reference. Thus, display() madeto the parameter ob in display() affect a in main( ). Also, notice that onlyone call to the constructor and one call to the destructor is made. This isbecause only one object, a, is created and destroyed. No temporary objects areneeded by the program.




A Potential Problem When Passing Objects    当传递对象的潜在问题

Even when objects are passed tofunctions by means of the normal call-by-value parameter-passing mechanism,which, in theory, protects and insulates the calling argument, it is stillpossible for a side effect to occur that may affect, or even damage, the objectused as an argument. For example, if an object allocates some system resource(such as memory) when it is created and frees that resource when it isdestroyed, then its local copy inside the function will free that same resourcewhen its destructor is called. This is a problem because the original object isstill using this resource. This situation usually results in the originalobject being damaged.

One solution to this problem is topass an object by reference, as shown in the preceding section. In this case,no copy of the object is made, and thus, no object is destroyed when thefunction returns. As explained, passing objects by reference can also speed upfunction calls, because only the address of the object is being passed.However, passing an object by reference may not be applicable to all cases.Fortunately, a more general solution is available: you can create your ownversion of the copy constructor. Doing so lets you define precisely how a copyof an object is made, allowing you to avoid the type of problems justdescribed. However, before examining the copy constructor, let’s look atanother, related situation that can also benefit from a copy constructor.


       解决办法是使用引用来传递对象,在之前描述可以了解到引用的使用。在这种情况下,没有产生对象的拷贝,因此在函数返回的时候没有对象被销毁。如前说描述,引用传递可以加速函数的调用,因为只有对象的地址被传递。然而,引用传递对象并不适合所有的情况。庆幸的是,更通用的解决方案是:创建我们自己的拷贝构造函数。自己精确的定义一个对象是如何拷贝的,以避免值传递和引用传递出现的意外情况。在检验拷贝构造函数之前,先看下critical skill 9.4:return objects,他也有从拷贝构造函数里吸取参考相关情况。

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>translated by :Mr ouyangjun


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