

format PE GUI 4.0

entry Start

include 'win32a.inc'
include 'res.inc'
include 'winlib.inc'


SQLITE_OK          = 0    ; Successful result
; beginning-of-error-codes
SQLITE_ERROR       = 1    ; SQL error or missing database
SQLITE_INTERNAL    = 2    ; Internal logic error in SQLite
SQLITE_PERM        = 3    ; Access permission denied
SQLITE_ABORT       = 4    ; Callback routine requested an abort
SQLITE_BUSY        = 5    ; The database file is locked
SQLITE_LOCKED      = 6    ; A table in the database is locked
SQLITE_NOMEM       = 7    ; A malloc() failed
SQLITE_READONLY    = 8    ; Attempt to write a readonly database
SQLITE_INTERRUPT   = 9    ; Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()
SQLITE_IOERR       = 10   ; Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
SQLITE_CORRUPT     = 11   ; The database disk image is malformed
SQLITE_NOTFOUND    = 12   ; Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control()
SQLITE_FULL        = 13   ; Insertion failed because database is full
SQLITE_CANTOPEN    = 14   ; Unable to open the database file
SQLITE_PROTOCOL    = 15   ; Database lock protocol error
SQLITE_EMPTY       = 16   ; Database is empty
SQLITE_SCHEMA      = 17   ; The database schema changed
SQLITE_TOOBIG      = 18   ; String or BLOB exceeds size limit
SQLITE_CONSTRAINT  = 19   ; Abort due to constraint violation
SQLITE_MISMATCH    = 20   ; Data type mismatch
SQLITE_MISUSE      = 21   ; Library used incorrectly
SQLITE_NOLFS       = 22   ; Uses OS features not supported on host
SQLITE_AUTH        = 23   ; Authorization denied
SQLITE_FORMAT      = 24   ; Auxiliary database format error
SQLITE_RANGE       = 25   ; 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
SQLITE_NOTADB      = 26   ; File opened that is not a database file
SQLITE_ROW         = 100  ; sqlite3_step() has another row ready
SQLITE_DONE        = 101  ; sqlite3_step() has finished executing
; end-of-error-codes

section '.rdata' data readable
     _dbfile  db 'sqlite3.dbz', $0
     _sql_create_info_table  db 'create table if not exists t_local_filesystem_info ('
                             db 'id integer primary key autoincrement,'
                             db 'crc integer,'
                             db 'size integer,'
                             db 'attribute integer,'
                             db 'refer_count integer,'
                             db 'create_date integer,'
                             db 'modify_date integer,'
                             db 'access_date integer,'
                             db 'description text,'
                             db 'keywords text,'
                             db 'location text,'
                             db 'name text,'
                             db 'type text,'
                             db 'md5 text,'
                             db 'key text'
                             db ')', $0
     _sql_create_path_table  db 'create table if not exists t_local_filesystem_path ('
                             db 'id integer primary key autoincrement,'
                             db 'name text,'
                             db 'path text,'
                             db 'root text,'
                             db 'machine text,'
                             db 'category text,'
                             db 'description text,'
                             db 'isfolder integer,'
                             db 'issearched integer,'
                             db 'search_date integer,'
                             db 'search_count integer,'
                             db 'key_parent text,'
                             db 'key text'
                             db ')', $0
     _sql_query_insert_info  db 'insert into table t_local_filesystem_info', $0
     _sql_query_insert_path  db 'insert into table t_local_filesystem_path', $0
     _sql_query_select_info  db 'select * from t_local_filesystem_info', $0
     _sql_query_select_path  db 'select * from t_local_filesystem_path', $0
     _sql_query_delete_info  db 'delete t_local_filesystem_info where id = "%d"', $0
     _sql_query_delete_path  db 'delete t_local_filesystem_path where id = "%d"', $0
     _sql_query_update_info  db 'update t_local_filesystem_info set md5="" where id = "%d"', $0
     _sql_query_update_path  db 'update t_local_filesystem_path set md5="" where id = "%d"', $0
     _format  db '%d\n', $0
_time_format  db '%d:%d:%d.%d', $0
_date_format  db '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.%d', $0

      _title  db 'Task View', $0
    _wnd_cls  db 'TaskMgr', $0
  _rebar_cls  db 'ReBarWindow32', $0
 _listvw_cls  db 'SysListView32', $0
_toolbar_cls  db 'ToolbarWindow32', $0

section '.data' data readable writeable
     _global  dd 0
      winobj  dd 0

  bufferSize  dd $1000

section '.data?' readable writeable
      _inst dd ?

      _sqlite3 dd ?
      _sqlite3_query dd ?

    listview  dd ?
   statusbar  dd ?
     toolbar  dd ?
      parent  dd ?
       rebar  dd ?

       timer  dd ?
       hheap  dd ?
      buffer  dd ?

    fileTime  dq ?

_printbuffer  CHAR $2ff
_stringbuffer CHAR $2ff
 _seh_buffer  CHAR $300

       tbbmp  TBADDBITMAP
         sym  SYSTEMTIME
         lvc  LVCOLUMN
         lvi  LVITEM
         rct  RECT
         msg  MSG

section '.text' code readable executable
      invoke    GetModuleHandle, NULL
         mov    [_inst], eax

      invoke    InitCommonControls
        ; 注意啊,声明全局变量直接减栈指针就行,这也是最低级的操作了。
        ; Declaring a local variable defined as FINDDATA struct.
        ; The ESP register was pointto the first address of the variable.
         add    esp, not (sizeof.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX and $fffc + $3)

         mov    dword [esp + INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX.dwSize], sizeof.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX
         mov    dword [esp + INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX.dwICC], ICC_COOL_CLASSES
      invoke    InitCommonControlsEx, esp
          or    eax, eax
          jz    .Quit

        push    0
        push    [_inst]
        call    winCreate
          or    eax, eax
          jz    .Quit
         mov    [winobj], eax

        push    _title
        push    [winobj]
        call    winSetTitle

        push    Win1_OnCreate
        push    WM_CREATE
        push    [winobj]
        call    winAddEvent

        push    Win1_OnCommand
        push    WM_COMMAND
        push    [winobj]
        call    winAddEvent

        push    Win1_OnSize
        push    WM_SIZE
        push    [winobj]
        call    winAddEvent

        push    Win1_OnClose
        push    WM_CLOSE
        push    [winobj]
        call    winAddEvent

        push    SW_SHOWNORMAL
        push    [winobj]
        call    winShow
          or    eax, eax
          jz    .Quit

;        push    100
;        push    20
;        push    [winobj]
;        call    winMoveTo

      invoke    GetMessage, msg, NULL, $0, $0
          or    eax, eax
          jz    .Quit
      invoke    TranslateMessage, msg
      invoke    DispatchMessage, msg
         mov    eax, [msg.message]
         cmp    eax, WM_QUIT
          jz    .Quit
         jmp    @B

         invoke MessageBox, 0, 0, 0, 0
         mov    eax, [winobj]
          or    eax, eax
          jz    @F
        push    eax
        call    winDestroy

      invoke    ExitProcess, [msg.wParam]

        push    ebp
         mov    ebp, esp
; the sqlite3_prepare function is used to converts the query texts into a prepared_statement object.
      ;invoke    sqlite3_prepare, conn, sql, -1, _sqlite3_query, NULL
         cmp    eax, SQLITE_OK
          jz    @F
; if an error has occurred, this procedure will returned directly.
; the sqlite3_step function is used to evaluate a prepared_statement object.
      invoke    sqlite3_step, [_sqlite3_query]
; protect the returned value. this procedure will return it if the sqlite3_step 
; function have error occur.
        push    eax
; the sqlite3_finalize function is used to destroys a prepared_statement object.
      invoke    sqlite3_finalize, [_sqlite3_query]
         pop    ebx
         cmp    ebx, SQLITE_OK

        retn    8


section '.idata' import data readable writeable
  library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', \
    user32, 'user32.dll', \
    sqlite3, 'sqlite3.dll', \
    comctl32, 'comctl32.dll'

  include 'apia\kernel32.inc'
  include 'apia\user32.inc'
  include 'apia\gdi32.inc'
  include 'sqlite3.inc'
  include 'apia\comctl32.inc'


section '.res' resource data readable
; resource directory
; macro directory [type, label]
  directory RT_MENU, menus, \
      RT_GROUP_ICON, igroups, \
      RT_VERSION, versions, \
      RT_BITMAP, bitmaps, \
      RT_DIALOG, dialogs, \
      RT_ICON, icons

; resource subdirectories
; macro resource dir, [id, lang, label]
  resource menus, IDR_MENU_MAIN, LANG_ENGLISH + SUBLANG_DEFAULT, main_menu

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