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原创 Undefined symbols for architecture i386 error when compiling siphon for iphone simulator

Undefined symbols for architecture i386"_CFHostCreateWithName", referenced from:  _pj_getaddrinfo in libpj-arm-apple-darwin9.a "_CFHos

2011-10-09 11:53:11 3627 1

原创 Build libicu for iphone

从http://site.icu-project.org/ 下载icu,解压到icu目录。在当前目录创建空目录hostbuild,进入hostbuild目录,运行sh ../icu/source/runConfigureICU MacOSX.mkdir hostbuild

2011-08-31 11:13:51 2636 1

转载 使用Makefile自动编译iPhone程序

博主:易飞扬原文链接 : http://www.yifeiyang.net/iphone-development-advanced-4-use-the-makefile-to-compile-iphone-program-automatically/转载请保留上面文字。

2011-08-30 23:35:12 1278

转载 MacOSX配置基于Makefile的工程

如果您有基于makefile的工程,也可以在编译和连接命令中加入恰当的选项,来利用交叉开发的优势。接下来的部分将对此进行描述。选择开发用的OS SDK为了在makefile中选择SDK,需要在工程的编译和连接命令中加入恰当的选项,即为编译器加入-isysroo

2011-08-30 23:25:14 4031

原创 Build libfreetype libtiff libjpg libpng libproj for iphone

build libfreetype:下载 freetype:http://www.freetype.org/,解压运行./configure --prefix=/usr/local/iphone --host=arm-apple-darwin --enable-s

2011-08-30 10:25:47 1355

转载 调试 configure--当程序不能编译时怎么办

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-debcon/现在许多开放源代码的程序都会附带有 configure 脚本。这种脚本的用途之一是自动进行对目标新系统的猜测过程。在过去,程序会附带一个 Makefile 文件,这

2011-08-29 00:31:07 1812

转载 Autoconf和Automake,自动生成Makefile

http://hi.baidu.com/%B1%B1%B7%E7%B1%B1%B5%C4%D6%ED/blog/item/fc6ed618d6f5518586d6b6a6.html  GNU make允许将一个软件项目的代码分开放在不同的源文件里,有改动的时候可以只对改动的文

2011-08-28 18:43:46 980

转载 cross-compiling for iPhone dev

http://robertcarlsen.net/2009/07/15/cross-compiling-for-iphone-dev-884Update: Proof-of-concept demo. Also, updated the script for buildi

2011-08-28 15:33:42 1038

转载 iPhone Programming Tips: building Unix software

The NDA that was part of the agreement between Apple and registered iPhone developerswas lifted yesterday. Not an hour had gone by befor

2011-08-28 13:12:41 673

转载 地理信息技术——平民化时代的来临(一)


2011-08-15 15:01:14 744

原创 Win7 Paimei 安装

Paimei是什么? 一个反向工程的框架,框架使用Python语言。可以从 http://www.openrce.org/downloads/download_file/208 或者 http://code.google.com/p/paimei/下载,解压即可. Paimei的整个安装配置过程是比较繁琐的,并且项目也有段时间没有更新了,很多是针对Python旧版本。 预先条件

2011-06-27 17:33:00 5633

原创 如何读取APK中的签名信息

PackageManager pckMan = getPackageManager(); String issuerDN = null; String subjectDN = null; String publickey = null; boolean isSystemApp = false;

2011-06-01 15:48:00 2545

原创 Only 64-bit build environments are supported beyond froyo/2.2

Build Android代码时发生错误:build/core/main.mk:77: You are attempting to build on a 32-bit system.build/core/main.mk:78: Only 64-bit build environments are supported beyond froyo/2.2.解决如下(-表示删除行,+表示添加行):1、修改build/core目录下的main.mk文件,修改策略为:ifeq ($(BUILD_OS),linux) b

2011-04-02 17:39:00 2091

原创 Android NDK Download Links

<br />Android SDK 3.0<br />--Windows<br />http://dl.google.com/android/installer_r10-windows.exe<br />http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r10-windows.zip<br />--Mac OS X(intel)<br />http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r10-mac_x86.zip<br />--Linux

2011-03-11 14:13:00 1555

原创 Android 打包so动态库文件到APK

有时由于项目需要使用JNI来调用.so文件,需要将so文件一起打包到APK文件中,这有两种方法:1. 使用mm命令和Android SDK源代码一起编译。在project根目录创建一个Android.mk,文件内容如:LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := userLOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files) LOCAL_PACKAGE_N

2011-03-09 13:07:00 23933 15

原创 Android应用实现文件关联


2011-03-02 14:50:00 3119

转载 Reverse Engineering and Debug Tools

This is a list of more or less known open-source projects useful for all kinds of reverse engineering, code behavior analysis, binary forensics, debugging and so on. I wanted to create a comprehensive list that includes very basic tools, but also some uniq

2011-01-26 16:08:00 1065

原创 How to use Pageheap.exe in Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003

SUMMARYThis article describes how to use the Page Heap tool (Pageheap.exe) in Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows Server 2003. MORE INFORMATIONPageheap.exe sets page heap flags that help to find heap-related corruption. It c

2010-11-17 16:39:00 1050

原创 How to debug Windows services

SUMMARYThis step-by-step article describes how to debug a Windows service by using the WinDbg debugger (windbg.exe). To debug a Windows service, you can attach the WinDbg debugger to the process that hosts the service after the service starts, or you can c

2010-11-17 16:37:00 1424

转载 Partitioning Concepts

http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b32024/partition.htmPartitioning enhances the performance, manageability, and availability of a wide variety of applications and helps reduce the total cost of ownership for storing large amounts of d

2010-11-17 16:04:00 1107

转载 单点登录(SSO)的核心--kerberos身份认证协议技术参考(三)

<br />http://chnking.cnblogs.com/archive/2006/03/12/348622.aspx1.1.1        长期非对称密钥: Public Key<br />当前,在微软的Kerberos身份验证的实现,存储在智能卡上的公钥证书只有长期的非对称公钥。1.1.2        短期对称密钥: Session Keys<br />用于票据授权票(TGT)和服务票据(service ticket)session keys的session keys是短期的、只是用于会话或

2010-11-17 15:58:00 1830

转载 单点登录(SSO)的核心--kerberos身份认证协议技术参考(二)

<br />http://www.cnblogs.com/chnking/archive/2006/03/08/346054.html<br /> 二、        Kerberos V5身份验证协议如何工作<br />Kerberos V5身份验证协议(RFC 1510定义),提供一个在开放的、潜在不安全的网络环境中验证主体身份的方法。这一节讨论RFC标准的Kerberos V5在Windows Server 2003如何使用<br />这节分为以下四个子章节:<br />l         Kerbe

2010-11-17 15:53:00 1440

转载 单点登录(SSO)的核心--kerberos身份认证协议技术参考(一)

<br />http://www.cnblogs.com/chnking/archive/2006/03/07/344506.html<br /> <br />微软Windows Server 2003操作系统实现Kerberos 版本5的身份认证协议。Windows Server 2003同时也实现了公钥身份认证的扩展。Kerberos身份验证的客户端实现为一个SSP(security support provider),能够通过SSPI(Security Support Provider Interfa

2010-11-17 15:50:00 1399

原创 关于字符集

在计算机中字符通常并不是保存为图像,每个字符都是使用一个编码来表示的,而每个字符究竟使用哪个编码代表,要取决于使用哪个字符集(charset)。在最初的时候,Internet上只有一种字符集——ANSI的ASCII字符集,它使用7 bits来表示一个字符,总共表示128个字符,其中包括了英文字母、数字、标点符号等常用字符。之后,又进行扩展,使用8 bits表示一个字符,可以表示256个字符,主要在原来的7 bits字符集的基础上加入了一些特殊符号例如制表符。后来,由于各国语言的加入,ASCII已经不能满足信

2010-11-17 15:33:00 543

原创 SQL Server 分页方法

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY AddressID) AS RowNumber,* FROM testSELECT TOP pagesize * FROM test<br />WHERE AddressID > (SELECT MAX(AddressID) FROM ( SELECT TOP pagesize*(page-1) AddressID FROM test ORDER BY AddressID ) PRE) ORDER BY AddressIDSELECT T

2010-09-17 09:45:00 469

转载 如何在VMWare Workstation虚拟机中安装Mac OS(整理)

先做好准备工作,把需要用的东西下载齐全VMWare Workstation 7.1,下载一个trial版http://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/VMWare WorkStation 7注册机http://cid-f53bac5e04cdd4b7.office.live.com/self.aspx/Public/MacOS/vmware7keygen.rarCPU-Z用于查看你的CPU是否支持VT-x,MMX,SSE等,要在虚拟机上安装Mac OS需要机器支持硬件

2010-09-15 19:18:00 2419

原创 Ubuntu下安装SSH,VNC和FTP服务

安装配置SSH服务:sudo apt-get install openssh-serverUbuntu缺省安装了openssh-client,所以在这里就不安装了,如果你的系统没有安装的话,再用apt-get安装上即可.然后确认sshserver是否启动了:ps -e |grep ssh如果只有ssh-agent那ssh-server还没有启动,需要/etc/init.d/ssh start,如果看到sshd那说明ssh-server已经启动了。ssh-server配置文件位于/ etc/ssh/sshd_

2010-07-27 08:53:00 2206

转载 Partitioned Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2005

<br />http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345146.aspx<br /> <br />Kimberly L. Tripp<br />Founder, SQLskills.com<br />January 2005<br />Applies to:<br />   SQL Server 2005<br />Summary: Table-based partitioning features in SQL Server 2005 provide flex

2010-07-14 10:48:00 941

原创 Media Foundation Programming--Video Format Conversion

<br /> <br />//-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />//<br />// Conversion functions<br />//<br />//-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />__forceinline BYTE Clip(int clr)<br />{<br />   

2010-06-01 23:32:00 966

转载 Media Foundation Programming--Image Stride

<br />When a video image is stored in memory, the memory buffer might contain extra padding bytes after each row of pixels. The padding bytes affect how the image is stored in memory, but do not affect how the image is displayed.<br />The stride is the num

2010-06-01 23:27:00 988

原创 Media Foundation Programming--Enumerate the video or audio device

<br />Define a device parameter struct:<br /> <br />struct ChooseDeviceParam<br />{<br />    IMFActivate **ppDevices;    // Array of IMFActivate pointers.<br />    UINT32      count;          // Number of elements in the array.<br />    UINT32      selecti

2010-06-01 23:00:00 1355

原创 How to create HBITMAP from WICBitmapSource

// Creates a 32-bit DIB from the specified WIC bitmap.HBITMAP CreateHBITMAP(IWICBitmapSource * ipBitmap){    // initialize return value    HBITMAP hbmp = NULL;    // get image attributes and che

2010-05-28 16:39:00 1838

转载 Source Insight 教程

Source Insight实质上是一个支持多种开发语言(java,c ,c 等等)的编辑器,只不过由于其查找、定位、彩色显示等功能的强大,常被我们当成源代码阅读工具使用。作为一个开放源代码的操作系统,Linux附带的源代码库使得广大爱好者有了一个广泛学习、深入钻研的机会,特别是Linux内核的组织极为复杂,同时,又不能像windows平台的程序一样,可以使用集成开发环境通过察看变量和函数,甚

2010-05-21 15:17:00 738

转载 Improve Scalability With New Thread Pool APIs

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163327.aspxRobert SacconeCode download available at: VistaThreadPools2007_10.exe (175 KB) <a id="ctl00_MTContentSelector1_mainContentContainer_ctl01" onc

2010-05-17 23:27:00 1413

转载 Network Programming with IOCP and Thread Pool – Intro

http://www.youngwriting.nethttp://www.youngwriting.net/blog/?paged=14These days, I’m playing with network programming with IOCP and Thread Pool just for pure fun. :) After several days of reading

2010-05-17 23:22:00 1145

转载 Drill Into .NET Framework Internals to See How the CLR Creates Runtime Objects

Hanu Kommalapati and Tom Christian This article discusses: SystemDomain, SharedDomain, and DefaultDomain Object layout and other memory specifics Method table layout Method dispatc

2010-05-07 14:43:00 3510

转载 Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework

http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/WindowsAPICodePackWindows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access some features of Windows 7 and Windows

2010-04-28 17:23:00 1743

转载 Configuring Microsoft Reference Source Server for VS

Set Up the Symbols Path:a. Launch Visual Studio 2008.b. From the Tools menu, choose Options.c. In the Options dialog box, open the Debugging node and select General         a. Clear Enable Just My

2010-02-02 18:27:00 579

转载 A Beginner's Guide to Creating a MMORPG

This article will focus on the first steps in building your own Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG). Its target is the indie game developer, with limited resources and experience.

2010-01-20 16:45:00 1115

原创 Android x86 ISO tips

Alt+F1切换Console,Alt+F7切换到GUI,Console下有BusyBox工具包和开发工具.关机和重启:切换到Console, 关机:/sbin/poweroff -f,重启:/sbin/reboot -f.安装到硬盘,首先硬盘安装Grub,可以iso放到一个Grub认识的分区里(FAT或EXT2/3),例如(hd0,1),然后在Grub的conf里增加引导条目如下:m

2009-08-18 16:22:00 1400




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