Part1:A Brief Study of Classes and Object-oriented Programming.

Part1:A Brief Study of Classes and Object-oriented Programming.

For using papervision3d(PV3d),we will use PV3d classes a lot. In PV3d,we just use only the basics of classes.

What are classes? In fact, they are nothing more than a set of functions(methods) and variables(properties) grouped together in a single file, which is known as the class definition. A class forms the blueprint for new objects that you create.

First,have a look at how you can use Sprites class to create a new Sprite object:

var mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();

By doing this, we create a new copy of the Sprite class as an object called mySprite. This is called instantiation of an object. PV3d is a set of custom classes.

Here we will study how to use classes.

Creating a custom class

An ActionScript class is basically a text-based file with an .as extension stored somewhere on our computer, containing ActionScript code. For example:


public class ExampleClass


public var myName:String = “Paul”;

public function ExampleClass()



public function returnMyName():String


return“My name is” + myName;




On the first line, you'll find the package statement. Packages are a way to group classes together and represent the folder in which you saved the file. Imagine you have created a folder called myPackage inside the same folder where you've saved an FLA or inside a defined source folder. In order to have access to the folder and it's classes, you will need to define the package using the folder's name as shown next:

package myPackage{


Most time we default classes, so just write as the example.

After the package definition, you'll find the class definition, which looks as follows.

public class ExampleClass



The name of the class must be the same name as the class file. In this example, the file needs to be saved as

At the top of the class definition you'll see the word public, which is a keyword defining that the class is accessible to all other code in the project.

The defined name of the class will be used to instantiate new copied ofthe class. Instantiating this class could be done like this:

var classExample:ExampleClass = new ExampleClass();

Inside the class, a string variable is defined in pretty much the same way as you would when working with timeline scripting.

The definition of a variable inside a class is called as a class property. Each definition starts off with an access modifier. The keyword public means that it is both readable and writeable by code located outside the class:

var classExample:ExampleClass = new ExampleClass();

classExample.myName= “Jeff”;

This creates an instance of ExampleClass and we can changed the myName property from Paul to Jeff.

In the next lines we see the creation of a new function calledExampleClass in the class. Functions that have the same name as the name of the class are known as constructors.

public function ExampleClass()



Constructors always have a public access modifier and are called automatically each time the class instantiated. This means that the code inside this function will be executed automatically.

All other function definitions inside the class are called methods.

public function returnMyName():String


return “My name is” + myName;


If you're not familiar with function. You can read some other tutorials about ActionScript.

We can use keywords public private protected to make the property can be read and written ,can be read but can't be written, can't be read or written.


Inheritance is the technique of extending an existing class, called the supe rclass or base class, with another class, called the sub class, which adopts the entire class definition from the super class. The new class has access to all non-private properties and methods that are defined inside the super class.

Take a look at how this can be achieved by two simple classes:


public class BasicClass


public function doSomething():void


trace(“I'mdoing something”);





public class SubClass extends BasicClass


public function saySomething():void


trace(“I'm saying something”);




The first class will be the super class once it's extended and has only one method. Instantiating a BasicClass and calling a method is pretty straightforward.

var basicClass:BasicClass = new BasicClass();


Nothing special so far. According to the class definition of SubClass we see that it extends BasicClass. By doing so, it is possible to use properties and methods from the BasicClass. Let's see what this looks like:

var subClass : SubClass = new SubClass();



SubClass inherits doSomething method from BasicClass.

Extending is a good way to create new classes, based on other existing classes.It keeps your code very clean and abstract.

We can change the method by overriding it.


public class SubClass extends BasicClass


override public function doSomething():void


trace(“Hi,you need to do something “);


public function saySomething():void


trace(“I'msaying something”);




And if you do this:

override public function doSomething();void


trace(“Hi,you need to do something “);



It will trace:

Hi,you need to do something

I'm doing something

If you want to know more, there are numerous books and online tutorials on the subject of OOP(object-oriented programming).

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