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2006-06-30 17:13:00 5803

原创 MODEM使用什么协议?

最早的调制解调器可以追溯到1958年由AT&T公司推出的数据电话, 用于将终端设备与远地的主机连接起来。这种Modem的技术标准称为Bell103,它采用了简单的调频技术FSK(Frequency Shift Keying),仅提供300bps的传输速度。CCITT根据Bell103颁布了一个类似的技术标准V.21。此后,调制解调技术发展缓慢,直到70年代才出现第二个较有影响的Modem标准:AT

2006-06-30 16:43:00 3246

转载 怎样规划你的工程师生涯

 我今年39岁了, 25岁研究生毕业,工作14年,回头看看,应该说走了不少的弯路,有一些经验和教训。现在开一个小公司,赚的钱刚够养家糊口的。看看这些刚毕业的学生,对前景也很迷茫,想抛砖引玉,谈谈自己的看法,局限于理工科的学生,我对文科的不懂,身边的朋友也没有这一类型的。   91年研究生毕业,那时出路就是1种:留在北京的国营单位,搞一个北京户口,这是最好的选择。到后来的2~3年内,户口落听了,又分

2006-06-30 11:39:00 1342 2

转载 C89和C99标准对比

GCC 支持C99,通过 --std = c99命令行参数开启。 例如:gcc --std = c99 test.c    1、增加restrict指针  C99中增加了公适用于指针的restrict类型修饰符,它是初始访问指针所指对象的惟一途径,因此只有借助restrict指针表达式才能访问对象。restrict指针指针主要用做函数变元,或者指向由malloc()函数所分配的内存变量。res

2006-06-30 11:19:00 6581 5

转载 孙鑫VC++讲座笔记

孙鑫VC++讲座笔记-(2)C++(转) 1, c语言中,结构体struct中不能包括函数的,而在C++中struct中可以包括函数。2,C++中结构体和类可以通用,区别主要表现

2006-06-29 15:25:00 2460

转载 Windows API 函数大全

1. API之网络函数             WNetAddConnection 创建同一个网络资源的永久性连接             WNetAddConnection2 创建同一个网络资源的连接             WNetAddConnection3 创建同一个网络资源的连接             WNetCancelConnection 结束一个网络连接            

2006-06-29 14:24:00 3404

转载 线程池

#ifndef  _THREADPOOLMODLE_H_#define  _THREADPOOLMODLE_H_#include #include using std::vector;class ThreadPoolModle{    friend DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam);    struct ThreadInfo    {        D

2006-06-27 16:30:00 1020

转载 fdef


2006-06-27 09:20:00 972

转载 数字电视原理和应用

全面认识数字电视之基本知识关键词: 数字电视                                           世界通信与信息技术的迅猛发展将引发整个电视广播产业链的变革,数字电视是这一变革中的关键环节。伴随着电视广播的全面数字化,传统的电视媒体将在技术、功能上逐步与信息、通信领域的其它手段相互融合,从而形成全新的、庞大的数字电视产业。这一新兴产业已经引起广泛的关注,

2006-06-27 09:20:00 2142

转载 数字电视原理和应用

全面认识数字电视之基本知识关键词: 数字电视                                           世界通信与信息技术的迅猛发展将引发整个电视广播产业链的变革,数字电视是这一变革中的关键环节。伴随着电视广播的全面数字化,传统的电视媒体将在技术、功能上逐步与信息、通信领域的其它手段相互融合,从而形成全新的、庞大的数字电视产业。这一新兴产业已经引起广泛的关注,

2006-06-27 09:20:00 2757 1

转载 CAsyncSocket,CSocket内幕及其用法

关键词: CAsyncSocket,CS                                           〖文章转载或出处〗≡中国电子技术信息网≡ 网址:www.CETINet.com Socket API,CAsyncSocket,CSocket

2006-06-27 08:56:00 2361

原创 EMC小知识

http://www.emchome.net/message.php?action=view&commentid=3848 电磁兼容(EMC)小小家EMC  Electro Magnetic Compatibility即電磁兼容的意思,也就是說一種設備在一個有著其它設備的環境中工作時,該設備既不產生幹擾信號影響其它設備的工作,同時也能抵制其它設備產生的幹擾信號影響。EMC分為EMI和EMS兩部

2006-06-22 17:27:00 1127

原创 如何向水晶报表的子报表中添加 页头和页脚

http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2005103.asp http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2014229.asphttp://support.businessobjects.com/search/results.asp

2006-06-14 18:14:00 1767

advanced programming in the unix environment II

unix 环境高级编程II 源代码 作者:Stephen A.Rago


Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment II

Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics, examples, and applications to recent releases of popular implementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it does all this while retaining the style and taste of the original classic."--Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks, Inc."One of the essential classics of UNIX programming."--Eric S. Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keeping true to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples of their use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for when programming across different UNIX system implementations and points out how to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX 1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version 3."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyone writing programs for a UNIX system. It's the first book I turn to when I want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces. Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate newer operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X while keeping true to the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. It will always have a place right next to my computer."--Dr. Benjamin Kuperman, Swarthmore CollegePraise for the First Edition"Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment is a must-have for any serious C programmer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarity of explana-tion are unmatched."--UniForum Monthly"Numerous readers recommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley), and I'm glad they did; I hadn't even heard of this book, and it's been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy, and the first few chapters have been fascinating."--Open Systems Today"A much more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can be found in Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realistic examples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do."--RS/Magazine"This is the definitive reference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to the original."--Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working GroupFor over a decade, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment. Now, Stevens' colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technical advances and add support for today's leading UNIX and Linux platforms.Rago carefully retains the spirit and approach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens' work, he begins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes, carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O.Substantial new material includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC), and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four of today's most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux 2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybrid underlying Apple's Mac OS X 10.3.As in the first edition, you'll learn through example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you've learned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, each fully updated for contemporary environments.Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment has helped a generation of programmers write code with exceptional power, performance, and reliability. Now updated for today's UNIX/Linux systems, this second edition will be even more indispensable.



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