ionic cordova ios failed

902labdeMacBook-Pro:902Scratch-ionic 902lab$ ionic cordova build ios

cordova platform add ios –save
Using cordova-fetch for cordova-ios@~4.5.4

(node:1253) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): CordovaError: Failed to fetch platform cordova-ios@~4.5.4
Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect.
Check your connection and platform name/version/URL.
Error: npm: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:
Unhandled rejection RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at RegExp.test ()
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/aproba/index.js:38:16
at Array.forEach ()
at module.exports (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/aproba/index.js:33:11)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:37:3)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
at flatNameFromTree (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/flatten-tree.js:39:14)
npm ERR! cb() never called!

npm ERR! This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
npm ERR!

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/902lab/.npm/_logs/2018-03-05T07_14_42_840Z-debug.log
(node:1253) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Running app-scripts build: –platform ios –target cordova
[15:14:45] build dev started …
[15:14:45] clean started …
[15:14:45] clean finished in 1 ms
[15:14:45] copy started …
[15:14:45] transpile started …
[15:14:48] transpile finished in 2.96 s
[15:14:48] preprocess started …
[15:14:48] deeplinks started …
[15:14:48] deeplinks finished in 5 ms
[15:14:48] preprocess finished in 5 ms
[15:14:48] webpack started …
[15:14:48] copy finished in 3.17 s
[15:14:56] webpack finished in 7.99 s
[15:14:56] sass started …
[15:14:57] sass finished in 993 ms
[15:14:57] postprocess started …
[15:14:57] removed unused font files
[15:14:57] postprocess finished in 9 ms
[15:14:57] lint started …
[15:14:57] build dev finished in 12.11 s

cordova build ios
(node:1270) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): CordovaError: No platforms added to this project. Please use cordova platform add <platform>.
(node:1270) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/chapter/chapter.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 9
‘jquery’ is declared but never used.

   L8:  import { Renderer2, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
   L9:  declare var jquery:any;
  L10:  declare var $ :any;

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 36
Property ‘sanitize’ is declared but never used.

  L35:  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams,
  L36:              public http: Http, private sanitize:DomSanitizer,
  L37:              private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) {

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 37
Property ‘renderer’ is declared but never used.

  L36:            public http: Http, private sanitize:DomSanitizer,
  L37:            private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) {
  L38:  this.lesson_segment = "introduction";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 37
Property ‘el’ is declared but never used.

  L36:            public http: Http, private sanitize:DomSanitizer,
  L37:            private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) {
  L38:  this.lesson_segment = "introduction";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 66
‘doc’ is declared but never used.

  L65:  $("#iframe").load(function() {
  L66:    var doc = this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document;
  L67:    var target = $("p");

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/lesson/lesson.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import {Http} from '@angular/http';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/course/course.ts, line: 3
All imports are unused.

   L2:  import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import { NgIf } from '@angular/common';
   L4:  import {Http, Headers} from '@angular/http';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/about-detail/about-detail.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/signup/signup.ts, line: 1
‘NgModule’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/login/login.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import {Validators, FormBuilder,FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/login/login.ts, line: 7
All imports are unused.

   L6:  import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
   L7:  import { Events } from 'ionic-angular';
   L8:  import {SignupPage} from "../signup/signup";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/components/tree-view/tree-view.ts, line: 1
‘forwardRef’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component, forwardRef, Input } from '@angular/core';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/product-detail/product-detail.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import {Component} from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import {IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, PopoverController} from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import {DomSanitizer} from '@angular/platform-browser';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/product-detail/product-detail.ts, line: 8
All imports are unused.

   L7:  import {PersonalCenterPage} from "../personal-center/personal-center";
   L8:  import {TreeViewComponent} from "../../components/tree-view/tree-view";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/my/my.ts, line: 2
‘Events’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { NavController, Events } from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import {LoginPage} from "../login/login";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/my/my.ts, line: 4
All imports are unused.

   L3:  import {LoginPage} from "../login/login";
   L4:  import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
   L5:  import {AboutDetailPage} from "../about-detail/about-detail";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/my/my.ts, line: 5
All imports are unused.

   L4:  import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';
   L5:  import {AboutDetailPage} from "../about-detail/about-detail";
   L6:  import { NgIf } from '@angular/common';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/my/my.ts, line: 6
All imports are unused.

   L5:  import {AboutDetailPage} from "../about-detail/about-detail";
   L6:  import { NgIf } from '@angular/common';
   L7:  import {AuthService} from "../../service/AuthService";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/products-list-view/products-list-view.ts, line: 47
Property ‘popoverCtrl’ is declared but never used.

  L46:  orderType: string = "time-Order";
  L47:  or(public navCtrl: NavController, public http:Http, private popoverCtrl: PopoverController, public navParams
  L48:              public settingService: SettingService, public toastCtrl: ToastController) {

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/products-list-view/products-list-view.ts, line: 2
‘IonicPage’ is declared but never used.

   L1:  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   L2:  import { IonicPage, NavController, PopoverController, NavParams, ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';
   L3:  import {Http} from '@angular/http';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/products-list-view/products-list-view.ts, line: 8
All imports are unused.

   L7:  import {SettingService} from "../../service/SettingService";
   L8:  import { NgIf } from '@angular/common';

[15:15:00] tslint: src/app/app.module.ts, line: 35
All imports are unused.

  L34:  import {PersonalCenterPage} from "../pages/personal-center/personal-center";
  L35:  import {TreeViewComponent} from "../components/tree-view/tree-view";

[15:15:00] tslint: src/pages/favorite/favorite.module.ts, line: 4
All imports are unused.

   L3:  import { FavoritePage } from './favorite';
   L4:  import { ItemSliding } from 'ionic-angular';

[15:15:00] lint finished in 3.15 s

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