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原创 systemctl 取得 service pid

一般來說,查看service狀態會執行命令```systemctl status rfidgw```然後就會看到該service狀態<!--more-->```shell● rfidgw.service - rfidgw service description Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rfidgw.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (r...

2021-06-06 19:44:21 1340 1

原创 Linux 列出 USB Plug 資訊

USB Plug資訊可以由`udevadm info [device name or path]`,但往往插入USB後跟本不知道產生週邊對應的資訊,可能知道在`/sys/bus/usb/devices/`,執行`ls -l`得到結果如下:```/sys/bus/usb/devices $ ls -latotal 0drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 May 17 13:17 .drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 0 May 17 13:17 ..lrwxrwxrwx 1

2021-06-06 19:39:45 218

J-Link OB-STM32F103 V1 2021-02-02.rar

V6.96 提取 J-Link OB-STM32F103 V1 compiled Feb 02 2021,,使用JFlash烧写到08000000即可,使用V5版JLink commander写入SN:Exec SetSN=xxxxxxxx


J-OB-STM32F103 V1 2020-12-11.rar

V6.94b 提取 J-Link OB-STM32F103 V1 compiled Dec 11 2020,此版LED灯改为PA8输出,使用JFlash烧写到08000000即可,使用V5版JLink commander写入SN:Exec SetSN=xxxxxxxx


Mastering Linux Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a quick method to prototype a complex application or a problem by automating tasks when working on Linux-based systems. Using both simple one-line commands and command sequences complex problems can be solved with ease, from text processing to backing up sysadmin tools. In this book, you’ll discover everything you need to know to master shell scripting and make informed choices about the elements you employ. Get to grips with the fundamentals of creating and running a script in normal mode, and in debug mode. Learn about various conditional statements' code snippets, and realize the power of repetition and loops in your shell script. Implement functions and edit files using the Stream Editor, script in Perl, program in Python – as well as complete coverage of other scripting languages to ensure you can choose the best tool for your project.


Mac OSX驱动基本原理

Mac OSX驱动基本原理 I/O Kit 是苹果电脑为 Mac OS X 驱动程序开发而设计的面向对象的框架,本书主要介绍 I/O Kit 的术语,概念,体系结构,以及基本工作机制,并为希望在 Mac OS X 平台上制作 设备驱动程序的人员提供必要的背景信息。



TD-LTE终端测试规范——通信功能和性能分册 44 7.2.4 10MHz异频小区竞争切换 50 7.2.5 20MHz同频小区切换失败后重建至邻小区 59 7.2.6 10MHz异频小区切换失败后重建至邻小区 64 7.2.7 20MHz同频小区切换失败后重建至源小区 69 7.2.8 20MHz异频小区跨频段非竞争切换 73 7.2.9 异频小区跨频段竞争切换 77 7.2.10 20MHz异频小区跨频段切换失败后重建至邻小区 82 7.2.11 跨频段重定向 83 7.2.12 不同TA/MME跨频段切换 83 7.2.13 不同TA/MME异频切换 83 7.2.14 不同TA/MME 同频切换 91 7.3 系统间移动性管理 99 7.3.6 语音业务回退到GERAN 99 7.3.12 数据连续性,基于UE测量的异系统重定向,TD-SCDMA和TD-LTE之间 124 7.3.13 数据连续性,基于UE测量的异系统重定向,LTE和GPRS之间 129 7.3.15 异系统环境下自动搜网选择最高优先级的PLMN 133 7.4 漫游 137 7.4.1 搜索服务时UE UI显示 137


Mastering Algorithms With C

There are many books on data structures and algorithms, including some with useful libraries of C functions. Mastering Algorithms with C offers you a unique combination of theoretical background and working code. With robust solutions for everyday programming tasks, this book avoids the abstract style of most classic data structures and algorithms texts, but still provides all of the information you need to understand the purpose and use of common programming techniques. Implementations, as well as interesting, real-world examples of each data structure and algorithm, are included. Using both a programming style and a writing style that are exceptionally clean, Kyle Loudon shows you how to use such essential data structures as lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees, heaps, priority queues, and graphs. He explains how to use algorithms for sorting, searching, numerical analysis, data compression, data encryption, common graph problems, and computational geometry. And he describes the relative efficiency of all implementations. The compression and encryption chapters not only give you working code for reasonably efficient solutions, they offer explanations of concepts in an approachable manner for people who never have had the time or expertise to study them in depth. Anyone with a basic understanding of the C language can use this book. In order to provide maintainable and extendible code, an extra level of abstraction (such as pointers to functions) is used in examples where appropriate. Understanding that these techniques may be unfamiliar to some programmers, Loudon explains them clearly in the introductory chapters. Contents include: Pointers Recursion Analysis of algorithms Data structures (lists, stacks, queues, sets, hash tables, trees, heaps, priority queues, graphs) Sorting and searching Numerical methods Data compression Data encryption Graph algorithms Geometric algorithms


21st Century C

Throw out your old ideas of C, and relearn a programming language that’s substantially outgrown its origins. With 21st Century C, you’ll discover up-to-date techniques that are absent from every other C text available. C isn’t just the foundation of modern programming languages, it is a modern language, ideal for writing efficient, state-of-the-art applications. Learn to dump old habits that made sense on mainframes, and pick up the tools you need to use this evolved and aggressively simple language. No matter what programming language you currently champion, you’ll agree that C rocks. Set up a C programming environment with shell facilities, makefiles, text editors, debuggers, and memory checkers Use Autotools, C’s de facto cross-platform package manager Learn which older C concepts should be downplayed or deprecated Explore problematic C concepts that are too useful to throw out Solve C’s string-building problems with C-standard and POSIX-standard functions Use modern syntactic features for functions that take structured inputs Build high-level object-based libraries and programs Apply existing C libraries for doing advanced math, talking to Internet servers, and running databases


Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook

The book is written in a cookbook style, presenting examples in the style of recipes, allowing you to go directly to your topic of interest, or follow topics throughout a chapter to gain in-depth knowledge. If you are new to Android application development and looking for a quick start, or if you are an experienced Android developer looking for a reference guide, then this book is for you. Ideally, you should know some Java and a little about mark-up languages but this is by no means necessary. This book will teach you how to write rich Android applications from scratch in no time.


PMP 強化記憶手冊

PMP強化記憶手冊, 一些 pmp英文關鍵字中文化


antix Regex Tester

非常好用的正规表示法工具, 原程式需要有连网才行, 已经将程式抽出成绿色版



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