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原创 FRM-90926: Duplicate parameter on command line

After Logining Oracle EBS, System Error out with:FRM-90926: Duplicate parameter on command line.Then check URL of apps in IE,saw belowYou can see there are two "record=collect" in URL, That's why syst

2013-01-31 16:35:14 5350

原创 adstpall.sh:Exiting with status 137

Can not stop Oracle Apps Server,error information:-----------------------------[oracle@bej301441 scripts]$ adstpall.sh apps/appsYou are running adstpall.sh version 120.10.12010000.4The logfile for thi

2013-01-31 15:06:21 3519

原创 Job Completion/Return Process in Oracle MES

How to perform a WIP job Completion in Oracle MES ,Below is basic flow for completion.Define BOM,and Routing, Then Create a Job in Oracle Application(Supply type:Assembly Pull for this demo case)Respo

2013-01-31 11:20:06 3456

原创 JDeveloper经常黑屏的问题(Windows 7)

Windows 7下,使用JDeveloper(我的版本:过程中,屏幕经常会黑掉(尤其是拖动滚动条的时候),好像断电似的,并且会很慢,过一会才恢复过来,有时还会报“显示器驱动程序已停止响应,并且已恢复”的警告。解决方法:$JDEV_HOME\jdevbin\jdev\bin\jdev.conf中增加下边的选项AddVMOption    -Dsun.java2d.noddra

2013-01-31 00:35:24 3168

转载 7 Tips For Better JDeveloper Experience

7 Tips For Better JDeveloper Experience from shay.shmeltzer

2013-01-30 23:48:00 2214

原创 Low-level Diagnostic Logging is turned on. This may temporarily reduce performance.

登陆EBS后,主界面有一个Warning:Low-level Diagnostic Logging is turned on. This may temporarily reduce performance.去除Warning的方法:Option 1: FND: Debug Log Enabled = NoOption 2:FND: Debug Lot Level级别设高些,比如Exception

2013-01-30 14:50:40 5503

原创 How to Check Debug Log on OAF Pages

1. Profile 'FND: Diagnostics' = Yes at user level.This will make 'Diagnostics' menu display.2. Login to Personal Home Page as that user and select the 'Diagnostics' icon at the top of the page.3.In li

2013-01-30 12:29:16 5715

原创 How to Generate SQL Trace In OAF

1. Profile 'FND: Diagnostics' = Yes at user level.This will make 'Diagnostics' menu display.2. Login to Personal Home Page as that user and select the 'Diagnostics' icon at the top of the page.3. Sele

2013-01-30 11:45:55 3881

原创 OAF Sample Code

Get the VO from the AMOAViewObject objAssessmentVO = (OAViewObject)yourAM.findViewObject("yourVO"); MtlLotNumbersVOImpl vo= (MtlLotNumbersVOImpl)findViewObject("MtlLotNumbersVO1"); MtlLotNumbersVOR

2013-01-29 17:16:09 8637

原创 OAF MVC Architecture

MVCM:The Model is the place containing the business logic. V:The View is the presentation layer. C:The Controller manages the flow between pages.OAF MVC Architectureor1] ModelBC4J(Business Components

2013-01-29 11:32:46 3382

原创 Error:'Please set up the forwarding function parameter "wipnp" in the workstation startup function!'

In JDev,Lanuch MES Home Page,Encounter a Error:'Please set up the forwarding function parameter "wipnp" in the workstation startup function!'Reason:In JDEV Project Properties,Runtime Connection inform

2013-01-28 17:26:58 3075

原创 Due to "No space left on device", Many Concurrent Manager are under 'No Manager' Status

Found Many Concurrent Managers are under 'No Manager' Status, Then I tried to restart Concurrent Manager like(http://blog.csdn.net/pan_tian/article/details/7765256)Then saw following error:-----------

2013-01-28 14:50:02 3355

原创 Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems(MES) Overview

MES is a new addition to oracle discrete manufacturing family in R12. MES enhances the basic WIP functionality with additional MES supervisor workbench and MES workstation feature.    Oracle MES for D

2013-01-28 13:02:35 8047 2

原创 BOM API - uses the BOM_BO_PUB.PROCESS_BOM API to create bill header and add components to the bill

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SU_PROCESS_BOMAS -- API input variables l_bom_header_rec Bom_Bo_Pub.bom_head_rec_type := Bom_Bo_Pub.g_miss_bom_header_

2013-01-28 11:40:46 8673

原创 MetaData Service (MDS) in OA Framework

OAF的XML文件有:UIX Pages and Regions.OAF PersonalizationsBC4J Substitutions (EO, VO Substitutions)BC4J Components (EO.xml, VO.xml, AM.xml, AO.xml, VL.xml)OAF的很多组件都是以XML的形式存在,但到最终的系统里,OAF的XML文件会存储到数据库表中(JD

2013-01-28 11:21:05 2825

原创 Get Oracle Home & Oracle SID from PLSQL


2013-01-28 11:05:33 2088

原创 Does Subinventory Transfer Transaction create Accounting Entries?

Answer is 'Maybe'.One subinventory xfer creates 2 inventory transactions. (mmt records)Those inventory transactions do NOT create a/c entries if both subinventories are tied to the same accounts.Howev

2013-01-28 10:49:22 3122

原创 How to Run Standard OA Framework Pages from JDeveloper

1.FTP ClassesFTP All the .class & .xml files from $JAVA_TOP/oracle to your local PC, and put them into jdev/jdevhome/myclasses2.Source FilesFrom 1st step files,Also need copy necessary PROD files into

2013-01-26 00:29:48 3053

原创 How to check which responsiblity we are using

DECLAREp_userid NUMBER;p_respid NUMBER;p_applid NUMBER;x_resp_name VARCHAR2(50);BEGIN  SELECT user_id   INTO p_userid FROM fnd_user   WHERE user_name ='MFG';   SELECT responsibility_id   INTO p_respid

2013-01-24 18:14:34 2137

原创 Some JDeveloper Concepts and Tips

File Type:jpr jpx jwsjpr - JDeveloper Project Filejws - JDeveloper Workspace Filejpx - The.jpx file contains configuration information that JDeveloper uses in the design time to allow you to create th

2013-01-24 17:27:57 3092

原创 JDeveloper Setup for OA Framework

Download JDeveloper 参考下边Note来下载JDev,不同版本的EBS需要下载不同版本的JDevNote 416708.1 - OA Framework - How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12.x ATG Release 12 Ver

2013-01-23 17:49:36 7032 2

原创 Security Notes

Best Practices for Securing Oracle E-Business Suite403537.1 - Secure Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12189367.1 - Secure Configuration Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite Release

2013-01-23 10:28:02 2473

原创 Security Profiles

Oracle strongly recommends the following settings for these five security profiles:FND: Diagnostics -> NOFND Validation Level -> ERRORFND Function Validation Level ->ERRORFramework Validation Level ->

2013-01-23 10:15:44 2267

原创 Oracle EBS Automation Testing Tools - OpenScript

早先做EBS功能测试,主要是使用HP的Winrunner或者是HP的QTP,自从2008年Oracle收购了Empirix之后,Oracle产品的自动化测试也将逐步转到了Empirix旗下的测试工具(Empirix eTest Suite),后改名为Oracle Applications Testing Suite(OATS),这次收购也填补Oracle在测试工具产品线的空白。OpenScript

2013-01-22 18:22:08 4455 1

原创 Quantity Tree - Inventory Onhand Quantity Calculation Logic

Why Quantity Tree?Why go for such a complex structure just to get the quantity of an Item?Why not just query the tables and get it every time?Why not Just do the computation at each and every code whe

2013-01-21 16:07:20 8434

原创 User,Responsibility,Organization

EBS的安全性管理,主要通过“用户+职责”的方式来管理。用户是Oracle Apps的身份表示,每一个用户可以访问一个或者多个职责。而职责是Oracle EBS产品功能的授权层,用户按所属职责访问相应的功能.所以通过对用户职责的设置就可以控制用户在系统中的功能使用权限。Responsibility用于隔离功能(menus,forms,a set of data)Organization用于隔离主基

2013-01-21 12:17:23 2397

原创 user_id, resp_id and resp_appl_id

Many oracle apps scripts need user_id, resp_id and resp_appl_id as input parameter,so how to get the proper value from your systemFrom Back EndHow to get input parameter user_id?eg.SELECT USER_ID FROM

2013-01-21 11:33:40 5385

原创 User and People

PeopleNavigation:HRMS Management Responsibility -> HRMS Manager -> People -> Enter and MaintainType People:1)Employee 2)Applicant(申请人,请求者) 3)Contingent Worker(临时工)Tables:PER_ALL_PEOPLE_FPER_ALL_PEOPLE

2013-01-21 11:14:33 3568

原创 Profile:INV:Transaction Date Validation

There is a profile which is used to controls the date you can enter for transactionsINV:Transaction Date ValidationPROFILE_OPTION_NAME:TRANSACTION_DATE Allow date in any open period:Allows entry of

2013-01-19 16:56:15 3312

原创 Some more useful information from 'Diagnostics: Apps Check'

User can follow Note:276207.1 to collect 'Diagnostics: Apps Check' output,It will provide diagnostic information related the module.Except Files Version information, There are many other useful inform

2013-01-19 16:04:48 2924

原创 My Oracle Support: Year of Innovation(2012)

2012年My Oracle Support的几点变化1.优化的Metalink页面,从Flash页面回归HTML页面,并作了许多HTML页面的优化2.简化了SR流程3.Mobile Apps: Oracle Now4.Oracle Enterprise Manager与My Oracle Support的集成

2013-01-18 17:54:53 2160

原创 《将心注入》书摘

将心注入副标题: 星巴克创始人,全球董事长霍华德.舒尔茨自述 作者: [美] 霍华德·舒尔茨 / [美] 多利·琼斯·扬 译者: 文敏 [书摘1]星巴克的历史并不仅仅是一个发展

2013-01-17 15:19:59 2372

原创 《郦波评说曾国藩家训》书摘

郦波评说曾国藩家训(第一部分)作者: 郦波 出版社: 中国民主法制出版社[书摘1]《三字经》里说:“养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。”这说明教不教,是父母的责任;教的程度如何,才是老师的责任。[书摘2]“做官要学曾国藩,经商要学胡雪岩”[书摘3]湘军的三个核心人物曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章,都说曾国藩会做人、左宗棠会

2013-01-17 15:15:09 4059 1

原创 How to Add a Icon to your Oracle Apps Toolbar item

1.准备图片,图片的格式为gif,不是icon或其他格式,图片像素:18×18 pixels把准备好的图片放到$OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/media下2.Forms PersonalizationTrigger:When-New-Form-Instance3.Personalization Action'Icon Name'特别要注意,不要加后缀的'.gif'效果

2013-01-17 11:51:07 2855

原创 Forms Menu Related Information


2013-01-16 11:05:08 3255 1

原创 Onhand Qty(Tree) Diagnostics Scripts

Diagnostics script qtytree_r12.sql is intended to collect quantity tree debug log and data dump from key tables related to quantity eg.MOQD,MR,MMTT etc.qtytree_r12.sqlSET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000

2013-01-16 09:58:11 4679

原创 Test your own form/library from a specific directory

As product analysts, part of your job is to test new functionality and bug fixes.  You frequently encounter situations where the code is fixed but will not be rolled into a standard testing environmen

2013-01-15 12:20:39 2473

原创 Oracle Integration Repository

How to access 'Integration Repository' From E-Business SuiteResponsibility : 'Integration Repository' (12.0.x) 'Integrated SOA Gateway' (12.1.x)From the Public Web Sitehttp://irep.oracle.com/(This si

2013-01-15 11:41:43 4355

原创 How to check backend SQL query from a OAF pages

In a OAF Page, Click 'About this Page''Business Component References Details' AreaDrill Down,You will see View Objects(VO),click any VO you want, you will see detailed SQL Query which is associated to

2013-01-14 15:31:56 3184

原创 How to make form Read Only

Form注册里(Application Developer > Application > Function)的Parameter,加上QUERY_ONLY="YES"这样Form就为只读模式了Reference:How to Make a Form Query Only in Oracle Applications (Doc ID 1013404.102)

2013-01-11 17:56:31 2868

Upgrading Oracle Applications

Upgrading Oracle Applications


Form Personalization(Form个性化)

Oracle EBS Form Personalization(Form个性化)


Extent Oracle Applications Release 11

Extent Oracle Applications Release 11








深入浅出Oracle EBS之核心功能(FIN)

深入浅出Oracle EBS之核心功能(FIN)



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