跟我写ANYDUL之Anydul klog module implement

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跟我写ANYDUL之 Anydul Log SImple Log Utility Implement

  1. Every Project owns it's log utility tool(for example Nginx), the same as ANYDUL, this section I will introduce Anydul Simple log utility implement. (Note: these papers about ANYDUL implement can help u guys to learn C programming and Oracle Database although I'm also learning how to write code now.)
   2. There are two features in this simple log utility. One is a buffer sized with 2048, So it can reduce output operations; the second it flushes every 2 seconds by registering alarm signal.
   3.  Source Code.
         3.1 klog.h
[billi@slc04kwh kernel]$ cat klog.h
 * =====================================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2013, Bin Li, Anydul
 *           Filename: klog.h
 *    Description: Kernel Log Utility Header 
 *            Version: 1.0
 *           Revision: none
 *             Author: Bin Li (billi) billi.x.lee@gmail.com
 *       Organization: Anydul, Inc.
 *           Modified: (MM/DD/YY)
 *            Bin Li    05/27/13  - Creation
 * =====================================================================================
#ifndef _KLOG_H
#define _KLOG_H
#include <ks.h>

#define KLOG_BUFSIZE    2048

typedef struct _klog klog;
struct _klog
        FILE* file; //log file pointer
        sb1*  buf;  //log buffer
        ub4   len;  //current length of log buffer

 *  kernel log utility initialize and destory funtions
 *  klog_init  -> initialize log utility
 *  klog_free  -> destroy log utility
klog* klog_init(const sb1* name);
void  klog_free();

 *  kernel log utility operation functions
 *  klog_write -> write message to log buffer
 *  klog_flush -> flush log buffer
 *  klog_close -> close log utility
void  klog_write(klog* log, const sb1* fmt, ...);
void  klog_flush(klog* log);
void  klog_close(klog* log);

     3.2 klog.c
[billi@slc04kwh kernel]$ cat klog.c
 * =====================================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2013, Bin Li, Anydul
 *     #      #    #  #     #  # #     #     #  #
 *    # #     # #  #   #   #   #   #   #     #  #
 *   #   #    #  # #    # #    #    #  #     #  #
 *  # # # #   #    #     #     #   #   #     #  #
 * #       #  #    #     #     # #     # # # #  # # # #
 *       Filename:  klog.c
 *    Description:  Kernel Log Utility Implement
 *        Version:  1.0
 *       Revision:  none
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  Bin Li (billi), billi.x.lee@gmail.com
 *   Organization:  Anydul, Inc.
 *       Modified:  (MM/DD/YY)
 *        Bin Li      05/27/13 - Creation
 * =====================================================================================
#include <klog.h>

static klog syslog;  /* system log utility */

 * log utility functions
 * timestamp    -> get current timestapm
 * signal_flush -> register signal for flush system log every 2 seconds
static ub4  timestamp(sb1* buf);
static void signal_flush(int signo);

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  klog_init
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
klog* klog_init(const sb1* name)
        FILE* f;

        syslog.buf = calloc(KLOG_BUFSIZE, sizeof(sb1));
        if(NULL == syslog.buf)
                return NULL; //if allocate memory failed for log buffer, return NULL

        f = fopen(name, "w");

        if(NULL == f)
                syslog.file = stdout; //set it to console if can't open given name
                syslog.file = f;

        syslog.len = 0;
        signal(SIGALRM, signal_flush); //register flush functions

        return &syslog;

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  klog_free
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
void klog_free()
        klog_close(&syslog); // close system log
        free(syslog.buf);    // free log buffer

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  klog_write
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
void klog_write(klog* log, const sb1* fmt, ...)
    sb1 buf[KLOG_BUFSIZE];
    va_list args;
    ub4 s = 0, len = 0;

    memset(buf, 0x00, KLOG_BUFSIZE);
    if(log == &syslog){
        s = timestamp(buf);
    va_start(args, fmt);
    len = vsnprintf(buf + s, KLOG_BUFSIZE - 1, fmt, args);

    if(s + len + log->len >= KLOG_BUFSIZE - 1){

    memcpy(log->buf + log->len, buf, strlen(buf));
    log->len += len + s;

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  klog_flush
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
void klog_flush(klog* log)
    if(log->len > 0){
        fprintf(log->file, "%s", log->buf);
        log->len = 0;
        memset(log->buf, 0x00, KLOG_BUFSIZE);

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  klog_close
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
void klog_close(klog* log)
        if(log->file != NULL && log->file != stdout)

static ub4 timestamp(sb1* buf)
    time_t t;
    ub4 len;
        struct tm* now;

    t = time(NULL);
    now = localtime(&t);
    len = snprintf(buf, KLOG_BUFSIZE - 1, "[%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] ", now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_mon + 1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec);
    return len;

static void signal_flush(int sig)
        printf("alarm flush start...\n");
      3.3 test case: klog_test.c
 * =====================================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2013, Bin Li, Anydul
 *     #      #    #  #     #  # #     #     #  #
 *    # #     # #  #   #   #   #   #   #     #  #
 *   #   #    #  # #    # #    #    #  #     #  #
 *  # # # #   #    #     #     #   #   #     #  #
 * #       #  #    #     #     # #     # # # #  # # # #
 *       Filename:  klog_test.c
 *    Description:  
 *        Version:  1.0
 *       Revision:  none
 *       Compiler:  gcc
 *         Author:  Bin Li (billi), billi.x.lee@gmail.com
 *   Organization:  Anydul, Inc.
 *       Modified:  (MM/DD/YY)
 *        Bin Li      05/21/13 - Creation
 * =====================================================================================
#include <klog.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  main
 *  Description:  
 * =====================================================================================
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
        const sb1* str = "testcase.sh";
        FILE* f = fopen(str,"r");
        sb1 buf[1024];

        if(NULL == f)
                return 1;

        klog *log = klog_init("klog_test.log");
        if(NULL == log)
                return 1;

        sb1* ptr = NULL;
        while((ptr = fgets(buf, 1023, f)) != NULL)
                klog_write(log, "%s", ptr);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
}                               /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */
  4.  Run test case

    4.1 test case framework
[billi@slc04kwh test]$ tree
|-- Makefile
|-- core
|-- kernel
|   `-- klog_test.c
|-- net
|-- os
|-- sql
`-- testcase.sh

5 directories, 3 files
   4.2 Run test case
gcc -O3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 ../source/kernel/*.c -I. -I../source/core -I../source/kernel -I../source/net/
ar rcs  libanydul.a *.o
rm -rf *.o
gcc -O3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 kernel/*.c -I. -I../source/core -I../source/kernel -I../source/net/
[********** Run Test Cases For Module core **********]
    There is none test case now...
[********** Run Test Cases For Module kernel **********]
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...
alarm flush start...

    Run Test Case klog_test

[********** Run Test Cases For Module net **********]
    There is none test case now...
[********** Run Test Cases For Module os **********]
    There is none test case now...
[********** Run Test Cases For Module sql **********]
    There is none test case now...
rm -rf *.o
  5. klog_test.log
[2013-05-27 07:20:39] #!/bin/bash
[2013-05-27 07:20:40] 
[2013-05-27 07:20:41] curdir=`dirname $0`
[2013-05-27 07:20:42] curdir=`cd $curdir; pwd`
[2013-05-27 07:20:43] 
[2013-05-27 07:20:44] # Make all test cases
[2013-05-27 07:20:45] #make -f Makefile
[2013-05-27 07:20:46] 
[2013-05-27 07:20:47] modules=`ls $curdir`
[2013-05-27 07:20:48] 
[2013-05-27 07:20:49] for module in $modules
[2013-05-27 07:20:50] do
[2013-05-27 07:20:51]   if [ -d "$curdir/$module" ]; then
[2013-05-27 07:20:52]           echo "[********** Run Test Cases For Module $module **********]"
[2013-05-27 07:20:53]           testes=`ls $curdir/$module`
[2013-05-27 07:20:54] 
[2013-05-27 07:20:55]           if [ -z "$testes" ]; then
[2013-05-27 07:20:56]                   echo "    There is none test case now..."
[2013-05-27 07:20:57]                   continue;
[2013-05-27 07:20:58]           fi
[2013-05-27 07:20:59] 
[2013-05-27 07:21:00]           for test in $testes
[2013-05-27 07:21:01]           do
[2013-05-27 07:21:02]                   name=`echo $test | sed 's/\.c//g'`
[2013-05-27 07:21:03]                   gcc -g -o $curdir/$name $curdir/${name}.o -L$curdir -lanydul
[2013-05-27 07:21:04]                   $curdir/$name
[2013-05-27 07:21:05]                   echo ""
[2013-05-27 07:21:06]                   echo "    Run Test Case $name"
[2013-05-27 07:21:07]                   echo ""
[2013-05-27 07:21:08]                   if [ -f "$curdir/$name" ]; then
[2013-05-27 07:21:09]                           rm -rf $curdir/$name $curdir/${name}.o
[2013-05-27 07:21:10]                   fi
[2013-05-27 07:21:11]           done
[2013-05-27 07:21:12]   fi
[2013-05-27 07:21:13] done
  6. 附 ks.h header file
 * =====================================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2013, Bin Li, Anydul
 *           Filename: ks.h
 *    Description: Kernel System Header 
 *            Version: 1.0
 *           Revision: none
 *             Author: Bin Li (billi) billi.x.lee@gmail.com
 *       Organization: Anydul, Inc.
 *           Modified: (MM/DD/YY)
 *        Bin Li    05/27/13  - Support Linux System
 *            Bin Li    05/27/13  - Creation
 * =====================================================================================
#ifndef _KS_H
#define _KS_H

/* Import Standard C Header File */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>

#ifndef ORATYPES 
/* Kernel Variable Type Define */
typedef char               sb1;
typedef short              sb2;
typedef int                sb4;
typedef long long          sb8;
typedef unsigned char      ub1;
typedef unsigned short     ub2;
typedef unsigned int       ub4;
typedef unsigned long long ub8;
typedef int            boolean;
typedef char              bool;

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0
#define min(a, b)           ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define bit(var, bit)       ((var) & (bit) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define bit_set(var, bit)   (var |= bit)
#define bit_clear(var, bit) (var &= ~(bit))
#define offset(s, m)        (size_t)&(((s*)0)->m)

Continue  next section kmm  kernel memory manage module....
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