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原创 PostgreSQL表/索引膨胀检测SQL

SELECT  current_database(), schemaname, tablename, /reltuples::bigint, relpages::bigint, otta,/  ROUND((CASE WHEN otta=0 THEN 0.0 ELSE sml.relpages::FLOAT/otta END)::NUMERIC,1) AS tbloat,  CASE WHEN relpages < otta THEN 0 ELSE bs*(sml.

2021-05-07 14:32:54 415 1

原创 centos8安装PostgreSQL13

1.安装PostgreSQL13dnf install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-8-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpmdnf -qy module disable postgresqldnf install -y postgresql13-server/usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb安装后bin目录

2021-04-26 10:54:22 766

原创 分享AZ-300,AZ-301教学视频

Microsoft AZ-300 Certification Course: Azure Architect Technologieshttps://learning.oreilly.com/videos/-/1018947654/continueMicrosoft AZ-301 Certification: Azure Architect Designhttps://learning.or...

2019-09-21 21:14:48 2013

原创 centos7 安装 zabbix4.2

Zabbix Server 安装1.Install Zabbix repositoryrpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.2/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-4.2-1.el7.noarch.rpmyum clean all2.Install Zabbix server, frontendyum install m...

2019-06-12 08:16:34 623

原创 AWS Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)学习笔记

Amazon SNS is a web service for mobile and enterprise messaging that enables you to set up,operate, and send notifications.Amazon SNS follows the publish-subscribe (pub-sub) messaging paradigm,withn...

2019-03-14 21:28:23 1326

原创 AWS Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF)学习笔记

Amazon SWF makes it easy to build applications that coordinate work across distributedcomponents.When using Amazon SWF, you implement workers to perform tasks.These workers can run either on cloud i...

2019-03-14 19:52:36 1170

原创 AWS Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)学习笔记

Amazon SQS is a fast, reliable, scalable, and fully managed message queuing service. Amazon SQS makes it simple and cost effective to decouple the components of a cloud application.You can use Amazon...

2019-03-13 19:40:12 1856

原创 AWS DynamoDB学习笔记

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and lowlatency performance that scales with ease.Primary KeyWhen you create a table, you must specify the primary key of ...

2019-03-13 19:14:12 1081

原创 AWS Redshift 学习笔记

Amazon Redshift is a fast, powerful, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. Amazon Redshift is a relational database designed for OLAP scenarios and optimized for high-perf...

2019-03-13 18:52:16 3905

原创 AWS Databases学习笔记

Database systems and engines can be grouped into two broad categories: Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and NoSQL (or non-relational) databases.A relational database can be categorized ...

2019-03-13 09:15:49 979

原创 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)学习笔记

IAM is a powerful service that allows you to control how people and programs are allowed to manipulate your AWS infrastructure.First, IAM is not an identity store/authorization system for your applic...

2019-02-23 23:12:27 1727

原创 AWS Auto Scaling (Amazon Auto Scaling)学习笔记

Auto Scaling is a service that allows you to scale your Amazon EC2 capacity automatically by scaling out and scaling in according to criteria that you define.Auto Scaling PlansAuto Scaling has sever...

2019-02-22 21:56:24 2504

原创 AWS CloudWatch (Amazon CloudWatch)学习笔记

Amazon CloudWatch is a service that you can use to monitor your AWS resources and your applications in real time. With Amazon CloudWatch, you can collect and track metrics, create alarms that send not...

2019-02-22 21:42:44 3148

原创 AWS Elastic Load Balancing (Amazon ELB)学习笔记

The Elastic Load Balancing service allows you to distribute traffic across a group of Amazon EC2 instances in one or more Availability Zones, enabling you to achieve high availability in your applicat...

2019-02-21 20:29:25 3192

原创 AWS Storage tiers vs Azure Storage tiers

AWSAzureAmazon S3 StandardHot storage tierAmazon S3 Standard-IACool storage tierAmazon GlacierArchive storage tierAzure Storage tiersAzure offers three storage tiers for blob o...

2019-02-16 22:26:13 220

原创 AWS Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)学习笔记

Amazon VPC is the networking layer for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), and it allows you to build your own virtual network within AWS.An Amazon VPC address range may be as large as /16 (65...

2019-02-12 21:36:20 2496

原创 AWS Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) 学习笔记

Amazon EBS provides persistent block-level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances.Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated within its Availability Zone to protect you from compone...

2019-02-11 10:05:17 1336

原创 AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 学习笔记

Amazon EC2 is AWS primary web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud.you are charged per hour while the instance is running. When you stop theinstance, you are no longer charg...

2019-02-09 16:13:14 1991

原创 centos7上安装postgresql10.0 Beta2版

1.下载安装包https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v10beta2/postgresql-10beta2.tar.gz2.解压编译tar zxvf postgresql-10beta2.tar.gzconfigureconfigure: creating ./config.statusconfig.status: creating GNUmake...

2019-02-09 12:02:21 203

原创 postgresql10 启动log追加监听ip和port

[postgres@localhost bin]$ ./pg_ctl start -D /usr/pgdata/waiting for server to start…2017-08-11 09:26:19.444 CST [4890] LOG: listening on IPv4 address “”, port 54322017-08-11 09:26:19.444 CST...

2019-02-09 12:01:17 575

原创 pg_rewind发生int型溢出(bug)

pg_rewind 9.5以及9.6版本,在file的size大于2G以上时,会发生int型溢出。unexpected result while sending file list: ERROR: value “2148022000” is out of range for type integer /* * First create a te...

2019-02-09 11:57:46 545

原创 postgresql10新增加分区表PARTITION BY

postgresql10以前版本的分区表是通过继承追加制约实现的,postgresql10新追加PARTITION BY可以直接定义list和range分区,检证如下:postgres=# CREATE TABLE test(id integer,name text) PARTITION BY LIST (id);postgres=# CREATE TABLE test_p1 PARTITIO...

2019-02-09 11:56:40 10351

原创 docker环境下搭建使用postgresql10

1.查看镜像库中postgres镜像[root@localhost ~]# docker search postgresNAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED...

2019-02-09 11:55:06 3699

原创 AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)学习笔记

Amazon S3 provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, and highly-scalable cloud storage.Common use cases for Amazon S3 storage include:Backup and archive for on-premises or cloud dataCon...

2019-02-09 11:12:36 1801 1

原创 azure认证路线以及学习资源

2019-02-09 10:16:26 20918 1

原创 AWS abbreviation

2019-02-08 11:54:16 443

原创 AWS key Services

2019-02-08 11:52:03 844

原创 亚马逊 云计算 AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional 认证攻略

由于客户开始使用AWS架构的环境,为了学习和了解更多的AWS知识,参加了AWS认证。先贴个证书。AWS认证路线:AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional 认证路线需要提醒考取认证的同学,一些分享和资料可能比较旧了,AWS认证的特点就是经常 更改考试指南和考试题,这点特别无语啊。英文版考试2019/2/4开始采用新的考试指南和考题...

2019-02-08 11:36:35 11800 3

原创 zabbix使用pg_monz模板日常监控postgresql

使用pg_monz模板 下载pg_monz2.1 https://github.com/pg-monz/pg_monz/archive/2.1.tar.gz [root@localhost ~]# tar -zxvf 2.1.tar.gz cp usr-local-etc/* /usr/local/etc cp usr-local-bin/* /usr/local/bin...

2018-08-14 16:25:02 884 3

原创 在CentOS7编译postgresql11使用JIT功能

1.查看centos版本 [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)2.查看LLVM版本。[root@localhost ~]# yum search llvm Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mir...

2018-08-14 16:21:47 1505

原创 在zabbix中使用使用pg_monz模板日常监控postgresql发生sh: psql: command not found错误

导入pg_monz模板,监控显示postgresql服务没有启动,查看agent端postgresql服务已经启动。查看zabbix-server.log查看到以下错误。 10784:20180809:183958.229 item “agent1:psql.active_connections[{PGHOST},{PGHOST},{PGHOST},{PGPORT},{PGROLE},{PGR...

2018-08-09 19:37:01 3551

原创 在zabbix中使用使用pg_monz模板日常监控postgresql的log文件

导入模板后,zabbix监控画面显示postgresql没启动,其实服务器已经启动。查看zabbix-sever.log,发现有以下错误提示。psql.active_connections[{PGHOST},{PGHOST},{PGHOST},{PGPORT},{PGROLE},{PGROLE},{PGROLE},{PGDATABASE}]” became not supported: Rec...

2018-08-09 19:25:03 665

原创 centos7 安装 zabbix-agent

1.添加源库 rpm -ivh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/3.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-3.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm2.安装** yum -y install zabbix-agent zabbix-sender3.添加开机启动 chkconfig zabbix-agent on4.修改配置文件 ...

2018-08-07 10:52:50 849

原创 centos7上安装postgresql11 Beta2版

1.下载安装包https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v11beta2/postgresql-11beta2.tar.gz2.解压编译tar -zxvf postgresql-11beta2.tar.gzconfiguremakemake install3.生成postgres组和用户[root@localhost usr]# g...

2018-08-07 10:35:32 1139

原创 docker环境下搭建使用postgresql10

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2018-08-06 20:35:00 232

原创 postgresql10新增加分区表PARTITION BY

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2017-08-16 15:39:00 1670

原创 pg_rewind发生int型溢出(bug)

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2017-08-16 09:33:00 114

原创 postgresql 在流复制模式下,WAL发生以下错误的对处方法

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2017-08-16 09:23:00 1415

原创 postgresql10 启动log追加监听ip和port

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2017-08-11 09:31:00 154

原创 centos7上安装postgresql10.0 Beta2版

开发十年,就只剩下这套架构体系了!>>> ...

2017-08-10 15:49:00 106



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