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转载 Java程序员需要了解的几个开源协议

作者: jianrc 出处: 天极网  今天工作的任务要写一些跟开源协议相关的约定说明,所以在网上搜索了一些资料以供参考,下面列出了几个比较常见的开源协议,如果想要了解其他的协议和详细了解这些协议,我个人推荐这个网址:http://www.opensource.org/licenses/  Mozilla Public License  MPL License,允许免费重发布、免费修改

2007-09-03 12:49:00 697

转载 现今最常见的若干种语言

某些语言的发展历史(和它的总体能力)很有意思。以下描述了现今最常见的若干种语言。 Ada是一种通用的高级编程语言,基于Pascal。它的开发受到美国国防部的资助,尤其适合实时及嵌入式系统。Ada强调数据抽象与信息隐藏,强制要求程序员区分每个类(class)和包(package)的公用(public)部分和私用(private)部分。选择“Ada”作为语言的名称,是为了纪念Ada Lo

2007-07-20 16:30:00 1509

原创 Goolge的Gmail使用的Javascript代码

var BrowserSupport_ = ...{    IsBrowserSupported : function() ...{        var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();        var is_op = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);        var is_ie = (agt.indexO

2007-06-29 16:57:00 1170

原创 Google的Gmail使用的Css代码

BODY {...}{    FONT-FAMILY: arial,sans-serif}TD {...}{    FONT-FAMILY: arial,sans-serif}INPUT {...}{    FONT-FAMILY: arial,sans-serif}TEXTAREA {...}{    FONT-FAMILY: arial,sans-serif}SELECT {...}{  

2007-06-29 16:53:00 1705

原创 Velocity Suite 1.2.3 for dreamweaver

http://dl2.csdn.net/down4/20070629/29155422739.rar  让Dreamweaver支持vm(即:velocity的模板)页面的插件,可以用dreamweaver的扩展管理器(Macromedia Exchange)安装。http://velocity.gilluminate.comGives full Velocity (VTL) fu

2007-06-29 15:55:00 1849

转载 Tomcat 结构概述

1.Tomcat的结构概述    Tomcat服务器是由一系列可配置的组件构成,其核心组件是Catalina Servlet容器,它是所有其他Tomcat组件的顶层容器。Tomcat的组件可以在/conf/server.xml文件中进行配置,每个Tomcat的组件在server.xml文件中对应一种配置元素.一下代码以XML的形式展示了各种Tomcat组件之间的关系:       

2007-06-10 18:54:00 1261

转载 诺顿杀毒软件没误杀 微软窃取我国家机密?

 来源: xici.net 诺顿杀毒软件“误杀”微软WIN XP操作系统正炒得沸沸扬扬,国内安全软件厂商纷纷指责诺顿犯了一个“重大的低级错误”,连诺顿自己也不得不站出来承认是“误报”。不过对于诺顿是否是“误报”,我看却有一些疑点。 诺顿只对简体中文版XP系统“误报”,并且是安装了MS06-070补丁的WIN XP,而对国外用户几乎没有影响。这不由得让人怀疑,安装了MS06- 070补丁的简

2007-06-10 16:57:00 1885 3

原创 重写alert方法完成类似gmail的友好提示

 当在网页中调用aelrt()方法的时候,系统会自动显示友好的提示方式 。下面是css样式控制代码:/**//*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//**//*以下css完成圆弧矩形*/.rno {...}{    BACKGROUND: #fad

2007-06-10 15:50:00 2556 3

原创 javascript中增加trim()方法

只需要执行一次下面的代码后,就可以象java中一样用面向对象的方式进行字符串两边空格的删除。String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,);}; 例如:var str =  "    aaa      ";alert(str.trim());结果为【aaaa】 

2007-06-10 15:37:00 846

原创 开篇


2006-10-08 15:26:00 703

Velocity Suite 1.2.3



Velocity Suite 1.2.3

让Dreamweaver支持vm(即:velocity的模板)页面的插件,可以用dreamweaver的扩展管理器(Macromedia Exchange)安装。 http://velocity.gilluminate.com Gives full Velocity (VTL) funcitonality to Dreamweaver, including the following: 1. Inserts a \"Velocity\" object with tools to automatically insert VTL code into your document. 2. Adds Velocity\'s .vm extension in DreamWeaver and associates .vm files with Dreamweaver. 3. Adds \"Velocity\" as a new document type in Dreamweaver. Also adds a Default.vm page which will open as the new document when Velocity is selected. 4. Let\'s .vm files act as thought they were .html files, including color coding, tag hints, etc. 5. Adds Third Party Tag support. 6. Adds Translators for #include and #parse, making the included file visible in the design view. Note: including multiple files within a single #include statement [i.e. #include( \"disclaimer.txt\", \"opinion.txt\" )] is not currently supported by Third Party Tags or Translators. I suggest adding this extension to your alerts on Macromedia Exchange since I am updating and revising it quite often. [Verson 1.2.3 replaces translators which were missing in 1.2.2] [Verson 1.2.2 Contains a minor bug fix in Color Coding.] [Verson 1.2.1 Contains updated support URL (velocity.gilluminate.com) and email (petethechop@gmail.com) information.] [Verson 1.2.0 added translators for #include and #parse. In other words, the content of the file included will apear in the design window.] [Verson 1.1.4 fixed a conflict with how dreamweaver handles other includes such as asp and ssi.] [Verson 1.1.3 enhanced color coding support.] [Verson 1.1.2 enhanced macro support including how the macro button on the Velocity Toolbar works as well as how Third Party Tags handle macros.] [Version 1.1.0 added Third Party Tag support which replaces VTL in design view with \"sheild\" images. For this to work properly, the final closing paren \')\' must be preceded by a space, no other closing paren can be preceded by a space. For example #set ( $foo = (4-5) ) will work, but #set ( $foo = (4-5 ) ) will break, #set ($foo = (4-5)) will also break. I have created a .dwr search query that will find velocity code that does not meet this standard and replace it with the correct spacing. see http://velocity.gilluminate.com to obtain it.] [Version 1.0.4 fixed lack of vtl tag hints and vtl code coloring missing in previous versions, to invoke code coloring you must have \"#* velocity document *#\" at the beginning of your .vm or .html document without quotes. This version also added the foreach \"loop\" button on the Velocity Toolbar missing from previous versions.] In the spirit of Open Source projects such as Velocity, if you would like to contribute to this extension or have suggestions on how to improve it, please email me petethechop@gmail.com Special thanks to Mike Kienenberger, Will Glass-Husain, Tim White, and Scott Chun for their contributions thus far. To open a new velocity document, select File > New... from the menu system, the new documents dialog will open. Select the \'Basic Page\' Category for the Velocity Document Access objects via \'Velocity\' tab inside Insert bar. See http://velocity.gilluminate.com for more information on this extension. See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity for more information on Velocity.



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