

廫榋栭偺壴壟丒懱尡斉(一个全日文小游戏) 图片文件(扩展名DET)分析及解密(原创)
可以向我索取EXE文件和IDB文件。---------- 本人QQ:330759606 ≮风々吉它≯

 int __stdcall StretchDIBits(HDC,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,const void *,const BITMAPINFO *,UINT,DWORD)
.idata:00430040                 extrn StretchDIBits:dword

;IDA中的流程缩略图关了,重打开的办法:View-Toolbars-Navigation-Graph overview

.text:0040AC3F                 mov     ebp, [esi]
.text:0040AC41                 mov     ebx, dword_43C208
.text:0040AC47                 mov     esi, [esi+0Ch]
.text:0040AC4A                 push    SRCCOPY         ; DWORD
.text:0040AC4F                 push    0               ; UINT
.text:0040AC51                 push    edi             ; BITMAPINFO *
.text:0040AC52                 mov     edx, ebx
.text:0040AC54                 push    ebp             ; CONST VOID *lpBits
.text:0040AC55                 sub     esi, ebx
.text:0040AC57 loc_40AC57:                             ; CODE XREF: DrawBitMap+ADj
.text:0040AC57                 mov     eax, dword_43CB8C
.text:0040AC5C                 mov     ecx, dword_43CB80
.text:0040AC62                 sub     edx, eax
.text:0040AC64                 lea     eax, [edx+1]
.text:0040AC67                 mov     edx, dword_43CB88
.text:0040AC6D                 push    eax             ; int
.text:0040AC6E                 sub     edx, ecx
.text:0040AC70                 inc     edx
.text:0040AC71                 push    edx             ; int
.text:0040AC72                 dec     esi
.text:0040AC73                 push    esi             ; int
.text:0040AC74                 push    ecx             ; int
.text:0040AC75                 push    eax             ; int
.text:0040AC76                 mov     eax, dword_43CB8C
.text:0040AC7B                 push    edx             ; int
.text:0040AC7C                 push    eax             ; int
.text:0040AC7D                 push    ecx             ; int
.text:0040AC7E                 mov     ecx, [esp+68h+arg_0]
.text:0040AC82                 push    ecx             ; HDC
.text:0040AC83                 call    ds:StretchDIBits               //拉伸图片
.text:0040AC89                 push    edi
.text:0040AC8A                 call    Delete



call    ds:GetDC
mov     edx, dword_4CBDD0    ;背景数据
mov     esi, eax
push    esi             ; hdc
push    edx             ; lpBit
call    SubDraw
mov     eax, hWnd
push    esi             ; hDC
push    eax             ; hWnd
call    ds:ReleaseDC

Call stack of main thread
Address    Stack      Procedure / arguments                 Called from                   Frame
0012EF50   0041E16B   Includes kernel32.CreateFileA         廫榋栭偺.0041E169                 0012F62C
0012EF54   0012EF74     FileName = "pic/mlogo.bmp"
0012EF58   80000000     Access = GENERIC_READ
0012EF5C   00000000     ShareMode = 0
0012EF60   00000000     pSecurity = NULL
0012EF64   00000003     Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0012EF68   00000080     Attributes = NORMAL
0012EF6C   00000000     hTemplateFile = NULL
0012F07C   0040C17F   廫榋栭偺.0041E120                         廫榋栭偺.0040C17A
0012F0B4   00405D48   廫榋栭偺.0040C170                         廫榋栭偺.00405D43

0041E14C   .  8B35 C0004300 mov     esi, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Creat>;  kernel32.CreateFileA
0041E152   .  6A 00         push    0                                ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
0041E154   .  68 80000000   push    80                               ; |Attributes = NORMAL
0041E159   .  6A 03         push    3                                ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0041E15B   .  6A 00         push    0                                ; |pSecurity = NULL
0041E15D   .  6A 00         push    0                                ; |ShareMode = 0
0041E15F   .  68 00000080   push    80000000                         ; |Access = GENERIC_READ
0041E164   .  8D4424 1C     lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+1C]          ; |
0041E168   .  50            push    eax                              ; |FileName
0041E169   .  FFD6          call    esi   ; CreateFile                          ; /CreateFileA
event.bmp hr.bmp logo_00.bmp logo_s_00.bmp mes.bmp mlogo.bmp name.bmp pph1_00.bmp pph2.bmp ppS1.bmp test04.bmp
test04c.bmp test04d.bmp test04e.bmp c_mink_00.bmp b201.bmp nowonsale02.bmp nowonsale01.bmp ?
重启动程序,再次跟踪CreateFile 直到出现parts.nme;

Call stack of main thread
Address    Stack      Procedure / arguments                 Called from                   Frame
0012F05C   0040C33C   Includes kernel32.CreateFileA         廫榋栭偺.0040C33A
0012F060   0043CFB0     FileName = "parts.nme"
0012F064   80000000     Access = GENERIC_READ
0012F068   00000000     ShareMode = 0
0012F06C   00000000     pSecurity = NULL
0012F070   00000003     Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0012F074   00000080     Attributes = NORMAL
0012F078   00000000     hTemplateFile = NULL
0012F0B4   00405D48   廫榋栭偺.0040C170                         廫榋栭偺.00405D43

0040C2FA   > /B8 67666666   mov     eax, 66666667
0040C2FF   .  F7EB          imul    ebx
0040C301   .  C1FA 03       sar     edx, 3
0040C304   .  8BCA          mov     ecx, edx
0040C306   .  68 B8D04300   push    0043D0B8                         ;  ASCII "parts"
0040C30B   .  C1E9 1F       shr     ecx, 1F
0040C30E   .  03D1          add     edx, ecx
0040C310   .  68 34984300   push    00439834                         ;  ASCII "%s.nme"
0040C315   .  68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                         ;  ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C31A   .  895424 2C     mov     dword ptr [esp+2C], edx
0040C31E   .  FFD7          call    edi   ;wsprintf
0040C320   .  83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C
0040C323   .  6A 00         push    0
0040C325   .  68 80000000   push    80
0040C32A   .  6A 03         push    3
0040C32C   .  6A 00         push    0
0040C32E   .  6A 00         push    0
0040C330   .  68 00000080   push    80000000
0040C335   .  68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                         ;  ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C33A   .  FFD5          call    ebp  ;createfile

Call stack of main thread
Address    Stack      Procedure / arguments                 Called from                   Frame
0012F0B4   00405D48   廫榋栭偺.0040C170                         廫榋栭偺.00405D43

0040C347   .  52            push    edx
0040C348   .  C74424 18 000>mov     dword ptr [esp+18], 0
0040C350   .  E8 3BFDFFFF   call    0040C090     ;分析文件                    ;  DEncrypt
0040C355   .  83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040C358   .  85C0          test    eax, eax     ;成功与否
0040C35A   .  7D 68         jge     short 0040C3C4
0040C35C   .  8B5C24 30     mov     ebx, dword ptr [esp+30]
0040C360   .  53            push    ebx
0040C361   .  68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                         ;  ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C366   .  E8 A5FDFFFF   call    0040C110     ;err_show
0040C36B   .  83C4 08       add     esp, 8
0040C36E   .  83FB 03       cmp     ebx, 3
0040C371   .  7D 51         jge     short 0040C3C4

跟踪call    0040C090

0040C090  /$  83EC 08       sub     esp, 8
0040C093  |.  53            push    ebx
0040C094  |.  55            push    ebp
0040C095  |.  8B6C24 14     mov     ebp, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040C099  |.  57            push    edi
0040C09A  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /pFileSizeHigh = NULL
0040C09C  |.  56            push    esi                              ; |hFile
0040C09D  |.  FF15 08014300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetFileSiz>; /GetFileSize
0040C0A3  |.  8BF8          mov     edi, eax
0040C0A5  |.  8D5F FC       lea     ebx, dword ptr [edi-4]
0040C0A8  |.  53            push    ebx
0040C0A9  |.  C74424 1C 000>mov     dword ptr [esp+1C], 0
0040C0B1  |.  E8 B75D0100   call    00421E6D                         ;  new
0040C0B6  |.  83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040C0B9  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C0BB  |.  8D4C24 10     lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]          ; |
0040C0BF  |.  51            push    ecx                              ; |pBytesRead
0040C0C0  |.  53            push    ebx                              ; |BytesToRead
0040C0C1  |.  8B1D 10014300 mov     ebx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadF>; |kernel32.ReadFile
0040C0C7  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |Buffer 文件内容
0040C0C8  |.  56            push    esi                              ; |hFile
0040C0C9  |.  8945 00       mov     dword ptr [ebp], eax             ; |
0040C0CC  |.  FFD3          call    ebx                              ; /ReadFile
0040C0CE  |.  6A 00         push    0                                ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C0D0  |.  8D5424 10     lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+10]          ; |
0040C0D4  |.  52            push    edx                              ; |pBytesRead
0040C0D5  |.  6A 04         push    4                                ; |BytesToRead = 4
0040C0D7  |.  8D4424 1C     lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+1C]          ; |
0040C0DB  |.  50            push    eax                              ; |BUFFER 解密号
0040C0DC  |.  56            push    esi                              ; |hFile
0040C0DD  |.  FFD3          call    ebx                              ; /ReadFile
0040C0DF  |.  8B4D 00       mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp]             ;  new address
0040C0E2  |.  51            push    ecx
0040C0E3  |.  8D57 FC       lea     edx, dword ptr [edi-4]
0040C0E6  |.  8D4C24 1C     lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
0040C0EA  |.  E8 21FFFFFF   call    0040C010                         ;  通过文件内容算出加密号
0040C0EF  |.  8B4424 14     mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040C0F3  |.  8B4C24 1C     mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
0040C0F7  |.  83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040C0FA  |.  3BC1          cmp     eax, ecx                         ;  比较两个加密号
0040C0FC  |.  5F            pop     edi
0040C0FD  |.  5D            pop     ebp
0040C0FE  |.  5B            pop     ebx
0040C0FF  |.  74 07         je      short 0040C108       
0040C101  |.  83C8 FF       or      eax, FFFFFFFF                     ;出错
0040C104  |.  83C4 08       add     esp, 8
0040C107  |.  C3            retn
0040C108  |>  8BC2          mov     eax, edx                          ;加密号位置
0040C10A  |.  83C4 08       add     esp, 8
0040C10D  /.  C3            retn




0040C3F0   >  8B53 F8       mov     edx, dword ptr [ebx-8]
0040C3F3   . |035424 14     add     edx, dword ptr [esp+14]          ;  取下一个OBJ
0040C3F7   . |68 A8CE4300   push    0043CEA8                         ;  ASCII "mlogo.bmp"
0040C3FC   . |52            push    edx                              ;  NME中的文件名
0040C3FD   . |E8 EF5F0100   call    004223F1                         ;  Find Obj
0040C402   . |83C4 08       add     esp, 8
0040C405   . |85C0          test    eax, eax                         ;  0:found
0040C407   . |0F85 B9000000 jnz     0040C4C6
0040C40D   . |68 B8D04300   push    0043D0B8                         ;  ASCII "parts"
0040C412   . |68 3C984300   push    0043983C                         ;  ASCII "%s.det"
0040C417   . |68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                         ;  ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C41C   . |FFD7          call    edi                              ; wspintf
0040C41E   . |83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C
0040C421   > |6A 00         push    0
0040C423   . |68 80000000   push    80
0040C428   . |6A 03         push    3
0040C42A   . |6A 00         push    0
0040C42C   . |6A 00         push    0
0040C42E   . |68 00000080   push    80000000
0040C433   . |68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                         ;  ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C438   . |FFD5          call    ebp                              ; open this file
0040C43A   . |6A 00         push    0                                ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
0040C43C   . |8BF8          mov     edi, eax                         ; |
0040C43E   . |8B43 FC       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebx-4]           ; |
0040C441   . |6A 00         push    0                                ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
0040C443   . |50            push    eax                              ; |OffsetLo
0040C444   . |57            push    edi                              ; |hFile
0040C445   . |FF15 0C014300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFilePoi>; /SetFilePointer
0040C44B   . |8B33          mov     esi, dword ptr [ebx]
0040C44D   . |56            push    esi
0040C44E   . |E8 1A5A0100   call    00421E6D                         ; new
0040C453   . |83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040C456   . |6A 00         push    0                                ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C458   . |8D4C24 2C     lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]          ; |
0040C45C   . |51            push    ecx                              ; |pBytesRead
0040C45D   . |56            push    esi                              ; |BytesToRead
0040C45E   . |8BE8          mov     ebp, eax                         ; |
0040C460   . |55            push    ebp                              ; |Buffer
0040C461   . |57            push    edi                              ; |hFile
0040C462   . |FF15 10014300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>] ; /ReadFile
0040C468   . |57            push    edi                              ; /hObject
0040C469   . |FF15 D0004300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CloseHandl>; /CloseHandle

要么是OBJ对象。要么是全局变量。所以需要跟踪 call    004223F1

0040C4C6   > /8B4424 18     mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+18]
0040C4CA   .  8B4C24 20     mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+20]
0040C4CE   .  40            inc     eax
0040C4CF   .  83C3 14       add     ebx, 14
0040C4D2   .  3BC1          cmp     eax, ecx
0040C4D4   .  894424 18     mov     dword ptr [esp+18], eax
0040C4D8   .^ 0F8C 12FFFFFF jl      0040C3F0

这说明信息并不是通过call 4223f1来得到的,而只是简单的一一对应方式。

mblog.bmp是parts.nme中的第6个,按0算,就是5*14h=64h; 14h一定是BMP的信息结构。


0040C40D   .  68 B8D04300   push    0043D0B8                   ;  ASCII "parts"
0040C412   .  68 3C984300   push    0043983C                   ;  ASCII "%s.det"
0040C417   .  68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                   ;  ASCII "parts.det"
0040C41C   .  FFD7          call    edi
0040C41E   .  83C4 0C       add     esp, 0C
0040C421   >  6A 00         push    0
0040C423   .  68 80000000   push    80
0040C428   .  6A 03         push    3
0040C42A   .  6A 00         push    0
0040C42C   .  6A 00         push    0
0040C42E   .  68 00000080   push    80000000
0040C433   .  68 B0CF4300   push    0043CFB0                   ;  ASCII "parts.det"
0040C438   .  FFD5          call    ebp                        ;CreateFile
0040C43A   .  6A 00         push    0                          ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
0040C43C   .  8BF8          mov     edi, eax                   ; hFile
0040C43E   .  8B43 FC       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebx-4]     ; 定位点 28f9d
0040C441   .  6A 00         push    0                          ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
0040C443   .  50            push    eax                        ; |OffsetLo
0040C444   .  57            push    edi                        ; |hFile
0040C445   .  FF15 0C014300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetF>; /SetFilePointer
0040C44B   .  8B33          mov     esi, dword ptr [ebx]       ; SizeOfFile 7179
0040C44D   .  56            push    esi
0040C44E   .  E8 1A5A0100   call    00421E6D                   ; new
0040C453   .  83C4 04       add     esp, 4
0040C456   .  6A 00         push    0                          ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C458   .  8D4C24 2C     lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]    ; |
0040C45C   .  51            push    ecx                        ; |pBytesRead
0040C45D   .  56            push    esi                        ; |BytesToRead
0040C45E   .  8BE8          mov     ebp, eax                   ; |
0040C460   .  55            push    ebp                        ; |Buffer
0040C461   .  57            push    edi                        ; |hFile
0040C462   .  FF15 10014300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Read>; /ReadFile
0040C468   .  57            push    edi                        ; /hObject
0040C469   .  FF15 D0004300 call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Clos>; /CloseHandle

struct BmpVerData //加密的BMP数据
DWORD  SizeOfBmpFile





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


