
ATA Jumper Settings
Jumper Illustrations

Seagate® Products Maxtor®/Quantum Products
Jumper settings for Seagate ATA hard drives.

Note: This figure depicts the jumper settings for recent Seagate ATA drive families above 20 GBytes.
Jumper settings for Maxtor ATA hard drives.

Setting the Jumpers

Cable Select. (硬盘是Master/Slave取决于连接在ATA线上的位置)The drive is configured at the factory for a cable select setting. This allows the drive to assume the proper role of master or slave based on the connector used on the cable (see the UltraATA cable figure below). For the cable select setting to work properly, the cables you are using must support the cable select feature. Current UltraATA cables with the 3 colored connectors do support this feature.

Master or single drive. If you are installing your Seagate hard drive as the only drive in the system or if it will be the primary boot drive for the system, the jumper should be set on pins 7 and 8.

Drive as slave.
If you are installing the drive as an additional drive in your system, the drive should be set as slave by removing all jumpers. Remember to confirm that the original drive is set to a master position (If the limit capacity jumper is required for your installation it will need to remain in place).

Drive as master with a non-ATA-compatible slave (Seagate® drives only).
Set a jumper on pins 5 and 6 and a jumper on pins 7 and 8. Use this jumper setting only if the drive does not work as a master.

Limit drive capacity/Capacity Limitation Jumper (CLJ)
. Use this when either you start up your computer and see the message, "Hard disc drive controller failure", your computer does not recognize your newly installed hard drive, or your system stops responding during the boot process after installing this new drive. If this jumper is required, your system cannot support a drive this large and can be updated with a PCI controller card.

Additional information for Seagate products

These are the different jumper setting configurations you may encounter using the Limit Capacity Jumper Setting:

Single Master with Limit Capacity

[ :] : : [:]

Slave with Limit Capacity

: : : [:]

Master with Non-ATA Compatible Slave
This is usually ATAPI devices like CD-ROMs plus Limit Capacity

[:] [:] : [:]

This occurs in some computers that do not support high-capacity drives. To address this problem, install the capacity-limiting jumper on your new hard drive, as shown in the jumper setting illustrations above (this will not affect the storage capacity of your drive).

UltraATA Cables

We recommend the use of newer UltraATA 66/100 cables to achieve the best performance from your new Seagate hard drive. These UltraATA cables have 3 colored connectors, each connector has a specific purpose. Be sure to plug the correct connector into the correct device.

  • The blue connector is for your host bus adapter (using a connector on your motherboard).
  • The black connector at the other end is for your master device, usually the hard drive you boot from.
  • The gray connector is for an optional slave device if you have a second hard drive.
Other devices like CD-ROM drives, tape drives and CD burners are usually plugged into a separate cable which also connects to the motherboard.
ATA Jumper Settings

设置主副硬盘跳线: 串口是点对点传输,没有主从盘一说,只分SATA1和SATA2 SATA有I和II两种,I为150M,II为300M。 该跳线是把硬盘接口速率降为I的标准。 有些主板不支持SATA II的。 IDE硬盘跳线硬盘跳线分三种设置:master(主盘)、slave(从盘)、cable select(根据在数据线上的位置决定主从)。 一个IDE接口最多可以接两个IDE设备,这就是说,一般的PC你要想接的硬盘数最多也只能是4个;一个IDE接口能够通过一根数据线同时挂上两个硬盘,这就有了跳线问题,为了区分这两个硬盘,必须要给他们做上“标记”,我们能够直接操作的那就是跳线; 一般在硬盘体上面都有说明,跳线要如何设置才能够让系统正常启动;如果是系统硬盘的话当然要把它设置成Master模式,即把它当作主硬盘,一般也把它接到第一个IDE接口上,当然接到第二个IDE接口上也不会出现什么严重问题,只是可能每次系统会弹出选择框要你选择从哪个盘启动;所以这个习惯上一般是先把第一个IDE接口的位置占满之后再挂到第二个IDE接口上,另外一个习惯就是光驱一般接到第二个IDE接口上。 所以现在我们假设第一个IDE接口上已经接了一个跳线设为Master模式的硬盘,你现在还想在这个接口上通过同一根数据线再接一个硬盘的话,那么你必须要把这个后来挂上去的硬盘跳线设为Slave模式,即从盘模式。如果你把两个都设为Master的话,系统肯定不能启动! 那么第二个IDE接口你也要挂两个硬盘的话,不管其中一个硬盘是不是系统盘,你都要把他们的主从分开,依照上面的设置行事; 另外还有一点就是,现在的主板一般都有主从硬盘自动选择功能(98年以前的主板可能没有这种功能),所以你只要把你所要挂到机器上所有的硬盘跳线设置为cable select(根据在数据线上的位置决定主从)就可以了! 关于硬盘跳线如何手动具体设置,一般的硬盘体上都有配图参考说明。




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